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  • For Marta Harnecker, here are the values:

    author ID: 186
    login: martaharnecker
    nicename: martaharnecker
    term ID: 390

    The post ID that this coauthor should be linked with is 393. When I search for this post ID in terms_relationships–>object_id, I get the following term_taxonomy_id’s. I’ve listed their relationships in parentheses:

    3 (post type), 11 (category), 37 (category), 388 (tag-chavez), 389 (author-chavez), 390 (tag-harnecker), 391 (author-harnecker)

    The only difference with the repeated authors is that one is an author and the other is a tag. So, term 390 has the values:

    name: Marta Harnecker
    slug: martaharnecker

    And term 391 has the values:

    name: martaharnecker
    slug: martaharnecker-2

    This is because for all posts we made sure to add the author names as tags as well as coauthors, in case something like this happened. Regardless, this coauthor should be linked with this post but it is not.

    One other thing I should mention, though it should not matter, is that I do not use the default prefix.


    This is definitely not the problem I’m having. As you can see from an export of my users, the nicenames and usernames for nearly all of the authors match.

    Further, I tried synchronizing the “nickname” (not “nicename” since those were all the same) to the username for several authors to see if they would show up on their respective posts. They did not. Here is one example:

    The second author should be “Marta Harnecker” but it does not show up, even after editing the author.

    The only problem that I see is with the “MR webmaster”—the account I use to login and edit pages. Now, this user login and nicename do not match. But because there is a space in the login (username) and because I cannot change the username, the two cannot be matched since the nicename cannot have spaces. If this is the reason why the coauthors are messed up on all of my posts, I’m going to need a better fix than what you suggest.

    BTW, here are my answers to your questions in the other post on this issue (

    For a post that is missing its authors, are you able to reassign authors?

    Yes, but see below on the number of posts this affected.

    Are there any patterns as to which posts are missing authors? Are they older posts or newer posts? Have you updated them recently?

    Absolutely none that I could find. As you can see by this screenshot, where authors are missing it is totally random:
    I have not updated any of these posts recently.

    How many total posts have been affected?

    I would estimate about 250. They are all of the same custom post type. There is an unusual amount of “ok posts” when I sort by date, but it still appears to be totally random.

    What is this hooked into?

    functions.php for my theme. I’m just generating shortcodes and then altering the byline of my articles using the Hybrid theme (actually, the Prototype theme that uses the Hybrid framework.

    Have you written custom code for this author listing?

    I’m not sure what you mean, but not for this author listing in particular. I simply add the aforementioned shortcodes in the appropriate places.

    Here is one post:

    It should have one author, which is correct. In the back end, no authors exist. The “edited by” is inserted in accordance with my custom shortcode (displayed in the other forum post cited above). When you click on the name, a bunch of duplicates come up.

    This other post should have three authors:
    But as you can see in this picture, there are no authors in the backend, as above:

    View post on

    I have the same issue and have posted more details in this thread, since it highlights another problem with the update.

    When I disabled the plugin the authors showed up but they already did in the front end anyway. The also show up in the backend with coauthors plus disabled but once enabled, they disappear from the back end, and only one author appears (as before).

    One thing that I noticed is that this appears only to affect the authors of my custom posts. However, these are the only posts that have multiple authors.

    Here is the various shortcut code that I use in case it might be helpful.

    /* Custom shortcode */
    	add_shortcode( 'mr-coauthor-link-inline', 'mr_coauthor_inline_shortcode' );
    	function mr_coauthor_inline_shortcode() {
    		global $post;
    		$isedited = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'Editors', true );
    		$contributor = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'Contributor', true );
      	if ( function_exists('coauthors_posts_links') && !empty( $isedited ) && !empty( $contributor ) )	{
      		coauthors_posts_links(', ', '<em>' . $contributor . '</em> ', ' <em>' . $isedited . '</em> <span class="coauthors-yarp ed-contrib">' , '</span>' );
      	else if ( function_exists('coauthors_posts_links') && !empty( $isedited ) )	{
      		coauthors_posts_links(', ', ' and ', ' <em>' . $isedited . '</em> <span class="coauthors-yarp ed">' , '</span>' );
    	else if ( function_exists('coauthors_posts_links') && !empty( $contributor ) )	{
      		coauthors_posts_links(', ','<em>' . $contributor . '</em> ', ' <em>by</em> <span class="coauthors-yarp contrib">' , '</span>' );
    	else if ( function_exists('coauthors_posts_links') && empty( $isedited ) )	{
    		coauthors_posts_links(', ', ' and ', ' <em>by</em> <span class="coauthors-yarp">' , '</span>' . $contributor );
    	else if (!function_exists('coauthors_posts_links'))	{
    	add_shortcode( 'mr-coauthor-link', '
    	function mr_coauthor_shortcode() {
    		global $post;
    		$isedited = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'Editors', true );
    	  	$contributor = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'Contributor', true );
      	if ( function_exists('coauthors_posts_links') && !empty( $isedited ) && !empty( $contributor ) )	{
      		coauthors_posts_links(', ', '<em>' . $contributor . '</em> ', ' <div class="byline"><em>' . $isedited . '</em> <span class="coauthors">' , '</span>' );
      	else if ( function_exists('coauthors_posts_links') && !empty( $isedited ) )	{
      		coauthors_posts_links(', ', ' and ', ' <div class="byline"><em>' . $isedited . '</em> <span class="coauthors">' , '</span>' );
    	else if ( function_exists('coauthors_posts_links') && !empty( $contributor ) )	{
      		coauthors_posts_links(', ', '<em>' . $contributor . '</em> ', ' <div class="byline"><em>by</em> <span class="coauthors">' , '</span>' );
    	else if ( function_exists('coauthors_posts_links') && empty( $isedited ) )	{
    		coauthors_posts_links(', ', ' and ', ' <div class="byline"><em>by</em> <span class="coauthors">' , '</span>' . $contributor );
    	else if (!function_exists('coauthors_posts_links'))	{

    I just realized I have this same problem. To boot, the authors are missing in the back end for nearly all of my posts! I cannot even find any systematic reason for why this happened. Aside from creating short codes for coauthors in some places, the only additional code I have for coauthors plus is the following:

    function add_pagination_to_author_page_query_string($query_string){
    	   if (isset($query_string['author_name'])) $query_string['post_type'] = array('post', 'books' , 'attachment');
    	   return $query_string;

    This simply makes sure that coauthors attached to my custom post type, “books,” appear in author post listings.

    This really sucks. Only the first author appears now on the actual post but the if there were any coauthors have, they have vanished. In addition, when I fixed one of my posts (which had no authors listed) by adding the author and coauthor, the author listing only brought up that individual post—even though I know this author has many posts, and not just custom “books” posts, which is what I edited.

    same problem here.

    i can’t believe you finally figured this out. this has been a problem for me for at least a year. what a pain.

    Thread Starter Jamil Jonna


    as an action.

    add_action( "{$prefix}_open_main", 'mr_time' );

    i’m using the hybrid theme framework. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I do have “Late init. Display cached files after WordPress has loaded. Most useful in legacy mode.” checked in Advanced.

    Thread Starter Jamil Jonna


    So actually slogged through the documentation (which needs updating) and have been trying to use the mfunc but to no avail. Here is the function I created in my plugin (just a set of custom actions for my site):

    function mr_time() {
    		$d = "date( 'l F jS, Y, g:i a (T)' )";
    		$cd = '<!--mfunc ' . $d . ' -->';
    		$datec = date( 'l F jS, Y, g:i a (T)' ) . '<!--/mfunc-->';
    		$date = '<div class="todays-date">' . $cd . $datec . '</div>';
    		echo $date;

    The uncached page works correctly. Cached versions show nothing. I’ve tried the quotation marks in all sorts of configurations since the date in mfunc renders otherwise.

    Any help is much appreciated.

    Thread Starter Jamil Jonna


    To those that had the same issue—or thing they did—the problem is confusion, not the plugin. However, I really think the installation directions could be much clearer.

    What is unclear form the instructions is that one need not enter the root domain at all. And making a domain “primary” simply means that it will be used, not that you must inform the plugin of the root domain (clearly, others were confused by this as well).

    In my case, I simply had to set ‘’ to “Primary” and this had the effect of remapping ‘’ to ‘’: precisely what I wanted.

    Thanks for the great plugin. Hopefully you can improve the directions. A clearer example would do the trick.

    @ron: see what I mean?

    I have the same problem as @electricdesk.

    as you suggested, I disabled all plugins and that had no effect. i also tried adding the plugin to a fresh install on another domain i manage—also did not work with the same misbehavior. and this *is* the developer version, as i indicated.

    @ron I was using the development version. I don’t believe what I was describing is fixed even in the development version. Unless there is something odd with my server setup but I tend to think not. It is in the root directory and as I said before, I have WHM access so I made sure the DNS settings were correct. I also tried a wide variety of other settings just in case (e.g., with and without the asterisk A-name entry).

    @tdright That said, I guess I should be moving domain_mapping.php out of the plugin the ‘wp-domain mapping…” folder and into ‘plugins’? Why? It doesn’t say to do so in the documentation.

    Hi, my settings are still not saving, even with the most recent development version.

    The Domain Mapping page words fine—I can enter my IP or CNAME and the settings stick. But when I try to add my primary domain, it does not work. Even adding with PHPmyAdmin does not allow my main domain to be “primary”, though I can add the primary domain, which cannot be done through the plugin.

    I have access to WHM and I added the A-name entry. I also changed the settings in every way imaginable. If there is any way I can contribute to testing, please let me know.

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