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  • Rich ‘elfin’ Pedley – YOU ARE A STAR. Thank you so much.

    That’s what happened to me. I could still see the site though and everything was intact – blog posts, pages etc. It was all still there but I couldn’t access the admin panel. Is your site still showing as normal?

    I’m no expert at all but I had 2 options… Try the manual install or start from scratch.

    (UNLESS… does your host have a back-up of your site that they can revert you back to?)

    So, I downloaded ALL the files in the root folder (httpdocs or public_html – whatever yours maybe called) using an FTP programme, and then backed up my database. The database again maybe something you need to ask your host to do if you don’t have Control Panel Access to your server.

    I then downloaded WP3, deleted the existing wp-admin and wp-includes folders from my server, but leaving wp-content as it was, and did the manual install.

    So long as I had a back-up before I did it – although it wasn’t great. I knew I could put it back as it was. It’s a scary process I know. :0/

    Hi Arian

    I found this:

    Hope it helps. Good luck.

    Hi Guys

    I shall answer my own question here and hope that it helps someone.

    I did the WordPress Automatic Upgrade to 3.0 (and had successfully done it 3 times before). This time I got:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function set_current_screen()in /var/www/ on line 129

    Basically the install got stuck at the admin.php file in the wp-admin folder.

    Luckily the website was still intact but the WP Admin error was gone.

    I followed the instructions from ‘esmi’ (above) and opted for the ‘Upgrade Manually’.

    I backed up the site as it was and the MySQL Database (using PHP MyAdmin) – which you really should do before updating your WordPress. Which I didn’t!!!

    Basically, I then download WordPress 3.0 and removed the wp-content folder (because you don’t want to overwrite your Plug-ins or Themes etc). I then logged on to the server using an FTP programme called Fetch (as I use Mac) and:

    1. Deleted the folders: wp-admin and wp-includes
    2. I uploaded all the WordPress 3.0 files – EXCEPT for wp-content (leave that as it is as it contains important files for your site).
    3. Once uploaded I went back to: It asked me to Upgrade my Database – which I did. Said it was successful and PHEW.

    All was back to normal.

    A huge lesson learnt about not backing up the site and database and checking with the host first that it’s safe to upgrade.

    I was lucky in his case and I hope the above helps at least someone in the future.


    Hi. I have the same problem as jsbarry.

    Can someone explain a fix in simple terms please.

    The error is: httpdocs/wp-admin/admin.php on line 129

    Can’t access the Admin area. The site is still there but what is the solution without being overly techy please?

    Any help MUCH APPRECIATED. :0)

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