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Sorry at the moment this is not possible at the moment however maybe you can other wordpress plugin eg.
Add this to your css:
.w-blog-post-meta{ display:none!important; }
Where can I view the datepicker. I couldn’t find it on the page provided.
I know you mentioned trying this but now switch to the default theme and try options at Events > Settings > Formatting > Calendar > Default event list ordering? or modify calendar template at wp-content/plugins/events-manager/templates/templates/calendar-full.php
to use templates:
search line<td class=”<?php echo $class; ?>”>
then below this line you can sort<?php ksort($cell_data[‘events’]); ?>
another useful link: is not available out of the box and would require custom coding. To get an idea and get started, you can follow the documentation located here
at the moment you can try to use custom mysql query to make this work using your hosting cpanel > phpmyadmin and then make sure you backup first table wp_em_bookings before using sql truncate command or query to delete the entries or content of the bookings table.
Did you already add google map key under events > settings > formatting > maps > enable Google Maps integration =Yes and then put google map key under ‘Google Maps API Browser Key’
So you are asking about a method to add a booking without them having to visit the site? You’d need to make sure you have the Offline payment gateway enabled, then click the Add Booking link on the Edit Event page.
Do you mean you want to exclude that event category?
Perhaps this snippet will solve your issue:
function my_em_wp_query(){
$args = array(
‘post_type’ => ‘event’,
‘posts_per_page’ => 100,
‘meta_query’ => array( ‘key’ => ‘_start_ts’, ‘value’ => current_time(‘timestamp’), ‘compare’ => ‘>=’, ‘type’=>’numeric’ ),
‘orderby’ => ‘meta_value_num’,
‘order’ => ‘ASC’,
‘meta_key’ => ‘_start_ts’,
‘meta_value’ => current_time(‘timestamp’),
‘meta_value_num’ => current_time(‘timestamp’),
‘meta_compare’ => ‘>=’
);// The Query
$query = new WP_Query( $args );// The Loop
$id = $query->post->ID;
echo ‘- ‘;
echo get_the_title($id);
echo ‘ – ‘. get_post_meta($id, ‘_event_start_date’, true);
echo ‘
endwhile;// Reset Post Data
note: modify if neededApologies for this issue. Which is the category exactly that is giving you problems? If you try recreating it does this issue still occur?
Hello, I’m sorry you’re running into trouble. At what part of the tutorial did you get stuck? Perhaps we can help get you back on track.
Thanks for sending in this question. Are you able to link me to the page in question that you would like to style?
Apologies that you’re having this issue. If you switch to the default WP theme, are you still having this problem?
Perhaps this is what you are looking for:
<?php echo $EM_Event->output('#_ATT'); ?>
- ‘;