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  • Thread Starter jordicasanueva


    Dear dbhynds,
    thank you very much for your feedback! finally what I did was to stop calling the scripts through wp_enqueue_scripts or others and place the call of the javascripts in the footer.

    When I did this, it all started to work and now the images are lazy loading. If I have another question, I will write.

    If you have any aditional advice on this matter I will be very grateful.

    Thank you very much,


    Thread Starter jordicasanueva


    Thank you dbhynds, for your reply. Unfortunately it doesn’t show any type of Javascript error in the console.
    It only shows errors when I activate the “Enable script-based tagging -and then the images start to show, but as a consequence of the plugin not working-.

    The errors were the following:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: L is not defined

    I have uploaded my site now, here you can see it.

    I am not sure what I am missing in order to make it work, but additionally I have activated all the options from the plugin in different combinations, as well as changing the Jquery scripts positions and nothing has changed.

    Thank you very much for your help.

    Talk to you soon.

    Thread Starter jordicasanueva


    Thank you very much John,
    I did not have the Javascript code inserted in my template. Now is working well.

    Thank you for your support.

    Thread Starter jordicasanueva


    Thank you John,
    I do not have the link to the page because I am working locally, I can send you pictures if you need it. Please tell me what I can do to fix this problem, because the shortener for links and post’s text are not working in this case.

    Here is the ‘system info’:

    Site URL: https://localhost:8888/proyecto-b
    Home URL: https://localhost:8888/proyecto-b
    WordPress Version: 4.2.2
    PHP Version: 5.5.10
    Web Server Info: Apache
    PHP allow_url_fopen: Yes
    PHP cURL: Yes
    JSON: Yes
    SSL Stream: Yes

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    Custom Facebook Feed: 2.3.5
    Duplicate Post: 2.6
    Page Links To: 2.9.6

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    Access Token:
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    Page Type: page
    Number of Posts: 1
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    Locale: es_LA
    Timezone: America/Santiago

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