Forum Replies Created
We have a bug in the creation of sites on the Multisite Network.
I created a simple text field for “Site Name”.
If the user types in the field defined for “Site Name” a phrase with spaces, the site is not created.
Example: If the user types “My Subsite” the subsite is not created. To work it needs to type “mysubsite” to work.
The plugin should create an automatic rule to remove spaces and transform everything to lowercase letters to avoid errors.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce] MercadoPago marketplaceTambém estou com essa mesma necessidade. Outros plugins já est?o fazendo isso. é o caso do Wirecard, por exemplo,
Olá @carlosramosweb !
Para agradar todos você poderia colocar nas configura??es do Admin uma op??o para obrigar ou n?o a sele??o de bandeiras. Como a @raisaguedes disse… o importante é vender ??
Eu editei o seu código e retirei a necessidade de sele??o de bandeiras… está funcionamento bem para mim..
Que quiser fazer a mesma coisa basta excluir as linhas 198,199,200,201 e 229 do aquivo woo-payment-on-delivery.php
Ou seja, excluir
if (empty($flagcard_indicated)) { wc_add_notice( __('Erro! Para fazer seu pedido, selecione uma bandeira.', 'woo-payment-on-delivery') . $error_message, 'error' ); return; } else {
N?o esquecer de excluir o fechamento da condi??o “}” na linha 229
Grande abra?o!
Olá @fernando1599)! Pois é…poderia tanto ser opcional né…mas vamos esperar pra ver ??
Olá! Desculpe incomodar. Você acha que isso seria possível na próxima atualiza??o? Desde já obrigado!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Payment On Delivery for WooCommerce] Erro quando o Troco é para 100,00Olá!
Sim. Estou com a última vers?o.I was able to solve it like this:
In onesignal-utils.php I change the function:
public static function is_admin_user() { // Only administrators are allowed to do this, see: // return current_user_can('delete_users'); }
public static function is_admin_user() { // Only administrators are allowed to do this, see: // return current_user_can('activate_plugins'); }
In a multisite network the “delete_users” capability is only allowed for super admin.
I believe that ‘activate_plugins’ is the best option. If the user can activate a plugin then it can also change their settings …
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PWA for WP & AMP] OneSignal and wordpress multisite supportHello!
I was looking forward to the next update to use your plugin along with onesignal, as you mentioned above.
The update arrived, but compatibility with onesignal in changelog was not reported.
I see a “OneSignal Compatibility” button in the advanced settings of your plugin since the latest versions. This is not working, right? At least not for me …
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post to Social Media - WordPress to Hootsuite] Erro Post TypeI was able to solve the above problem.
But you are now returning the following message:cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10002 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Super Progressive Web Apps] OneSignal on a multisite network.Ok. Thank you! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Super Progressive Web Apps] OneSignal on a multisite network.Hello!
I’m sorry, but do you already have a solution for onesignal and multisite? Your plugin is fantastic! but I still can not use it for this reason.
JosimarForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Progressive WordPress (PWA)] Error onesignal in multisiteHello!
I tested the new version. But you have the same problem.
When your plugin is activated as active network in multisite it becomes incompatible with onesignal.It works in both cases below:
1) Onesignal enabled site by site (not network active) with your PWA plugin also site by site is running normally.
2) Onesignal active network with its PWA plugin also active network is working normally.
3) Onesignal active network with its PWA plug-in enabled site by site (not active network) is working normally.
It is not working in the case below:
4) Onesignal enabled site by site (not active network) with its PWA active network plugin in multisite is not working. Throws the whole site down.
Whoever works with wordpress multisite usually, for business reasons, needs to work with some active network plugins and other site by site. So it is important your plugin to work in all cases mentioned above.
I think it’s going to be easy for you to identify the problem now.
Kind regards,
Josimar CordeiroForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Progressive WordPress (PWA)] Error onesignal in multisiteThank you!
Before you upgrade I activated site by site (not active network) and it worked too.
But with the upgrade now it will get better!Thanks for the excellent support!
It worked for me. Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Claudio Sanches - PagSeguro for WooCommerce] Split Payment no pagseguroOlá @ricardocmartin!
A equipe de desenvolvimento do pagseguro pediu para eu n?o compartilhar a documenta??o. Mas vou mandar uma mensagem para eles agora pedindo essa autoriza??o.
De qualquer forma você pode obter a documenta??o enviando uma mensagem para eles através do link
No meu projeto eu vou utilizar juntamente com o plugin DOKAN (MarketPlace).
Qual é o seu projeto?A ideia de desenvolver de forma colaborativa é interessante sim.
Eu até já consegui um desenvolvedor para realizar o projeto para mim, mas o valor, a princípio, ficou um pouco fora do meu or?amento atual.Abs,