Jo Waltham
Forum Replies Created
Is there an estimate of when version 1.14.8 will be released?
I have another website on a different web host and I’ve just tested Forminator PayPal payment and it works OK. I’m wondering if the web host is filtering something out?
There are submissions there with transaction IDs but if I click the link to that transaction I get
We are not able to find this transaction ID. Can you please check and try again later.
If I then search for the transaction ID in my business (receiver) Paypal account or personal (customer) account I get “sorry no results found”.
It was all working up until Christmas. Whatever has changed has changed in the last three weeks.
Yes sorry I had deleted the API credentials to stop form submits on that page because people thought they had made a donation when in fact it wasn’t sending payment and that was causing confusion.
I’ve set up a test site – the form is on the home page (second block).
The paypal live and sandbox credentials are entered (ours not our clients) and the forms works except once Paypal payment is completed no money transfers! Nothing is debited from my personal Paypal account and nothing arrives at my business paypal account.
No error message. So it looks like everything is OK and I receive the email to say a submission has been submitted but no money changes hands.
This test site is similar to the client’s site in terms of hosting and theme but this test site has only a few plugins installed.
Turns out this is an issue with the Genesis Connect for WooCommerce plugin, not PWB. See ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Thumbnails Slider] Bug found & fixedHi
This bug has a bigger impact on variable products. On one of our websites where there is a variable product and no gallery images, when you try and select the variation the Add to Basket button does not become active and it does not show the price, therefore the product cannot be purchased.
If we add gallery images to the product then the functionality works as expected.
Thanks for highlighting the bug @mintstone or we never would have been able to find a work around for our variable products!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Perfect Brands for WooCommerce] Sub-brand filter bug?Hi
I’ve been looking into this, and I think the issue is due to a tax_query using slugs.
In classes\class-perfect-woocommerce-brands.php function pwb_brand_filter( $query ) (Line 81) if I change
$query->set('tax_query', array( array ( 'taxonomy' => 'pwb-brand', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $terms_array ) ));
$term_ids = array(); foreach( $terms_array as $term_slug ) { $term = get_term_by( 'slug', $term_slug, 'pwb-brand' ); $term_ids[] = $term->term_id; } $query->set('tax_query', array( array ( 'taxonomy' => 'pwb-brand', 'field' => 'term_id', 'terms' => $term_ids ) ));
Then we don’t get the fatal error and get the right results.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: What does this do ?php the_title();?Usually you would add the h2, etc, tags and other headings in the content of the page using the page editor.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Oblique] Replace footer in a child themeMy apologies, I suggested something without testing first. Yes you are on the right track. What we need to do is add the remove action to a hook slightly earlier.
I’ve tested this locally and it works for me:
function custom_oblique_footer_credits() { echo 'My custom text'; } add_action( 'oblique_footer', 'custom_oblique_footer_credits' ); function remove_oblique_footer_credits() { remove_action( 'oblique_footer', 'oblique_footer_credits' ); } add_action( 'get_footer', 'remove_oblique_footer_credits');
I’m using the earlier hook
to run a function (remove_oblique_footer_credits) that then runs the remove_action on the oblique_footer hook.I hope that makes sense and works for you! Do let me know.
JoForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Oblique] Replace footer in a child themeTo remove the original function you need
remove_action( 'oblique_footer', 'oblique_footer_credits' );
This can be placed under the
add_action( 'oblique_footer', 'my_oblique_footer_credits' );
line.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Oblique] Replace footer in a child themeYou can change the name of your function to something unique. For example:
/** * Footer credits */ function my_oblique_footer_credits() { echo 'My custom text'; } add_action( 'oblique_footer', 'my_oblique_footer_credits' );
Above I added my_ to the beginning of the function name and changed the second argument in the add_action to use the new function.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: I need find a theme for wordpressIt looks like it is this theme
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: What does this do ?php the_title();?the_title()
is a function that displays the title of the current page or post.To change this title you need to edit the page or post and change the text in the very first field at the top, under Edit Page text and above the permalink.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Migrating to new host, but same domainWhat you can do is edit the hosts file on your local computer. This will mean your computer will resolve the domain name to the new IP address, that you set in this file, and you will see the new website on your computer only.
Please see