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  • Thread Starter jowe


    Huh. I deactivated a few plugins (Aside Shop and Quick Flickr Widget) and it was fine again. Rectivated them both and the site is still fine. Weird.

    Marking as resolved. Thanks for the tip!

    The […] is added because there are more than 55 characters in the article and no custom excerpt. You can fix this by either (1) adding a custom excerpt for each post or (2) eliminating the […] – though I don’t know where that would be off the top of my head.

    More at: the Codex

    Thread Starter jowe


    Yes! Thank you so much! I knew there was a way to define these sorts of things but I didn’t know how! functions.php! Of course.

    And I agree- I’d like to see it in the core… I think if we’re gonna have in_category(), we should have an equivalent for tags.

    Again, thanks so much Otto.

    Thread Starter jowe


    I saw that in the codex last night… and I’m reconsidering. I was just hoping to not have to deal with anything other than top-level categories (eg. News, Sports, Features, etc.).

    I hacked around some more last night and left it with if($posttags == Array) since that’s what get_the_tags() was printing for that post. Currently, I don’t have any other posts with tags, so that worked fine. But I know there has to be a way to do what I want.

    I was thinking of possibly using Custom Fields. I know I will end up having some of those anyway (for Issue/Volume information), so I’m gonna have to deal with it eventually.


    Thread Starter jowe


    Alright, I did some snooping around and I think I’m getting closer.

    I think I should be using get_the_tags(). But the thing is, it’s still not working. I then tried to echo what get_the_tags() was giving me (for a post that had a tag) and it printed “Array.” The tag is called breaking. Here’s my updated code (including my test to echo what get_the_tags() is spitting out).

    <?php // If the post is breaking news, insert the last time it was updated
    $posttags = get_the_tags();
    echo "$posttags"; // what the heck is get_the_tags printing??
    if($posttags == 'breaking') { // if tag is 'breaking'
    echo "This breaking story was last updated on";
    post_updated('F jS, Y \at h:i:s A', 0, '', '');
    } else { // if not a breaking story, just print the date
    the_time('F jS, Y');
    } ?>

    Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

    Hey, not sure what’s going on there, but I found this in the sticky posted about image/gallery problems:

    3. Clear your browser cache, restart your browser. Do it twice. Browser caches can be persistent little things. Also remove any files from the /wp-content/uploads/js_cache directory on your site. This may fix problems with the visual editor as well.

    Worth a try, I suppose.

    Good luck!


    Thread Starter jowe


    Gah sorry for double posting… didn’t know you could not edit posts.

    Here’s the php:

    <div id="navigation">
    <!-- <li><a href="<?php bloginfo('home'); ?>">Home</a></li> -->
    <?php wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&title_li=&depth=1'); ?></ul>
    <?php if(is_page() && wp_list_pages("child_of=".$post->ID."&echo=0")) { ?>
    <div id="childnavigation">
    <?php wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=".$post->ID."&sort_column=menu_order");?>

    (I have removed the home page code because I am using a static home page)

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Roadmap ?
    Thread Starter jowe


    ugh… lol- thanks for the fast reply NuclearMoose. Much appreciated. I’ll make sure to keep an eye on that page… keep up the good work! woohoo!

    I’m having this problem with 1-07 from 1.2.2, same error, “Fatal error: Call to undefined function: __() in /xxx/wordpress/wp-admin/admin-functions.php on line 857” I suppose I’ll try the 1-04 build and see if it will work for me, since that’s what seems to be the latest working one for upgrading from 1.2.2.

    EDIT:This worked, though I recieved an error “Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/b2l0740/public_html/wordpress/wp-settings.php on line 97” which I’ll probably figure out how to fix and hopefully be fine with the upgrade.

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