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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPC Fly Cart for WooCommerce] Removing a productHi,
Well, this issue is just a “little letter” missing concerning the french translation.
For the string “%s was removed.”, the french translation must be “%s a été supprimé.”, and not:
“% a été supprimé.”Perhaps it could be helpful for french users of this great plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPC Fly Cart for WooCommerce] Setting quantityHello,
Thanks for your quick answer.
Ok, I will check an update.Best regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce] Default imageHi pluginswoo,
It seems that I talked too quickly … Issue came back, and I don’t know how.
To deactivate “Use transients cache” in “Variation Swatches for WooCommerce” do not solve the issue for returning on default image when resetting a variation choice.
I follow your advice, I deactivated your 2 plugins, and now, it works: default product image is displaying when I reset variation.
If I activate only “Variation Swatches for WooCommerce”, it works.
I, now, I activate “Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce”, it does NOT work: the last image stay displayed.
This test had been done with the same state for these plugins: super cache activated, and autoptimize also activated.
Doing the same tests with supercache and autoptimize deactivated and purged, give the same result.
That’s what I can say for helping to track this issue …
Thanks for your attention.Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce
Best regardsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Super Cache] No Caching?Hi Donncha,
About email, it’s quite strange:
sometimes (very rarely), I receive an email “Preloading may have stopped.” as subject and “Preloading has been restarted.” as content, with a link: mydomain.tld/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wpsupercacheBut, most of time, nothing when preload starts or is finished.
However, I created a email account “[email protected]”Perhaps an issue with the cron of my hoster (I don’t use the wordpress cron), I don’t known if SuperCache waits a cron instance for sending email. For other things, my cron works well.
Not very important, as Super Cache works with wordpress 5.4.2 and php 7.3.number-I-forgot
Anyway, Thanks for your answer.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce] Default imageHello,
Thanks for your answer.
Well, It seems related with “Variation Swatches for WooCommerce”.
And to be more precise, with the transient cache.Since I deactivated it in “Variation Swatches for WooCommerce”, no problem: the “generic” image is reloaded if variation choice is cleared.
I opened a topic on the forum of “Variation Swatches for WooCommerce”:
topic about transient cacheSo, if we disable this feature, several things works better, especially the reloading of the default image, and the ability to have a link towards a precise variation.
That said, your 2 plugins are really well done and are very useful. Thanks !
Best regards
Hello Xootix,
Many many thanks for your work, your help and your plan for implementing this within a next release !
Have a good day and take care !
You’re right, it’s not advisable …
But sometimes we can’t avoid it, and I known, some work when the plugin is updated !
Have a good day.Hello,
Perhaps not very clean, but you an add into templates/xoo-wl-form.php, before the submit button, this kind of input:
<div style=”margin-bottom: 1.5em;”>
<p style=”font-size: 0.9em;”><input type=”checkbox” required name=”terms”>I agree to give my email address …..</p>
</div>Hope this can help you.
Best regards
I noticed that sitemaps are coming back when you switch to another tab (within the “search console” section), and then you come back to the sitemap tab.
Rank Math team will be able to give you a more professional explanation, but as for me, I think it’s just a “refresh” issue, no more.
My 2 cents …Best regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Super Cache] Next Update For The PluginHello,
It works with WordPress 5.4.2, but does not send email when preloading and refresh this preload.
Best regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Super Cache] No Caching?Hello,
You should refresh the stats.
Did you test the good working with tab “Essential” > “test of cache” ?
Did you test preload ?With wordpress 5.4.2, it works except sending mail.
Best regards
It seems not fully compatible with 5.4.2
Cache works but no mail sent : zero notification (start and end of preload, cleanup of cache…).Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce] Loadind slick.woffHello,
Thanks for your answer.
I solved the issue with preloading this font (which I use elsewhere) in header.php:
<link rel=”preload” href=”/wp-content/themes/mytheme/css/fonts/slick.woff” as=”font” type=”font/woff” crossorigin=”anonymous”>
So, slick.woff is loaded early and google is happy.
Best regardsHello,
OK, thank you !
Have a good dayHello,
It works for a page, a post, a product, but NOT for a product category.
I’d just tried for these 4 types of publications and for a product category, Rank Math does not see that the keyword “boucles d’oreilles” is IN the title of the publication:
In General / Basic SEO, there is this error:
Le mot clé principal n’appara?t pas dans le titre SEOIn another term: “The main keyword does not appear in the SEO title”
My tests:
In the title of product-cat, if I add a space after “boucles d’oreilles” (as this “boucles d’oreilles “), the keyword is immediately detected.
If I remove this space, at the end, the keyword remains detected. So, I wait few seconds, and I save the product category.And as soon as it is saved (so without the space: “boucles d’oreilles” for the title), the keyword — boucles d’oreilles — is no more detected and SEO score is … low.
Another time: FOR the product categories only.
Strange.Thanks a lot if you have any tips for this issue.
Best regards