Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Attached Image Captions adding 10pxi posted a plugin solution in this thread. Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 10px added to width in image captions?instead of hacking the core, a simple plugin should do the trick. try this for size. install in the normal way.
<?php /** * @package FixImageMargins * @author Justin Adie * @version 0.1.0 */ /* Plugin Name: FixImageMargins Plugin URI: # Description: removes the silly 10px margin from the new caption based images Author: Justin Adie Version: 0.1.0 Author URI: */ class fixImageMargins{ public $xs = 0; //change this to change the amount of extra spacing public function __construct(){ add_filter('img_caption_shortcode', array(&$this, 'fixme'), 10, 3); } public function fixme($x=null, $attr, $content){ extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'id' => '', 'align' => 'alignnone', 'width' => '', 'caption' => '' ), $attr)); if ( 1 > (int) $width || empty($caption) ) { return $content; } if ( $id ) $id = 'id="' . $id . '" '; return '<div ' . $id . 'class="wp-caption ' . $align . '" style="width: ' . ((int) $width + $this->xs) . 'px">' . $content . '<p class="wp-caption-text">' . $caption . '</p></div>'; } } $fixImageMargins = new fixImageMargins(); ?>
can you raise your query at please. i’m happy to help out (i’m the author of PDO for WP)
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Running wordpress on schools php server – Database?krezyle
i’m the author of the PDO for wordpress plugin. please feel free to contact me at the site and i’ll do my best to assist you.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Top-level category page to show all categoriesactually we ended up with a neater solution than a permalink so do check out BRPS’ link above for the full discussion and solution.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Top-level category page to show all categoriesi would plug the category rewrite rules something like this
<?php /* Plugin Name: CategoryOverview Plugin URI: Description: redirects a blank category name to an overview page Author: Justin Adie Version: 0.1 Author URI: */ add_filter('category_rewrite_rules', array('categoryOverview', 'rewrite')); class categoryOverview{ public function rewrite($data){ $catBase = get_option('category_base'); $array[$catBase.'$'] = 'index.php?category_name=overview'; return array_merge($data, $array); //use array_merge to force this one on to the end so it gets matched last } } ?>
then you would create a category called overview, grab the id associated with it and create a template file called category_[id] and this would be used to display your overview.
if you want, you could suppress the overview category from the various places that categories are displayed too, although in reality if you’re the only person posting this isn’t a real issue.of course, you can also redirect to any other page that you want too: just change the array element value. or use the template_redirect hook.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Plugin Hosting Approval@gamerz – absolutely. That is what I have done for my sqlite port. (
but i don’t have the time or inclination to do lots of SEO on the site so it is not reaching a wide audience. Such is life, and certainly no hardship for me.
The secondary reason for wanting the hosting access is to have an easy life with svn. currently I host the plugin development on an svn server in a server farm within my control, then I export and upload to my distribution server. it’s all a couple of steps more than it needs to be.
my beef, anyhow, is with the process; not the solution/workaround. I do not know of any organisation in the western world that does not keep its petitioners apprised of the process of their petition. Some are worse than others, sure, but complete radio silence ….
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Plugin Hosting Approvaltry one of the other plugin hosting sites.
i’m not the first to say this, but this wait time really stifles innovation. by the time my requests get granted (if ever), i’ll have moved on to other projects and not be willing to put in the support time necessary that is inevitable when a product goes to wider distribution.
On a practical side, surely this delay is unnecessary? Or if it is necessary then I, for one, would like an explanation of the examination criteria and the process behind the scenes and some decent communication of where an application is within the process.
Plugins, and their authors, are a really vital part of what makes WordPress successful and what will continue to keep it on the crest when pretenders to the throne are baying at its heels (as they are now). It does _not_ behove the management to alienate plugin authors through failing to improve this project inception system.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Plugin Hosting Approvalalas no response. guess i should assume that my requests have been denied. would have been nice even to get a negative though!
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: How to add a PHP script to wordpresstry the exec-php plugin
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Sharing one dbase (same blog content) on a few domainscould you just create different wp-options tables (using different table names) and then change the local settings file for each installation to name $wpdb->options properly for the relevant installation?
that should stop the url options from confusing things.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Site Hacked tonight – Info and questionslook at your server logs for the activity in question. both the www logs to see whether the files were inserted via a naughty plugin and the ftp logs to check for a more traditional upload.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Time for MySQL Alternative?as per the above, i have published the first release of my code
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Porting wp-db to use PDO for PHP5 and MDB2 for PHP4first public release is now available for download.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Time for MySQL Alternative?This is an ongoing discussion/debate and there is a good discussion in the codex on this topic.
a true port is not going to be straightforward due to the number of plugins that do not properly support the WP API. Additionally, most commercial hosts aimed at consumers and SME’s support MySQL over other databases.
There is an old Postgres port mentioned in the link above, but ports and forks will be very difficult to maintain due to the rapid change in WP core code and the weirdnesses in the implementation of SQL by MySql.
But an abstraction layer, I think, is possible and plausible. I have written a first pass at an abstraction layer to the PDO Engine within php5. This seems to work well. I have also built a driver to allow Sqlite to be used as a replacement for MySql. It has not been straightforward but from this base I believe that other drivers for MSSql, Postgres and other PDO databases (Access via ODBC?) could be relatively easily written.
I am due to post the first code drop in a couple of days (at this site has been working on sqlite for a while.
As for habari – personally I can’t even get it to install on my system! and there’s something about wordpress that I just like better! Can’t put my finger on what though.