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  • Where is the “delete the cookie” option in v 1.31?

    Thread Starter jpw94


    Great. How can I prevent certain “registered uners” from receiving emails?
    I only want public users to get emails. When I “delete” a couple of registered user, they do not seem to come of the list of registered user.


    I’m getting a mail connection time out nearly instantly. My email client has no problem accessing the same mail server. Is there a setting I’m overlooking?

    Checking for mail manually with debug output
    Starting mail fetch
    Postie Version: 1.5.16
    WordPres Version: 3.6.1
    PHP Version: 5.3.3
    OS: Linux 2.6.32-358.6.2.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu May 16 20:59:36 UTC 2013 x86_64
    Debug mode: On
    Time: 2013-09-27 18:50:18 GMT
    Error log:
    Postie is in /var/www/vhosts/
    Cron: On
    Alternate Cron: Off
    iconv: installed
    imap: installed
    mbstring: installed
    wp_content_path: /var/www/vhosts/
    IMAP: TLS enabled
    Connecting to (imap-ssl) with TLS
    IMAP: connection string - {}
    IMAP: disabling GSSAPI
    Mail Connection Time Out
    Common Reasons: Server Down, Network Issue, Port/Protocol MisMatch
        [0] => Can't open mailbox {}: invalid remote specification
    The Server said:
    IMAP: expunge
    IMAP: closing connection
    There are 0 messages to process
    memory at start of e-mail processing:41985920
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    Mail fetch complete, 0 emails
    memory at end of e-mail processing:41985968

    [Moderator Note: Please post log files between backticks or use the code button.]

    Thread Starter jpw94


    Thanks for the reply Mark. But do you think it might be possible so the user is NOT required to log int WP-admin? Need to make entry dead simple, if possible.

    I have a question regarding updating the schedules outside of the admin panel. Would there be a way to set up a special web page which allows a logged in user to update the schedules (game results) without going through the WP admin panel?

    having the same issue on a particular site and I don’t see specific information on conditions which would recreate this. I’m guessing it’s something that can be determined and a workaround can be defined if not an eventual enhancement to make it easy to make the right adjustments.

    Great plugin.

    I would love to see the backup feature to be able to upload the back automatically to Amazon S3 or to another destination.

    file protection is probably the issue. you might want to modify wp-config and .htaccess files to be writeable.

    if you chose “hide” admin login (admin slug) then perhaps you could remember what you chose. so, instead of wp-admin it is what you chose as the admin slug.

    If ou cannot remember, you’ll probably need to log into our hosting site and edit the database to recover the admin name (or re-set it) and reset the login password.

    Thread Starter jpw94


    loads of slideshow pics that need to be moved elsewhere. but WPC had no problem with it!!!

    That issue aside, WP Clone is the best clone plugin. Easy and quick.
    Other clone plugins require a multi-step process to achieve what WP Clone achieves with just two simple steps: Back…. Restore!

    I’ve figured this out. this worked for me, I hope it works for anyone else with the same problem. Simply change the file permissions on .htaccess to 644 (it’s probably at 444) and it should allow the clone.

    Thread Starter jpw94


    Figured it out. Thanks.

    Thread Starter jpw94


    I might have already done something to break this process. But duplicator seems to go through it’s process but the file is 0 bytes long. It shows a pre-zip size of 1.2gb, completes successfully.

    I do suspect it has something to do with that as most security plugins work in the same fashion. Unfortunately, these security plugins do not have a reversal feature which would help immensely. I’m hoping someone from WP Academy can offer some help as I am having the exact same problem.

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