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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 404 Dog! You can’t comment here!your search form is not closed, it’s missing a </form> so whan you clcik submit on the comments form it actually tries to perform a search
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 404 Dog! You can’t comment here!change your action on the form
currently comes up as
try<?php echo get_option(‘siteurl’); ?>/wp-comments-post.php
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Order posts by ID ?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Order posts by ID ?change it to
$readposts = get_posts(‘category=13&orderby=ID’);Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sidebar content skewed to the right in IEwhich version of ie? if its six, you will need to adjust the margins and or width of the sidebar, that usually worked on mine
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGen Gallery]i was able to force the navigation not to show in the postings page by wrapping the function code in an if statement that uses the the is_single() fucntion to determine if the post is one of many or on itsown
in the ngg plugin directory there is a subdirectory called lib
look for the file
nggallery.lib.phpin this file is a function called create_navigation
i added this as the first line after $navigation = “”;
rest of code goes here
} place this brace before the return statementForum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Give it to me hard-a noob ventures into blogging>>Do you think people would be less inclined to read my blog because of the vanilla quality?
i think people are stimulated more visually than verbally, no matter what the content they will see a bland, white-bread web site that will not catch their interest, the site doesn’t need to be like this but it does need more, there are some nice simple themes you can download and modify which will keep the site clean but interesting
simple yet eye-catching, easy enough to change the colours
go here and select the ‘no images’ option, look for one you like and try it out
https://themes.wordpress.net/Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New Horse Farm Sitefiguers….all the spaces were ignored…
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New Horse Farm Sitenice, clean, colours work well together.
the only thing i don’t like, and this is a preference rather than a problem, in looking at the footer the main blog overlaps the red/brown footer colour, but the header lines up exactly on it, i think, and again just my preference, it would look better if it also overlapped into the headernot sure if my description is clear…
a visual
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footermakes the page look more balanced IMHO, like i said not a criticism, just an observation
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery .95] Interface changed from previousAlex, the IE7 image selector issue is resolved in WP 2.5.1
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Image selector not working in IEthis error, mine, is corrected in WP 2.5.1
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Give it to me hard-a noob ventures into bloggingsorry to say but its very basic, nothing to make it stand out, i don’t think you could have made it more vanilla.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Revamped Site – Take a looklooks good but you have issues with resizing, if i open the page with my browser at full screen the site goes edge to edge, if i resize the browser, the centre content container resized but the third column gets cut off, you should use a fixed size width to correct this,or use a relaod on resize fix, if the browser is resized and info gets cut off a relaod seems to fix it, tested in IE7 and FF
>>I talked to the developer about that Featured post thing. There doesn’t seem to be a good work around for that.
make a category called featured post and exclude it from the general postings
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: force wp_list_categories NOT to show No catergorieswhat i ended up doing was running the category call with no echo, checking if the return was No Categories and outputting based on that…
if(wp_list_categories(‘child_of=51&hide_empty=1&title_li=&echo=0’) != ‘No Categories’){
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: The_excerpt and “Read more…”thanks…much aoppreciated