Forum Replies Created
Perfect! For anyone wanting a fix for this, I have started to implement a fix here: https://github.com/RavanH/highlight-search-terms/issues/1 It’s not perfect (see the comments), so feel free to modify it.
Right, that was exactly what I was thinking. In case it could help, I stumbled upon this fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/nHGU6/
Obviously, all of the accent conversions from WordPress, which can be found here: https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/browser/tags/4.5.3/src/wp-includes/formatting.php#L1122 , would need to be added manually.
If I have time, I’ll see if I can integrate the idea and do a pull request on your GitHub.
As you say, accent searches are working. The problem is if I search without accents, words with accents are not highlighted. And yet, the page shows up in WordPress search.
Sorry, my site is currently in development mode on a local server, however you can see with your example: https://status301.net/fr/?s=egalement that également is not highlighted.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Language function not workingI have this problem as well. Did you find a solution?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YITH Infinite Scrolling] Non-Window scroll alternative code suggestionThank you, that is great news!
For those who find this thread later (once the plugin is updated), I forgot to mention that I have to add this code to my theme:
$('#scrolling-div').on('scroll touchstart', function() { $('#scrolling-div').trigger('yith_infs_start'); });
Where “scrolling-div” is the ID of the div that scrolls.
I also added this code for URL encoded adresses in the content. It needs some cleaning, but I thought I’d throw it out there in case you’re already adding my other change to the next version.
$new_guid_encoded = urlencode($new_guid); $current_guid_encoded = urlencode($current_guid); $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID, post_content FROM $table_name WHERE post_content LIKE %s;", '%' . str_replace('%','\%',$current_guid_encoded) . '%' ); $rx = $wpdb->get_results(str_replace('\\\\%', '\\%',$sql), ARRAY_A); foreach($rx AS $rows) { $sql = "UPDATE $table_name SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, '$current_guid_encoded', '$new_guid_encoded') WHERE ID = ".$rows["ID"].";"; $wpdb->query($sql); }
I can confirm that I was clicking the option to use a playlist and not single video, so that was not the problem here. There really is something buggy with the plugin if it was supposed to work like that.
I can confirm that this works – manually embeding with the shortcode. Too bad it doesn’t work directly from the wizard. ??
I have the same problem here. And if I click on the first video, for example, and try to embed that URL it embeds all the videos from that user rather than the playlist.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA] SPAM comments sent by emailThank you for your reply. I will switch plugins.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Top 10 - WordPress Popular posts by WebberZone] Top 10 and languages in WPMLTony, this works, thanks!
Put this code at the bottom of the file (or wherever you like based on the structure):
/** * Returns the object identifier for the current language (WPML). */ function tptn_object_id_cur_lang( $post_id ) { if ( function_exists( 'icl_object_id' ) ) { return icl_object_id( $post_id, 'any', true, ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ); } else { return $post_id; } }
Then search for this line (around 750):
foreach ( $results as $result ) {
Replace that line with the code from Tony, up until the line
$sumcount = $result->sumCount
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Table] Visual Composer bugHi,
I ended up using a different plugin because of this bug, but for your information so you can improve it if you wish, I reply.
I’m not using the same shortcode for a different purpose. Visual Composer allows you to “map” shortcodes from other plugins (so that I can use the other plugin inside of visual composer). “Mapping” in Visual Composer does not actually create the shortcode – it simply defines how to use it so that Visual Composer can make a visual interface for others’ plugin. However if I map your shortcode (or the modified shortcode from the settings of Easy Table and again try to map in Visual Composer), your plugin thinks that Visual Composer is defining the shortcode, which it isn’t.
A very simple solution would be to add a checkbox in your settings that says, I know what I’m doing and I want to map this shortcode anyway, even though Easy Table is detecting conflicts.
I hope that helps. Until you add that option, I cannot use your plugin. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Events Calendar Translation BugAwesome! Thanks for the update.
+Gefallener for the moment, to avoid having people send your form many times over without knowing it, you could put this code in your functions.php file. Contact Form 7 was kind enough to expect other plugins to conflict, so you can just remove the AJAX posting.
add_filter( ‘wpcf7_load_js’, ‘__return_false’ );
Once the issue is resolved, you can get rid of that line.
Can reproduce with:
NextGEN Gallery:- 2.0.11
- 2.0.21
- 2.0.30
- 2.0.66
Can NOT reproduce with:
NextGen Gallery- 1.9.9
- 2.0.0
Other notes:
NextGen Gallery
2.0.7 crashed my whole wordpressSo it’s somewhere between 2.0.0 and 2.0.11 that the issue was introduced.