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  • Thread Starter JT Moree


    I have decided to simplify things and go back to an install of wordpress without multisite.

    I am trying all the plugins in turn. I’ll post results when I’m done. Then I’ll add multi site setup and repeat.

    Thread Starter JT Moree


    I have now tried glatze’s plugin. The same users work/don’t work.

    Thread Starter JT Moree


    Oh. it did not look like a link and I had not tried clicking it.

    OK. Changed Default email domain. the account that previously worked does not and neither do any others. test page shows no new output. Just Authentication failed.

    have Automatic User update off for now.

    No Account Suffix and Not set to Use it. … tried it just for fun but it does nothing different.

    Thread Starter JT Moree


    Now I’m looking at the settings for the plugin but the User section is empty. It has always been empty. I noticed that when I first installed. Just says

    User Information

    Information about how to handle individual user accounts

    There is a ton of debug information at the bottom of the page including the missing options that should be showing up.

    Thread Starter JT Moree


    When I got into wordpress I noticed the plugin was not active. when I tried to activate it, it failed but it may have been because I was moving around files.

    Thread Starter JT Moree


    There are 3 results for various types of users. The two posted above are fully working and fully failed. Here is the output from the case where the user logs in but fails to get a created account in WP. It says the account is already registered but this account has never successfully logged in. I’ll get another domain admin who has never logged in to try it and see what it looks like.

    PS. I can’t edit the posts from the other day.

    [NOTICE] adLDAP object created.
    [INFO] max_login_attempts: 3
    [INFO] users failed logins: 0
    [NOTICE] Authentication successfull
    [NOTICE] cleaning up failed logins for user "addc"
    [INFO] user role:
    [NOTICE] Creating user 'addc' with following data:
    - email:
    - first name:
    - last name: addc
    - display name: addc
    - role:
    [ERROR] This email address is already registered.
    [NOTICE] - user_id:
    [FATAL] Error creating user.
    Error creating user!
    Thread Starter JT Moree


    Can you edit these posts? I’d like to remove the domain name and IP address for our domain controller in some of the debug output above. I missed it when sanitizing the data for posting. I can edit today’s posts but not earlier ones.

    Thread Starter JT Moree


    I commented out the die lines and will paste the output below for a working user vs a non working user. The output looks pretty much the same as from debug in the other pages.


    AD Integration Logon Test
    openLDAP installed
    [INFO] method authenticate() called
    [INFO] WP version: 3.1
    [NOTICE] username: adjt
    [DEBUG] password: xxxxxxxxxx
    [DEBUG] The domain_controllers key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The port key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The secure_connection key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The bind_user key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The bind_user_password key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] Preparing to decode the field from VG9kYXkwMzEx
    [DEBUG] The base_dn key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The auto_user_create key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The auto_user_update key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The default_email_domain key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The dup_account_handling key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The user_account_suffix key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The append_user_suffix key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The display_name key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The allow_local_password key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The auth_from_ad_grp key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The role_equiv_groups key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The max_login_attempts key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The blocking_time key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The notify_user key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The notify_admin key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The admin_email key exists in our options array.
    [INFO] Options for adLDAP connection:
    - account_suffix:
    - base_dn: DC=creamery,DC=com
    - domain_controllers: 192.168.0.x
    - ad_username: CN=adminuser,CN=Users,DC=creamery,DC=com
    - ad_password: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    - ad_port: 389
    - use_tls:
    [NOTICE] adLDAP object created.
    [INFO] max_login_attempts: 3
    [INFO] users failed logins: 0
    [NOTICE] Authentication successfull
    [NOTICE] cleaning up failed logins for user "adjt"
    [NOTICE] user_id: 4
    User logged on.

    failed login

    AD Integration Logon Test
    openLDAP installed
    [INFO] method authenticate() called
    [INFO] WP version: 3.1
    [NOTICE] username: jtmoree
    [DEBUG] password: XXXXXXXXX
    [DEBUG] The domain_controllers key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The port key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The secure_connection key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The bind_user key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The bind_user_password key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] Preparing to decode the field from VG9kYXkwMzEx
    [DEBUG] The base_dn key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The auto_user_create key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The auto_user_update key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The default_email_domain key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The dup_account_handling key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The user_account_suffix key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The append_user_suffix key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The display_name key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The allow_local_password key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The auth_from_ad_grp key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The role_equiv_groups key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The max_login_attempts key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The blocking_time key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The notify_user key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The notify_admin key exists in our options array.
    [DEBUG] The admin_email key exists in our options array.
    [INFO] Options for adLDAP connection:
    - account_suffix:
    - base_dn: DC=creamery,DC=com
    - domain_controllers: 192.168.0.X
    - ad_username: CN=adminuser,CN=Users,DC=creamery,DC=com
    - ad_password: XXXXXXXXXXXX
    - ad_port: 389
    - use_tls:
    [NOTICE] adLDAP object created.
    [INFO] max_login_attempts: 3
    [INFO] users failed logins: 0
    [ERROR] Authentication failed
    [WARN] storing failed login for user "jtmoree"
    Logon failed

    Thread Starter JT Moree


    I updated the dev version of the plugin again just in case you made any changes. When I try the url you listed I get an empty white page. I’m not seeing any errors in apache error logs.

    this may be because of the following lines in the test file. It seems like it’s not going to help in my case.

    // If the user is not logged in, die silently.
    if(!$user_ID) {
    // If the user is not an admin, die silently.
    if (!current_user_can('level_10')) {
    Thread Starter JT Moree


    I am trying the new plugin but it’s still not working. I’ll paste the debug code below for each class of user. For domain admin accounts it says login successful but then “Error creating user!” for other users. just login failed.


    [6] The port key exists in our options array.
    [6] The secure_connection key exists in our options array.
    [6] The bind_user key exists in our options array.
    [6] The bind_user_password key exists in our options array.
    [6] Preparing to decode the field from NXAxZGVybUBu
    [6] The base_dn key exists in our options array.
    [6] The auto_user_create key exists in our options array.
    [6] The auto_user_update key exists in our options array.
    [6] The default_email_domain key exists in our options array.
    [6] The dup_account_handling key exists in our options array.
    [6] The user_account_suffix key exists in our options array.
    [6] The append_user_suffix key exists in our options array.
    [6] The display_name key exists in our options array.
    [6] The allow_local_password key exists in our options array.
    [6] The auth_from_ad_grp key exists in our options array.
    [6] The role_equiv_groups key exists in our options array.
    [6] The max_login_attempts key exists in our options array.
    [6] The blocking_time key exists in our options array.
    [6] The notify_user key exists in our options array.
    [6] The notify_admin key exists in our options array.
    [6] The admin_email key exists in our options array.
    [5] Options for adLDAP connection: - account_suffix: - base_dn: DC=coldstonecreamery,DC=com - domain_controllers: - ad_username: CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=coldstonecreamery,DC=com - ad_password: XXXXXXXXX - ad_port: 389 - use_tls:
    [4] adLDAP object created.
    [5] object(adLDAP)#108 (12) {
    ["_account_suffix:protected"]=> string(0) ""
    ["_base_dn:protected"]=> string(27) "DC=coldstonecreamery,DC=com"
    ["_domain_controllers:protected"]=> array(1) {
    [0]=> string(12) "XXXXXXX" }
    ["_ad_username:protected"]=> string(53) "CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=coldstonecreamery,DC=com"
    ["_ad_password:protected"]=> string(9) "XXXXXX"
    ["_real_primarygroup:protected"]=> bool(true)
    ["_use_ssl:protected"]=> bool(false)
    ["_recursive_groups:protected"]=> bool(true)
    ["_ad_port:protected"]=> int(389)
    ["_use_tls:protected"]=> bool(false)
    ["_conn:protected"]=> resource(103) of type (ldap link)
    ["_bind:protected"]=> bool(true) }
    [5] max_login_attempts: 3
    [5] users failed logins: 0
    [4] Authentication successfull
    [4] cleaning up failed logins for user "addc"
    [5] user role:
    [4] Creating user 'addc' with following data: - email: - first name: - last name: addc - display name: addc - role:
    [2] This email address is already registered.
    [4] - user_id:
    [1] Error creating user.


    [5] method authenticate() called
    [5] WP version: 3.1
    [4] username: bwmyers
    [6] password: XXXXXXXXX
    [6] The domain_controllers key exists in our options array.
    [6] The port key exists in our options array.
    [6] The secure_connection key exists in our options array.
    [6] The bind_user key exists in our options array.
    [6] The bind_user_password key exists in our options array.
    [6] Preparing to decode the field from XXXXXXXXX
    [6] The base_dn key exists in our options array.
    [6] The auto_user_create key exists in our options array.
    [6] The auto_user_update key exists in our options array.
    [6] The default_email_domain key exists in our options array.
    [6] The dup_account_handling key exists in our options array.
    [6] The user_account_suffix key exists in our options array.
    [6] The append_user_suffix key exists in our options array.
    [6] The display_name key exists in our options array.
    [6] The allow_local_password key exists in our options array.
    [6] The auth_from_ad_grp key exists in our options array.
    [6] The role_equiv_groups key exists in our options array.
    [6] The max_login_attempts key exists in our options array.
    [6] The blocking_time key exists in our options array.
    [6] The notify_user key exists in our options array.
    [6] The notify_admin key exists in our options array.
    [6] The admin_email key exists in our options array.
    [5] Options for adLDAP connection: - account_suffix: - base_dn: DC=coldstonecreamery,DC=com - domain_controllers: - ad_username: CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=coldstonecreamery,DC=com - ad_password: XXXXXXXXX - ad_port: 389 - use_tls:
    [4] adLDAP object created.
    [5] object(adLDAP)#108 (12) {
    ["_account_suffix:protected"]=> string(0) ""
    ["_base_dn:protected"]=> string(27) "DC=coldstonecreamery,DC=com"
    ["_domain_controllers:protected"]=> array(1) {
    [0]=> string(12) "" }
    ["_ad_username:protected"]=> string(53) "CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=coldstonecreamery,DC=com"
    ["_ad_password:protected"]=> string(9) "XXXXXXXXX"
    ["_real_primarygroup:protected"]=> bool(true)
    ["_use_ssl:protected"]=> bool(false)
    ["_recursive_groups:protected"]=> bool(true)
    ["_ad_port:protected"]=> int(389)
    ["_use_tls:protected"]=> bool(false)
    ["_conn:protected"]=> resource(103) of type (ldap link)
    ["_bind:protected"]=> bool(true) }
    [5] max_login_attempts: 3
    [5] users failed logins: 0
    [2] Authentication failed
    [3] storing failed login for user "bwmyers"

    Thread Starter JT Moree


    sounds good. I’ll test when you get it ready. FYI. This is a fresh install with no users existing beforehand.

    Thread Starter JT Moree


    I changed that line and when I successfully log in I see lots of nice messages. But for the logins that fail there is nothing useful shown on the screen.

    JT Moree


    I have searched all day for the solution to this problem. I only found this post after figuring it out myself. I am putting some more keywords into this post so that others may be able to find it easier. Most people are hosting the site on a 3rd party server. My site is self hosted.

    I have a fresh install of WordPress 3.1 with multisite (multi-site, network, etc.) on Redhat 5. My wordpress is configured as a separate site in an Apache virtual host. There are no plugins installed in wordpress. I have never done anything with permalinks. Every new site I create shows a 404 error.

    [RESOLVED] The mod_rewrite engine needs some specific options set for the virtual host directory in order to work. Adjust the following for your site and put inside the Virtual Host configuration:
    <Directory /var/www/vhosts/wordpress>
    AllowOverride Fileinfo Options

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