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  • Hi, @caitlinthekid.

    Check Settings > General if your WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) fields are set appropriately to your corresponding domain name. In case these fields are not properly set, you can set them through Settings page and / or set them through your your wp-config.php file, placing the following two lines of code:


    Hi @willen1.

    “Too Many Redirects” issue is commonly related to not having the website URL appropriately set up in your WordPress configuration.

    As you mention that in your particular case you don’t have Admin access, you’ll need to access your website files through FTP and modify the wp-config.php file with the following lines of code:


    That code will point WordPress to your specific domain address.

    In case this does not work, as WooCommerce Team has mentioned, there could be a conflictive plugin preventing WordPress from functioning correctly.

    Even though you don’t have access to your Admin Panel, you can still deactivate all your plugins at once by renaming the plugin directory in your WordPress files in your server.

    As the previous step, you’ll need to access your hosting through FTP and locate Plugins directory inside wp-content Directory. There, rename your Plugins directory to something different (maybe append an underscore _ or a hash # sign). This will temporarily deactivate your plugins.

    In case this works, you’ll need to rename the plugin directory back to Plugins and deactivate your plugins manually one by one until you find the conflictive plugin.

    Hope that helps!

    Hi, hehe1234.

    Minimizing request size is all about excluding and / or unloading any external resources not in use in your WordPress website, or worst yet, resources being used but included several times by different third party plugins (e.g. jQuery, Bootstrap, etc), creating a redundance and making your website heavier to load.

    Within recommendations on how to achieve this, first and foremost try deactivating / removing plugins you don’t actually use. Apart from stopping request to unnecessary scripts / styles, it also helps you save up space in your server hard disk.

    Stop using Gravatars. This is beneficial since images come from Gravatar third party service.

    Remove comment functionallity in case you are not allowing your visitors to comment in your posts.

    Here is a detailed list that you can follow which explains one by one the things you can do to Minimize Request Size in your website:

    Hope that helps!

    Hi, @synclair.

    Did you create your custom post type in your functions.php or a custom coded plugin?

    Please, have a look at this:

    There, it is explained that you need to point WordPdress to read your CPT template files, and what steps to follow in case you created it from your functions.php file or a custom coded plugin.

    Hi, @sabhos.

    Make sure mod_rewrite is enabled in your local server.

    Hi, @kd7vea.

    Please, make sure mod_rewrite is enabled in your server.

    If you have access to Apache files in your server, you’ll have to locate the Apache httpd.conf file.

    Inside, locate the following line:

    #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

    You just need to remove the hash sign, so it looks like this:

    LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

    You can also request your hosting company to do this for you.

    Hope that helps!

    Hi, @kellyteagle.

    Thanks for posting your issue in detail.

    Are you using custom settings in your .htaccess file? Or better yet: Does any of your plugins alter .htaccess file to a custom level?

    I’d suggest you backup your .htaccess file and try using the basic WordPress .htaccess setup.

    Hi, @vnicolaescu.

    If using a custom Permalink Structure, try setting Permalinks back to Plain and test if this works.

    In case the above alternative works, make sure mod_rewrite is enabled in your Ubuntu server.

    This code will select the Span Element identified with id=”sluzby” and replace the inner content to “Slu?by”.

    You should leave it like: Sluzby.

    Is weird that it isn’t working.

    1) Deactivate the plugin.
    2) In your theme’s function.php file, at the end of the file put the following code:

    function title_text_fix(){
    	echo '<script>
    				function title_text_fix(){
    					document.getElementById("sluzby").innerHTML = "Slu?by";
    					document.getElementById("nabizime").innerHTML = "Nabízíme";

    1) Clear your cache.
    2) In the code provided

    if( is_home() ){

    Remove the if( is_home() ){

    and the closing


    and just leave it like this.


    The other part leave it untouched.

    The code below will find the respective text in your homepage and replace it.

    Please, pay attention carefully to the following instructions:

    1) Copy the code and save it to a file called ‘title-text-fix.php’ (without quotes).
    2) Put that file inside a folder with the exact same name ‘title-text-fix’ (without quotes and without ‘.PHP’ at the end.
    3) Convert the folder into a ZIP file. It should be called ‘’.
    4) Go to your WordPress Dashboard > Plugins and upload ‘’ as any other plugin.
    5) Activate the plugin.

    That’s it. After activating the plugin it will replace the text with the corresponding text in your language.

    Plugin Name: Title Text Fix
    Description: Fixes titles at Home
    Version: 0.1
    Author: Juan José Machado
    License:     GPL2 etc
    function title_text_fix(){
    	echo '<script>
    				function title_text_fix(){
    					document.getElementById("sluzby").innerHTML = "Slu?by";
    					document.getElementById("nabizime").innerHTML = "Nabízíme";
    if( is_home() ){

    NOTE: This code can be added to functions.php file, but in order to avoid potential data loss during a Theme Update, is preferable to implement as a plugin.

    I see.

    On the title field, just input Sluzby (without the special character), just for a test.

    It is the title of the section.


    You are almost there. You just need to replace the ID value from “slu?by” to “sluzby” so your menu link matches with the Slu?by section.

    Here is the element that needs to be modified:

    <span style=”padding-top:120px;” id=”slu?by”>Slu?by</span>

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