Forum Replies Created
Jim has just send a message, that a new version (Version 6.0.9) can be found under “Plugin Updates”, when You log into Your sites.
They have solved the problem…Luckily I am running a couple of other sites as well, and from those I could copy and paste those intruders once more.
So: Make a list of IP′s, you don′t want to see more before deleting WordFence !!
Example: – worked!
Except that the former statistics disappeared.
But what was worse: The list of exclusions has also disappeared, so now I have to figure out once more, whom I don′t want to enter my site.
And some of those used IP′s from USA, England and Holland.To cellyman: Please shift to the paid version. You will love the country-blocking! (all except english speaking countries and Western Europe).
att. cellyman:
Log into Your service provider.
Go to Your subscription and find the “PHP 4/5 Information” tap and see, if there is something like this:
Mine is Danish – but never the less….
It says, that You are using a PHP 5.x-version on a LinuxLinux & PHP 5.5 with paid subscription not working
Linux & PHP 5.3 with free subscription working (X 2) fine
Only the very last tab (Top Consumer) is working with my paid subscription and states, that the date is invalid.I have only one version running at a time, and using the old version brought back all the pictures (in correct positions) AND the Disqus comments again – so for now, I will use the old version, but from time to time return and see, if future versions will do the trick ??
Thank You in advance.I uploaded the old NextGEN version 1.9.3 in its own folder and can now switch back and forth (1.9.3 <—->
I managed to get the old version working again (without any error), whereas the new version continues to make trouble as described above.
If You visit my homepage now, it′s the old NextGEN 1.9.3, You see….Another strange incident: When a picture is deleted, it remains in the widget – but as a “broken” picture.
It will go away only, if the “Clear image cache” button is pressed and the cache is emptied – which was not necessary until now (ie. this version).
Does it sound as a faulty connection between the main program and the widget?
I could delete those pictures in double, but will wait until further notice.Those pictures are uploaded by 3 different people – the latest one by me (and is not showing up in the widget).
Apart from those pictures in double as mentioned above, there are 4 new pictures not shown in the widget, but correctly in the galleries (whatever those might be).
The gallery “Nye Billeder/New pictures” are all copies from the original galleries (I placed them there, as some of them didn′t show up in the widget).
You can see the first 4 pictures in here, that is not in the widget.
On the other hand, in the widget You can see 4 pictures, that correctly showed up in the widget (and therefor is not copied to the gallery “Nye billeder”).
I have send in an Bug Report.
Thanks for your support.Pictures still not showing up in Widget, when uploaded by administrator or editor – but can be seen in the “normal” Gallery.
Comments has returned: By turning “Use Social Gallery Pages” off, the comments are back from Disqus – but that has nothing to do with the missing images, right?
Standard I think:
15 Thumbnails shown now (from 30, which was shown until now).
Recently added
Enabled IE8 Web Slices (what ever that is)
W/H: 65×50
All Galleries selectedAs You can see, 4 pictures from one user uploaded 9 hours ago shows up all-right, but 3 pictures from another user didn′t show up in the widget.
They were however all shown correctly in the galleries.
Comments on Disqus, that was established those 9 hours ago, has now gone?