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Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Gutenberg: use core block as inner block onlyIn case anyone is curious, I found the following js example works. I’m not an expert, and this is cobbled together from various sources, but it is working.
In this case, the core paragraph and heading blocks become children of my “new-parent-block” and are no longer available as outer blocks.
const coreBlocksArray = ["core/paragraph", "core/heading"]; // function addParentAttribute(settings, name) { ? if (!coreBlocksArray.includes(name)) { ? ? // if not one of our selected blocks, just return as is. ? ? return settings; ? } ? // if is one of our selected blocks, assign it to the parent named below. ? return Object.assign(settings, { ? ? parent: ["acf/new-parent-block"] ? }); } // wp.hooks.addFilter( ? "blocks.registerBlockType", ? "myuniquenamespace", ? addParentAttribute );
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Gutenberg – disable color selector for core blocksThanks, that should work when I want to hide the colors panel for every kind of block. However I’m not sure if it would work if I only wanted to hide the colors panel for some blocks and not others.
Before Gutenberg you could create ‘highlight’ style options by adding custom classes into the wysiwyg format selector – I’m looking for a way to allow specific highlighting with core Gutenberg blocks, without letting clients add inappropriate colors to the text and background of entire blocks.
In case anyone else reads this, there is a new version of the plugin that does seem to be keyboard accessible, although I think it loses the ability to add custom styling unless you are on a paid plan
@webtoffee?Is there any news on this issue yet? As far as I can tell, your plugin is completely inaccessible to keyboard users which is very bad from an accessibility point of view. I see it is 1 1/2 years since you last replied to this issue.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Gutenberg: use core block as inner block onlyThanks @faisalahammad,
Unfortunately I couldn’t get your suggestions to work. However I think I have found a method that does, based on info at https://developer.www.ads-software.com/block-editor/reference-guides/block-api/block-registration/#parent-optional
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Function wp_enqueue_script() was called incorrectlyThanks @pratik-jain,
If it is of any use to anyone, here’s what my problem was – and how I fixed it.
I had written some code to change the parent-child relationship of certain blocks.
wp_enqueue_script( 'gutenberg-filters', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/change-block-parents.js', [ 'wp-edit-post' ] );
At the time I added that code, I wasn’t using any widgets. So I didn’t notice the error on the widgets page until long after I had added the code.
However, I did start using widgets later, and when this code loaded with the widgets screen (and also the options page), it created an error because it used wp-edit-post.
In the end, I came up with the following:
function enqueue_change_block_parents_script() { global $pagenow; if ( $pagenow != 'post.php' && $pagenow != 'page.php' && $pagenow != 'widgets.php' ) { return; } if ( $pagenow == 'post.php' || $pagenow == 'page.php' ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'gutenberg-filters', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/change-block-parents.js', [ 'wp-edit-post' ] ); } else if ( $pagenow == 'widgets.php' ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'gutenberg-filters', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/change-block-parents.js', [ 'wp-edit-widgets' ] ); } } add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_change_block_parents_script' );
I don’t know how well-coded it is, but it seems to do the job. Everything works as intended, and I don’t get any more error messages.`
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Function wp_enqueue_script() was called incorrectlyThanks @pratik-jain,
After a lot of investigation I found that 2 things were causing this error. One was a plugin (which I have disabled). The other was code I had added to the theme myself, to change the parent/child relationship of some Gutenberg blocks. The thread you mention is full of people with the same (or similar) problems as me, but most of the suggested solutions are simply to go back to the classic version of widgets. I need the block version of widgets to work, I can’t go back to classic. I think I have actually found a solution to fix my code, but it took an awful lot of searching online – I couldn’t find anything I could understand in the WordPress official documentation.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Gutenberg: disable formatting buttonsThanks Lisa,
I’m making a custom theme, based on underscores.
I already have a theme.json – as far as I can tell, you can use this to alter some of the things you see in the block settings tab, but I don’t think you can use it to add or remove things from the block editor toolbar.
I haven’t tried block variations, but I have a feeling they won’t work either for changing the block editor toolbar. However I’ll take a deeper look – I’ll be really pleased if it works.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Fix heading level on Gutenberg iner blockI am using render_template so I tried
`array( ‘core/heading’, array(
‘level’ => ‘2’,
) ),It did set the initial state of the heading at level 2, but it still allowed editors to change heading level in the CMS. It was not fixed at h2, which is what I need to stop editors changing heading levels and messing up the layout.
The only way I can see round this at the moment is to make a custom “h2 ony” block but I was really hoping I could stick with core blocks.
@webtoffee Is there any chance you might include keyboard accessibility in an update soon? At the moment I am doing an accessibility audit on a site, and this plugin is causing the site to fail. The only solution I can offer the client is to replace this plugin with something that has built in accessibility.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Gutenberg editor: modify “change block type or style” text@psykro Thanks very much, your help is appreciated. I’ll take a look at the workshop.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Gutenberg editor: modify “change block type or style” textThanks @psykro
As experimental heading is an “early implementation subject to drastic and breaking changes” I think I’d better not risk it. It’s probably best for now if I stick to the safest option, put up with the unwanted popover text and advise clients not to look for ways to “change block type or style”.
Thanks though for clarifying the situation for me.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Gutenberg: disable “transform to columns” and “transform to group”Hi @psykro
Thanks for replying to both my questions!
Here’s the same block code that I shared on my other question:
First, there’s a php file where I set things up. In there I have this code:
class JSXBlock { function __construct($name, $renderCallback = null) { $this->name = $name; $this->renderCallback = $renderCallback; add_action('init', [$this, 'onInit']); } function ourRenderCallback($attributes, $content) { ob_start(); require get_theme_file_path("/template-parts/blocks/{$this->name}/{$this->name}.php"); return ob_get_clean(); } function onInit() { wp_register_script($this->name, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . "/build/{$this->name}.js", array('wp-blocks', 'wp-editor')); $ourArgs = array( 'editor_script' => $this->name ); if ($this->renderCallback) { $ourArgs['render_callback'] = [$this, 'ourRenderCallback']; } register_block_type("ftm-blocks/{$this->name}", $ourArgs); } } // new JSXBlock('wv-h3', true);
Then I have this js in a separate file: wv-h3.js:
import { ToolbarGroup, ToolbarButton } from "@wordpress/components" import { RichText, BlockControls } from "@wordpress/block-editor" import { registerBlockType } from "@wordpress/blocks" registerBlockType("ftm-blocks/wv-h3", { title: "Heading level 3", icon: 'heading', category: "ftm-blocks", keywords: ['heading', 'h3'], attributes: { text: { type: "string", default: "Type heading here"}, }, edit: EditComponent, save: SaveComponent }) function EditComponent(props) { function handleTextChange(x) { props.setAttributes({ text: x }) } return ( <> <RichText allowedFormats={["core/link"]} tagName="h3" className={<code>headline headline--l3</code>} value={props.attributes.text} onChange={handleTextChange} /> </> ) } function SaveComponent(props) { return props.attributes.text }
I also have a simple php file for render callback: wv-h3.php
<h3 class="wv-gb-h3"> <?php echo $attributes['text']; ?> </h3>
`I currently have two blocks made with this approach. I have also made several blocks that use the acf_register_block_type approach, as shown on the ACF website. These work well but share the same “unwanted transform options” issue with the blocks I constructed using the jsx approach.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Gutenberg editor: modify “change block type or style” textHi @psykro
Thanks for replying.
I’ve been following a tutorial on Udemy and my code is very close to the example code there. I just about understand it…
First, there’s a php file where I set things up. In there I have this code:
class JSXBlock { function __construct($name, $renderCallback = null) { $this->name = $name; $this->renderCallback = $renderCallback; add_action('init', [$this, 'onInit']); } function ourRenderCallback($attributes, $content) { ob_start(); require get_theme_file_path("/template-parts/blocks/{$this->name}/{$this->name}.php"); return ob_get_clean(); } function onInit() { wp_register_script($this->name, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . "/build/{$this->name}.js", array('wp-blocks', 'wp-editor')); $ourArgs = array( 'editor_script' => $this->name ); if ($this->renderCallback) { $ourArgs['render_callback'] = [$this, 'ourRenderCallback']; } register_block_type("ftm-blocks/{$this->name}", $ourArgs); } } // new JSXBlock('wv-h3', true);
Then I have this js in a separate file: wv-h3.js:
import { ToolbarGroup, ToolbarButton } from "@wordpress/components" import { RichText, BlockControls } from "@wordpress/block-editor" import { registerBlockType } from "@wordpress/blocks" registerBlockType("ftm-blocks/wv-h3", { title: "Heading level 3", icon: 'heading', category: "ftm-blocks", keywords: ['heading', 'h3'], attributes: { text: { type: "string", default: "Type heading here"}, }, edit: EditComponent, save: SaveComponent }) function EditComponent(props) { function handleTextChange(x) { props.setAttributes({ text: x }) } return ( <> <RichText allowedFormats={["core/link"]} tagName="h3" className={<code>headline headline--l3</code>} value={props.attributes.text} onChange={handleTextChange} /> </> ) } function SaveComponent(props) { return props.attributes.text }
I also have a simple php file for render callback: wv-h3.php
<h3 class="wv-gb-h3"> <?php echo $attributes['text']; ?> </h3>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Gutenberg “Anatomy of a Block” tutorial, example not working?Thanks, I didn’t realise that. What I really want to learn is if I can make a custom block that is like the core heading block, but fixed at a specific heading level, so maybe that tutorial is not the best place to start.