Hi there…I’m pretty much a newbie in this programing things and I’m having a similar problem with my comment feeds. I’ve read some posts from you guys so I’ll try to be as precise as I can about my problem >.< ahem:
First…here’s the link to my problematic feed:
Since I’ve updated my WP version to 2.7 my comments rss stop working. The posts rss is ok.
In IE7 the page show this message:
“Internet Explore cannot open the feed. The feed has errors.”
As in Firefox the error is simply my feed page showing completely empty.
As I put me feed link to analyse at Feed Validator the error shown was:
This feed does not validate.
line 18, column 57: XML parsing error: <unknown>:18:57: not well-formed (invalid token) [help]
Ok…now I know I really have a problem…but I don’t have the skills to solve it… =P Could you guys, please, help me?