Hey Chris,
This is the solution I came up with so that viewers can all see the PDF regardless of the platform. One of the solutions Ravan posted was scribd.com.
You can see it on the site (it’s live now so the earlier link won’t work) 2somedance.com
This is what worked the best for me, after testing on both mac, pc, iPhone and iPad and obviously several browsers. You have to create an account with them, but you upload your pdf there and it stores it and gives you nice little code to pop into your wordpress site. (You can always update that file through scribd and you never have to worry about changing the code bcs of different file names.) Then I just add the a class=”fancybox-iframe” and your problems disappear. ??
The only drawback is if your pdf takes a while to load, it does the same thing as any iframe and shows just a blank page. I’ve been looking for a something that can give me a “loading” signal on the screen, but haven’t found compatible ones with fancybox yet. But I guess that’s what you get for print on web!