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  • yes that is some bad code in your theme
    It is probably trying to add CSS IDs or something
    hard to say where that is coming from
    try going to a default theme and turning off your plugins

    Or just deactivating and activating your theme if it is a slider feature from your theme and not a plugin

    that is probably not a great idea

    What you can do is import all of them
    go to your posts page

    click the little box on the top left to highlight all the posts
    do an Edit
    then set all the posts as Drafts

    If both sites are live then you can move posts to another author and export them one at a time or as a group. but i don’t suggest all of that work.

    if it is responsive then the css file probably has a lot of definitions for how the page is seen when the browser width is smaller.

    Start there.. also do you have a mobile plugin installed? that can do it .. or code in the functions.php or supporting files in your theme directory…

    but start with your styles.css and look for definitions that control that

    make sure your options settings reading

    has the correct setting .. for a static page or for a loop of your first posts.

    also some themes use a home.php file in the theme directory to show the home page .. check if that is a problem

    If you are updating your theme in the Updates Menu
    then you will lose any code edits when the update is installed.

    I suspect this is what is happening

    You have the option to change the name of the theme or its version

    Open your styles.css file
    at the top change the name and the urls for the theme
    change the version number from something like 2.0.3 to 8888.0.1 and it will not ask for updates until the theme author gets to that version.

    You can also start learning about child themes. they are a way to edit code and css formatting and allow the theme author to update their core files… HOWEVER child themes may still need updating if the author makes radical changes to their theme.

    sidebars are called by a small piece of php code
    it should say get sidebar

    you need to move that code from the footer file to another file

    honestly your requests are pretty time consuming to explain in a support post and are basic wordpress theme questions.

    You might want to go to your Appearance Menu

    See if you have an empty widget area setup for your old sidebar .. sidebars don’t usually show if the widget is not populated with something so drag a text or search into it and see if you can see the sidebar in the location you want.

    see if you have the option to enable disable sidebars

    if not then you are in for some theme editing

    wordpress sets a cookie in your browser to log your session

    clear your cache and see if you are still logged in.

    if you are something seriously wrong is happening

    at that point you might want to reinstall wordpress from the update menu
    if its a website with no content yet you might want to just reinstall everything.

    captcha isn’t a normal option for self hosted wordpress sites so you or an admin probably setup a security plugin that is locking you out but if you are locked out you should get a notice.

    If you are using a javascript blocker like noscript in firefox it may not be allowing the full script to display.

    Allow all this site.

    If you have a security plugin
    wait the time needed or
    ftp in to your website and disable the security plugin by renaming that directory.

    if you are hosted on or another hosting company that does not give you ftp access .. contact them for help.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Menu Color Issues

    wpyogi that is helpful but the guy cant edit a color setting on a anchor.. child themes are a quantum leap

    However you can edit a theme and make it your own theme by editing the name at the top of the CSS file or set the version to 789.0.1 and it will not request updates for a few decades

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Menu Color Issues

    something that might help you
    if you use firefox install the
    Firebug Plugin for your browser

    It will let you right click elements on a page and examine the CSS

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Menu Color Issues

    ok so it should be a thingy like

    a {color:#123456} for the link color
    or maybe

    .menu a {color:#123456} for the link color

    pages should not be used in this way

    WordPress Pages are for displaying Important content that does not change that often… such as your Contact page or Site Rules.

    You need to convert those pages to posts
    and then put the posts in categories.

    there are plugins that can help you convert pages to posts or you can edit the db.. no wait use a plugin heh…

    My Category Order plugin is a good way to sort your category menus

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Menu Color Issues

    ok when ever you start editing your website like that .. you want to backup your styles.css file or your database.

    You might want to check the
    see if your theme has options to change these colors

    if not .. its in your styles.css file in your theme directory

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Fatal error

    normally things don’t break until you are editing or updating plugins / themes.

    If you can remember what you last did then you need to undo it.

    If you edited your theme then revert or rename the theme directory and your site will use a default theme such as twenty thirteen

    If you installed a plugin then you can rename that plugin folder and it will turn that plugin off..

    If you don’t know .. then rename the plugin folder to plugin-off and they will all turn off .. and then you can get in .. rename the folder to plugins and turn them on one at a time.

    I might suspect one of your caching plugins
    wp supercache or wp totalcache .. rename their folder to turn them off

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