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  • Thread Starter junesix


    That was it. Thanks Kafkaesqui.

    Thread Starter junesix


    I’m currently adapting WP for use in managing a corporate website like a CMS. The blog-like functionality will be used to post company news. However, I’ve set it up so that there won’t be any way to access individual posts so the news will only exist as a listing or news archive. At the same time, I want the X most recent posts to appear as excerpts on the front page of this website.
    My dilemma is that I want to link excerpts on the front page to posts in the news section but if I use permalinks, it will open up individual posts rather than just jump to a post in an archive. My solution is to provide a link to an archive with a # anchor.
    So I want an excerpt on the front page with the title “Stocks are up” to generate a “read more >>” link that points to /2004/12/#stocks-are-up. That URL+anchor will open up a Dec 2004 archive and jump to the full news post. To do that, I need a way to get the sanitized title (with hyphens) to form the anchor in the link.
    I’ve taken a look at the the_permalink function code but it seems to use a SQL query to retrieve the title and I don’t know how to work with that within WP.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Permalinks Problem

    Link to page/site?

    Take a look at the code. In the blockquote beginning with “School officials…” there’s an additional tag surrounding the quote whereas in “Train up a child…” there is none. You may want to take a look at your post and see why you’re adding the extra in the blockquote.

    diesel kat,
    In order to run WP, you need a webhost with 1 mySQL database for you to use. For that database, you’ll need its name, and create a username and password on it. Some webhosts (like 1&1) already have those settings configured so you’ll have to use theirs.
    In the unzipped WP folder, there should be a wp-config-sample.php file. Open this in GoLive or Notepad and change the appropriate bits as commented. Then upload the whole thing to your webhost/server and run the wp-admin/install.php. The path will be something like

    You’re not stupid, you just need to take a bit of time and understand PHP. A WYSIWYG editor is not going to work for WP. Unlike a standard HTML page where you are directly editing the layout and content, the PHP tags in these pages are small snippets of code. So you’re gonna have to work with the code directly.
    Start with the default index.php file. Locate all the PHP tags. They will start with <?php and end with ?>. These are your PHP tags, or modules if you will, that generate the content. For instance, the tag <?php get_links_list(); ?> generates the entire list of links. So wherever you place that tag, the list of links will be generated on the live page. Make a backup of index.php and play around with the various tags. Pretty soon you’ll figure out how it all works.

    OK, I understand what you’re looking for. What you could do is create a new template just for your categories. Then in your index.php, when you call the category list, use <?php wp_list_cats('children=FALSE'); ?> . This will hide the child categories from your front page. Then in the category archive template, you’d use the <?php wp_list_cats('child_of=X'); ?> where X is the category ID of the category you’re viewing. This should show only the child categories for the category ID specified. Unfortunately, I haven’t figured out how to dynamically pass the category ID. Keep an eye on the solutions in this thread and your answer to the last part should be solved.

    I think elfin is working towards something completely different than the original request of this thread. Elfin appears to be setting up a style so that the front page (index) shows the parent categories and hides the child categories but when you click on a parent category link, the category archive page retrieved would display the child categories.
    Elfin, I think you’re confused with what the original poster in this thread wanted. He was looking for something that will slide out the child categories when you click or hover over the parent category while still on the same page.

    In the case of your site, both the WordPress address and Blog address should be
    The blog itself is fine. I think the problem is with your .htaccess rules and how they accomplish in the URI masking. I’m assuming what you want is for to be masked as I’m not an expert with the mod_rewrite rules so you may want to search on Google or ask someone here.

    I would recommend checking your Permalink options and then verifying that against the .htaccess file. It seems that regardless of whatever parameters are passed to index.php in the URI, they are ignored. Have you made edits to the .htaccess file?

    You may want to check out using collapsible category lists.

    Check your wp-config.php again. Is the database name typed in correctly? Is your username typed in correctly? Is your database user attached to the database?

    Begin with the index.php. Don’t edit anything above the <body> tag. Below that tag you can start a table-based layout, just like you would any normal HTML page. What you will need to do is move around the template tags so they fall within your table layout. Those are the ones that start like <?php. These function calls are what retrieves the various components of the blog.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Member profile pages

    Not particularly elegant but you could create a Profiles category and have the authors post single entries to that category. Then create a custom template for the “Profiles” archive and use that in the mod_rewrite rules.
    Alternative is to solicit the profile info from each author and use that to create a custom template for each author. Modify the /author/ mod_rewrite rule and now your “author” link in each post would link to the appropriate profile page.

    Based on your above link, it looks like you’re trying to install WP on your own machine and not a hosted server. Are you sure you have all the requirements installed properly on your machine (PHP 4.1+, mySQL 3.23.23+)? Did you set up the database? You may want to read other threads in this forum on how to set up WP with IIS on your local machine.

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