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  • Justin


    These two styles are conflicting, the float:left will always take precedence because of CSS specificity rules (

    in style.css you have

    .post .content img{
    	float: left;

    and in reset.css you have

    .alignright {
    	float: right,

    In your child theme you can remove the float:left with

    .post .content img{
       float: none;

    or you can give priority to the float:right with

    .alignright {

    I don’t see the logos you’re referring to at, but found them here:

    This is the element in the Theme’s stylesheet that is making it gray:

    .bge4e6e9 {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #E4E6E9;

    In your Child Theme’s CSS file ( just change the color to #fff to make it white.

    Your site is indexed on Google (maybe not ranking). At least in the US.

    In Google search enter this: and you should see 44 results. Right off the bat I see that most of your title tags are the same thing, some form of “write a letter! | Be Old Fashioned.”

    You’re also either not using friendly URLs or not naming your posts well. Alot of the URLs are write-a-letter-17.php, write-a-letter-19.php, etc.

    Overall, just looks like you need to apply some better on-site SEO.

    Also, when you search Google for Be Old Fashioned Google searches without the Be. If you search “Be Old Fashioned” with the quotes you’re in second place.

    No problem. Glad I could help.

    Hey Josh,
    The .center styling above is the theme’s original styling for that element and needs to be in the theme’s style.css file. You can change that under Appearance – Editor – stylesheet.css, but once it’s fixed you shouldn’t use this area to make adjustments to a Parent Theme, only a Child Theme. The code is this: .center{ width:1000px; margin:0 auto;} and is near the top after the comments and body{}.

    The only way to make changes to a WP Theme and not have them revert back after an update is to create a Child Theme- regardless of whether it’s Premium or not.

    For this reason, the #header h1 img styling (and any custom styling) should go in the stylesheet of a Child Theme (

    Do you have an FTP client? You’ll need to navigate to your WP installation folder and find the themes folder inside of the wp-content folder. Then create a folder called zenon-lite-child.

    Inside this folder you’ll want to have a stylesheet.css with at least the following:

    Theme Name:     Zenon Lite Child
    Template:       zenon-lite
    @import url("../zenon-lite/style.css");
    #header h1 img{width:auto;}

    Once that’s done you can activate Zenon Lite Child from the Themes panel in your WP back-end and you should be good to go.

    It depends on what exactly you want to tweak. CSS should be able to take care of most of it.
    However, if, for example, you wanted to change the text “This entry was posted on…” to “This post was published on…” you’ll also need to create a Parts folder in your Child Theme and bring over the class-main-post.php file and make the changes within the code.

    First you should setup a child theme ( because you’ll be needing custom code and CSS.

    Inside your Child Theme folder (fluxipress-child) you’ll need to copy and paste the single.php file from the Parent Theme folder (fluxipress).

    Inside that file you’ll see this code:

    <div class="post-content clear">
       <h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
    <?php the_content(); ?>

    You’ll need to insert this code where you want the Date to show up, such as after the title or after the content:

    <p id="fluxipress-child-date">Posted: <?php the_time('l, F jS, Y'); ?></p>

    I gave the <p> a unique ID so you can style it – that can be whatever you want, as long as it’s not a class or ID that’s being used elsewhere.

    ALSO, if you want to format the date differently check out this:

    Finally, add any styling you want in the new Child Theme’s stylesheet- not the Parent stylesheet.

    Can you post a link to your site and the name of your theme?

    You really shouldn’t try to hide content like that with CSS- a big Google/SEO no-no.

    You need to take the templates files from your Parent Theme into your Child Theme folder that you want to change and physically remove any code that don’t want to show up.

    But, comments can be disabled from the WP Settings panel.
    You don’t have to have Posts, just create Pages and set your home page to Static instead of Recent Posts.

    With your Child Theme – the most you might need to do is remove the Contact Form (Leave a Reply) code from any template files you don’t want to have it (i.e. single.php, index.php, page.php, etc.)

    You should really create a Child Theme first (
    Create a Delphi-child folder in your server’s themes folder. You’ll need a style.css file that imports the Delphi stylesheet like this:

    Theme Name:     Delphi Child<br />
    Theme URI:<br />
    Description:    Child theme for the Delphi Theme<br />
    Author:         Your name here<br />
    Author URI:<br />
    Template:       delphi<br />
    Version:        0.1.0<br />
    @import url('../Delphi/style.css');

    Then, you can copy the index.php file from your Delphi folder into the new Delphi-child folder and make the change listed above regarding the_entry(); changed to the_content();.

    You can also copy the screenshot from Delphi folder or add your own screenshot.jpg to the Delphi-child folder so a picture will show up in your Themes admin panel instead of a grey box.

    Finally, go to the WP Admin and under Themes you will activate Delphi-child.

    Hey Josh,

    Okay, so this is the CSS you need to get it to work:

    width: 1000px;
    margin: 0px auto;
    #header h1 img{width:auto;}

    However, if you change this on the Theme stylesheet, and if you update the Theme down the road, the changes will disappear.

    If you set up a Child Theme, and just put a single CSS file in there (and import CSS from Parent Theme Zenon-Lite folder) with the code above, an update won’t change these settings (or any other future CSS changes made to the file).

    I’m not sure about the slideshow, but for the images not aligning correctly, stick to publishing them like you did for the posts that display properly.

    If it only happened with posts created in MS Word then don’t do them that way – or just don’t insert the images into MS Word and copy over to WP. Just copy over the text from MS Word and then insert the pictures like you did for the posts that showed up correctly.

    For the Slideshow problem, did you make sure to switch from Visual to Text when you pasted the code? Otherwise you could try putting the code for the slideshow inside of something like this:

    <div align="center" style="clear:all;">
    <!-- Slideshow Code -->

    Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.

    I’m not able to replicate your situation. Even when I change the Theme to a static page for the home page like you have it, the comments are still showing up in whatever order I’ve set in the Dashboard.

    You’re absolutely sure that no matter what you choose for the Comment Order setting (Older or Newer) in the Discussion Settings the order doesn’t change?

    It’s hard to know exactly what’s happened without knowing more information. Right now it doesn’t look like a styling or coding error, but an issue with a setting you’ve changed on the back-end.

    What change did you make to show comments on the home page? Is that supposed to be a static page or a list of recent posts? Any plug-ins installed?

    With a fresh install of the theme and with default WordPress settings the
    site should display like the Live Demo: (

    Adding another post and throwing up a couple comments to it might help show a pattern in the code and help figure out what’s going on.

    Hey Josh,
    It looks like you’re missing the </div> that goes with your <div id="header">.

    In your header.php where you see this:
    </div><!--HEADER END-->

    Try this:
    </div></div><!--HEADER END-->

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