Forum Replies Created
I agree, this issue is still happening. Either give us the option to switch back to the old form editor, or add the ability to change the featured image and taxonomies on the new edtior.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Delete Duplicate Posts] Support for custom post types?Thanks Lars!
Hey mate, I’m keen to know how to do this too. Is it as simple as dropping in a code snippet into functions.php? Cheers!
I’m very keen on this functionality as well.
I tried modifying the plugin so it will let you select a term from a custom taxonomy but can’t quite make it work on the front end (it ignores the new filter probably due to my crappy coding).
Hope to see an update or a modification we can use soon! Cheers
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Mobile Detect] shortcodes not workingHi, this is happening on a site of ours also. Was working perfect before upgrade.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Logo Carousel] Can't save URL linkLooks like it’s something to do with with this latest version 1.4.3.. It works fine using v1.4.2
So I guess a temporary fix is to try roll back a version?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Logo Carousel] Can't save URL linkThis issue is happening on only one of the 5 websites I’m using this plugin on.
I’ll update if I find a solution!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Compatiblity with wordpress 3.8Hi, have just updated wordpress to v3.8 and have now lost the ability to add or update events as the event editor looks as though it isn’t loading properly.
The visual editor is white with no kitchen sink or other calendar options.
I’ve disabled all plugins one by one and then re-enabled them and still no change.
I’ll keep pluggin away at this and will update if I’ve found a fix. Cheers
Thanks heaps, I just checked using a different browser and it works perfect in firefox and internet explorer. Been using Chrome and this is where it isn’t appearing.
I’ll do some digging and find out what the problem is. Let me know if you know the fix. Cheers!
Hey mate, thanks for the quick reply!
You can check out an example page here https://www.wearitout.co.nz/store/white-victorian-fascinator/
One thing I did notice was that it does include the line regarding the facebook buttons via
<div class="fb-like" data-send="true" data-layout="button_count" data-width="450" data-show-faces="true"></div>
Any ideas? Cheers mate
Sorry bout that, seems to work fine! Unfortunately I can’t say what could have made it work though.. Cheers for the awesome plugin!
If you’re brave to edit the code of the plugin, then you can edit ‘dk-image-rotator-widget.js’ found in the folder named ‘js’ within the plugins folder.
There are controls to set the timing in milliseconds for each effect. Give it a go!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Equivalent to in_category() for custom taxonomyThanks heaps mate! However it’s almost there..
<?php if( count(wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, 'hire')) > 0 ) echo 'Hire!'; else echo 'Buy!'; ?>
That’s the line I’m using. The taxonomy these terms are using is “product_cat”, and there are no posts/products directly under the “hire” category. Only those under child categories.
It changes the echo from ‘hire’ or ‘buy’ if I change the 0 to 1 so it’s definitely taking effect.. just not effecting only those in a category under ‘hire’. Will post what I find!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Equivalent to in_category() for custom taxonomyAwesome piece of script dermotholmes! Worked a treat for my application with woocommerce.
However, I’d like to target all the posts in a parent category. Eg, top category is ‘action’, then child categories could be ‘Action Comedies’, ‘Sci-fi Action’, ‘Martial Arts’ etc..
So all posts from all of the categories under ‘action’ will be affected. Hope my request makes sense
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upload Image… Full Size onlyDon’t fret! I’m in the same boat.
I have this exact same issue after upgrading to WordPress 3.3.1. Will look for a fix and let ya know what I find