Forum Replies Created
Hi Pascal,
I tried to to some reconstruction, where I translated the “article/artykul”. But I don’t find any variable concerning this in the wp-team-list-template. Do you can give me a hint, where I have to look?
Best regards
JensHi Pascal,
thanks a lot for your answer. I think, the idea with the translation sounds like a possible reason for the problem. I thave to think, where I changed the translation for the polish version, and then I send it. I thought it was in the plugin, but in a quick search I never found the translation…
Best regards
JensI am very interested in some news: Is there any chance, to took consent before loading google maps?
It will be great, if you realize it as feature. At the moment my project has no prof.support, but then I try to get this prof. support. I talk to my project manager, if there is money for that…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MultilingualPress] MulitlingualPress and Events CalendarHi Thorsten,
one question: I realized, that on one site of my multisite-instance there is no category-element for the “events calender”. So I can enter categories on the german site, but not on my polish website. Everything is configurated on one database, same config. Do you have an idea, why I miss the categories for the events (tags are available…)?
Best regards
JensIn the settings of the polish site, there is no function “enable categories”; on the german site it is. It is missing.
If you need, I will send you a screenshot. I don’t know, why this function is not available on one site? Hmmm?
Hi Marcus,
I use Multilingual Press. “übersetze eigene Inhaltstypen” (Translate own content types) is active. All the other menu elements (also in events) are available, only the event-categories are missing in polish…
Thanks a lot!
Best regards
JensForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Slider Feed] Plugin not working after latest update – Version 1.4.1I need help, too: I use the plugin (coming with theme susa) and since the last update, I only see: “Illegal string offset ‘thumbnail’ in…”. I changed all parameters and nothing solved the problem. Please help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MultilingualPress] MulitlingualPress and Events CalendarHi Thorsten,
thank you very much for these slides – great. I found nearly everything I needed to know. So there is only one question left: Is there any chance to translate the “biographic data” of the users? If I copy the users from site to the other, there is the same biographic-text.
Concerning “The Events Calendar”: My people told me, that we never will have events in both languages, one event is only for one countr (generally). So I don’t need to translate every field.
Thanks a lot for your great work, I will buy the support the next days.
Best regards
jwhberlinForum: Plugins
In reply to: [MultilingualPress] MulitlingualPress and Events CalendarIn addition to my post yesterday, I will describe my second questions a little bit more exactly:
– I have a multisite installation on two domains, language1.com and language2.com
– If I enter language1.com, the first language is displayed – independently of the browsers language
– If I enter language2.com, the second language is displayed – independently of the browsers languageWhat is to do, to redirect automaticly to language2 of the users browsers is using the second language, instead of he is entering the “wrong” domain?
Best regards
jwhberlinForum: Plugins
In reply to: [MultilingualPress] MulitlingualPress and Events CalendarHi Emili, Hi Thorsten,
thanks a lot for your information. Unfortunately I am not a developer, but I think, I understand a little bit. So I will try Thorstens suggestion. Thanks!
Concerning the redirection I will have a closer look on the article. The organization I build the site for wants to change the URL-Decision, so I have to change many things. In the result, we will have to different domains domainlanguageA.com und domainlanguageB.de for example. If I changed all this, I will try it again.
Thank you very much for this great support and this great plugin.
Best regards