Forum Replies Created
Thank you for a great reply, I learned something new. I will seek out a better search option for our site.
Thank you again!
I couldn’t find any problems so I was looking at the code to see if I could “turn off” the lightbox. In the file plugins > business-directory-plugin > core > templates-ui.php I
changed:$args['link'] == 'picture' ? 'data-lightbox="wpbdpgal" rel="wpbdpgal"' : '',
to:$args['link'] == 'picture' ? 'rel="wpbdpgal"' : '',
and now it works perfectly. like it did before.One other thing, since the update I have lost the sidebars on the single listings. Is there anything I can do to get them back?
I put the <[your-email]> in the message body. I believe the from is meaning from your site, not the person.
Try this, because it worked for me:
From: [first-name] [last-name] <[email protected]>
Of course your-site.com is your domain and you might not have first and last names.
What I found is you need to have an email address from your sites domain, meaning if your site is https://www.mysite.com then your email has to be [email protected] not [email protected] or msn or hotmail, etc.
It’s said that you ahem to create a @mysite.com email with your host, maybe something like [email protected].
Hope that helps,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Calendar not loading properly in succeeding monthsHey Brock,
No I didn’t do anything but it works great now?! Just updated the theme, WP and the plugin and all seems to be 100%. Thank for the follow-up.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Calendar not loading properly in succeeding monthsI’m having the same problem. I’m on a Mac using Safari, my client is on a PC, unknown browser, and both have to reload the page to see the list.
Here is the site: [link]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Page TitleI actually figured it out. For some reason my theme (Bridge) creates a Archive page so I simply went into the functions.php and and changed Archive to In The News. I can’t get a subtile though so I will have to contact the theme developer. I would prefer the the plugin not create it’s own page but I understand why it does.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Event page and slug vs. Event Calendar slugPads,
You should have a page titled Events. On that page you should have something like [events_show type=”default”]. Then go to Events > Settings and make sure the Events URL slug is events (make sure lowercase) and Single event URL slug is event (again, lowercase).
Save Changes.
Now go to Appearance > Menus and under View All add your Events page to whichever menu you want and click save.
Go to Appearance > Editor and on the right side of the screen find Theme Functions (functions.php) and add to the bottom of the page. IMPORTANT!! Be careful modifying any theme files. Is is recommended that you make a copy of the file you are about to modify in case something goes wrong.
Good luck!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Event page and slug vs. Event Calendar slugI have the same error/message as well. I haven’t changed anything because the site still works.Hoping to see an answer here soon. I just updated to 3.12.1 and the message is still there.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Aviation Weather from NOAA] Loosing all other widgets when installedYes, the update fixed everything. Thank you so much for the support!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gravitate Event Tracking] Does not seem to be workingI spoke too soon, my bad. Works great, just like you said. I can now see every document downloaded. Do you know if there is a way to see what city/state the person is located?
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Change Registration AddressThanks Voodoo,
I should have been a little more specific. I want them to go to the home page of our site and log in from there. I understand they cannot do any damage logging into the back end, it is more for aesthetics.
Thanks for the plugin info, I will give that a try.