Forum Replies Created
Gjelder ikke hurtigkassen. Vi har flere felter (passord etc) under betaling. Du vil alts? ikke anbefale ? ta vekk funksjonaliteten ved at kansellerte Vipps-betalinger automatisk blir registert som brukere?
Slenger meg p? denne:
Selger fysisk kurs og mine billetter (produkter) vises i liste.
Listen henter ut informasjon fra produktet i Woocommerce og best?r av Tittel, pris og flere custom fields.Fors?ker n? at Vipps hurtigkasse skal vises p? plasseringen til mine custom fields.
Har lagt inn Shortcode, som nevnt over, men uten hell. Vipps hurtigkasse vises i hj?rnet p? venstre siden.Noen tips?
Ps. Plugin for listevisning heter WC Product Table og det er kun vanlig betaling som fungerer.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pay with Vipps and MobilePay for WooCommerce] Google AnalyticsHei,
Dette gjelder ved vanlig betaling gjennom Vipps.
Vet det er mulig ? endre innstillinger p? GA, slik at “api.vipps.no” g?r under CPC. Problemet er rett og slett at Google Ads ikke sporer opp at det er en konvertering, selvom jeg kan se konverteringen fra GA.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google Customer Reviews for WooCommerce] The pop up doesn′t appearHi,
I have the same problem at my page Superlighter.n.o. I use a custom Thank-you page, so the URL have this action:
Still no Popup disapear. What is wrong?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pay with Vipps and MobilePay for WooCommerce] Custom thank you pageHei,
Bruker 1 Click Upsell av Woocurve med Stripe p? bankkort.
Har testet ulike varianter av filteret du nevner, men blir ikke redirectet slik jeg ?nsker.Kan du lage filteret i sin helhet, s? jeg vet at jeg ikke har skrevet feil?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PlanSo Forms] Planso Forms obstructs Cornerstone Preview from loadingAny news at all?
I have trouble with the same at my site Undrumdesign.no
Have you found a solution to this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Conversion Tracking] Custom Thank You Page SupportDoes this code shows different values?
If the price of a product is 10 usd.
And if a customer buy 3 units.Will this script shows 30 USD in my Facebook Business?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Checkoutpage – How can I move content to the left?Thank you very much, Brother. It worked perfectly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Checkoutpage – How can I move content to the left?https://www.smart-kit.no/utstyrspakke/triathlon-utstyr/
Enter “KJ?P” then my picture will show.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Checkoutpage – How can I move content to the left?Yep, more room for the grey text.
Here is my website:
https://www.smart-kit.no/And on checkout-page:
https://www.smart-kit.no/checkout (have to add something to cart)