Thanks for your help. But still no luck. In settings panel, “User ID and Session Key found! Automatic
publishing is ready to go!” text is appeared. But still not working ?? Morever, after publishing a post to wordpress, an option appeares in the right corner of the side panel to publish this post to profile and application. I tried both options. Publishing to application works perfectly but publishing to profile doesn’t work ?? I don’t recognize wheres the actual problem..please help.
[Please note: In the “Site Url” field of my application is “” (where “blog” is the directory of wordpress) and “Site Domain” field remains empty. Please note that in “Generel>Setting” of wordpress, I enterd my site name in “wordpress url” and “blog url” with “www” . For that, I entered the link in app’s “Site Url” field with “www” with blog path (/blog/)
Please correct me if I doing any wrong.]