Karen Turner
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Unable to edit new fieldsWe have moved the website to a new platform. But still have the same problem.
So, I did a completely fresh installation of WordPress with only the Participants database plugin. I then exported the wp_participants_database_fields and wp_participants database_groups from the original website.
I then gradually imported the fields, cutting off at a different point each time until I located when the error occurred.
It seems that when the auto-increment value for the ‘ID’ reaches 1000, you can still import more fields, you can still create new fields, but you cannot edit newly created fields. I have very carefully examined the 1000 entry and cannot see
an error,
so I imported 997 fields and then added new fields via the website. Again, I could add and edit field 998 and 999, but as soon as I added 1000, I could no longer edit it.I have tried to research phpmyadmin, but cant find that this is a limit. It does not happen in participants database version
Is it possible that a limit has been set in later versions of participants database please?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Unable to edit new fieldsI have created a completely new installation of WordPress.
I have exported the wp_participants_database_fields and the wp_participants_database_groups from the problem site.I was still unable to edit new fields.
I rolled participants data base right back to version
I could then edit the fields.I noticed that the fields on the new build did not match the fields showing in the problem site. There were fields that used to be of ‘Form Element’ type HTML that were not showing up on the problem site.
I tried deleting all these fields from the new site and reverting back to PDB – could not preform the edits.
I started again and re-imported the PDB tables. This time I went into PHPMyadmin and changed HTML type to Text-line
I could still edit in version but not in
In both cases, I can edit the existing fields, I can add a field, but I cannot edit the added fields.
Oddly, I even tried deleting all the fields, but still could not edit a newly created field.
Am I going to have to stick with PDB or start all over again with participants database? We have 296 clients, 24 groups and 692 fields. It has taken many years creating this database. Please, please, can you think of anything else I can do?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Unable to edit new fieldsHi,
I am still desperate! I have tried temporarily removing all my custom templates and all jquery used to hide parts of the forms.
I have downloaded a fresh copy of the latest wordpress and deleted the wordpress core files and replaced them.
I have down loaded the latest copy of participants database, deleted the files and replaced them.
I have tried updating all the permissions on the wordpress files.Now, I have done as you suggested and checked the network panel. There were no errors. The page simply refreshed, but the edits just disappeared and no field updated message appeared.
The HOST just say they cannot see any errors in the server log, please contact plugin vendor.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Unable to edit new fieldsThe debugging log is empty. It shows no errors.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Unable to edit new fieldsThank you for continuing to try and help.
I tried both of your suggestions:
The console displayed 2 warnings:
This page uses the non standard property “zoom”. Consider using calc() in the relevant property values, or using “transform” along with “transform-origin: 0 0”. admin.php
Layout was forced before the page was fully loaded. If stylesheets are not yet loaded this may cause a flash of unstyled content.
BUT, these warnings come up on every field group and when I can make changes to exiting old fields.The debugging shows no errors when set to ‘all errors’ or ‘plugin errors’
The page refreshes. It does not say field updated. All changes disappear.Really, really most odd and we are unable to make changes to our participants database forms.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Unable to edit new fieldsNo, I am afraid that is not the answer, as I have created a new field group with one one field in it and I am unable to edit that. I also deleted some fields in another group to check whether it would make a difference, but it didn’t.
Completely at a loss!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Unable to edit new fieldsIs there by any chance a maximum number of fields allowed all together in the participants database? I know we had a similar problem a long time ago, having too many fields in a Field Group and needed to break the field Groups into smaller Field Groups.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Unable to edit new fieldsThank you for this suggestion. I tried putting session.save_handler to “files” in the php.ini
It still doesn’t work! Now there is no error in the error log. The record just does not save. Existing records can be edited and changed. Then when update Fields is clicked, you get the updated fields message. But if I create a new field, edits are not saved. I can go into phpmyadmin and make the changes and save, then the saved change shows up in the Manage Database Fields table as expected.
I can only think to move the whole site to a new host, which seems a bit radical, but I can’t think of anything else to try now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Unable to edit new fieldsThank you for your suggestions.
I do not get ‘field updated’ message when a change is made. The page refreshes and goes back to the original field values, without the changes.
The extremely odd thing is, that you can make changes to existing fields. You can create a new field, but you cannot edit the new field!!
I have tried deactivating, then reactivating the plugin. This made no difference.
I have run the debugger. It gives this message:
session_start(): Cannot find save handler ‘memcached’ – session startup failedin /var/sites/m/msol.uk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/participants-database/vendor/wp-session-manager/wp-session-manager.php on line 46
We are now on PHP version 7.3
I have tried going back to previous versions of PHP
I have tried rolling back wordpress to the previous version that worked.
I have tried rolling back participants database to previous version that worked.I have looked in the PHP.ini which has this line:
session.save_handler = memcached
so, I presume that is OK.
I have raised a ticket with the HOST, but they don’t seem to know what is wrong.Also now, when a page is saved on the multi-form, refreshed page come up with the message ‘No record was found’ so, I assume the sessions are not working correctly. I have tried with ‘Use alternative Session Method’ checked and unchecked.
I realize that no-one else is having these problems, so it is a problem with our site.
I have tried deactivating all plugins and changing theme. Now, I am so truly stuck. We have been using your plugin and the participants database Date plugin and HTML5 form elements plugin for many years, so we have 291 records with a multiform of 33 pages, so really not practical to do a clean build of word press.Just don’t know where to go from here so if you have any other ideas, it would be more than gratefully appreciated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Participants Database] Thanks Page not refreshingHi Thank you for your reply.
I am still experience a major problem and am completely stumped as to what to try next.
The problem:
On the sign up page I have the [pdb_signup] short code
On the Thank you page I have the [pdb_signup_thanks] short code
in the signup form settings I have set the sign up thanks pageA link on the menu goes to the signup page and the submit takes you to the thanks page. A message with the access link gets sent and the thank you message is displayed
ALL good.
Then click link to signup page again for a new participant.
The url says signup page, but the page displayed is the previous thank you page.
Another email link goes out the same as the previous one, with corresponding messages to say a new participant has been added. If you click edit page, it is in fact the signup page, not the thank you page.Extremely bizarre
I have:
reinstalled WordPress 5.3.2
Disabled all plugins
Changed theme
Rolled WordPress back to 5.2
Rolled participants database back to 1.9.4updated WordPress back to 5.3.2
updated participants database back to
changed the permalinks and changed them backmade new signup and thank you pages
Can you think of any reason this could be happening. I have been using the participants database for maybe 3-4 years and it has been fine up until now. I haven’t changed anything that I can think of.
It would seem that the signup somehow not resetting the submit button.
Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated.
Thank you
If I remove the comma from the field ie
echo(money_format(‘%i’,(str_replace(‘,’,”,$msol_client->get_value(‘basic_annual_earned_income_app1’)) + (str_replace(‘,’,”,$msol_client->get_value(‘basic_annual_earned_income_app_2’)) ) )));
?>Then I get the correct output 117466.00
In the code line
<?php echo(money_format(‘%i’,$msol_client->get_value(‘basic_annual_earned_income_app1’) + $msol_client->get_value(‘basic_annual_earned_income_app_2’) ) );
?>the result is output as 117.00
where basic_annual_earned_income_app1 = 117466.00
basic_annual_earned_income_app_2 = 0.0If I remove the money_format
echo($msol_client->get_value(‘basic_annual_earned_income_app1’) + $msol_client->get_value(‘basic_annual_earned_income_app_2’) );
the result is output exactly the same 117.00If I rollback to version
the result without money_format is 117466
with money_format is 117466.00I am using Participants Database HTML5 Form Elements and Participants Database Datepicker not that that should effect anything, but just in case.
basic_annual_earned_income_app1 is a currency field
I have tried rolling back the plugin to check that it is the update that has caused the problem. I see that the currency field did not have a comma previously and the calculations all worked.
Here is an example of the code:
<p class = “text-third”>
<?php $msol_client->print_field(‘basic_annual_earned_income_app1’) ?>
</p><p class = “text-third”>
<?php $msol_client->print_field(‘basic_annual_earned_income_app_2’) ?>
</p><p class = “text-third-total”>
<?php echo(money_format(‘%i’,$msol_client->get_value(‘basic_annual_earned_income_app1’) + $msol_client->get_value(‘basic_annual_earned_income_app_2’) ) ); ?>
</p>The output from this code is
117,466.00 0.00 117.00
Thank you for extra pointers.
I have been struggling all day with lots of variations, but still can’t get this to work.
I have created a test button
<button type=”submit”><?php echo $this->shortcode_atts[‘submit_button'</button>
<button type=”submit” id =”test-button” >TEST BUTTON</button>Which I have added to the template, under the usual submit button.
The latest script I have tried is
$(“#test-button”).on(“click”, function(e){
I know I am targeting the first selector OK, as I can test other things inside the on click function.
In Chrome and Edge browsers, it partially works. Sometimes it works fine, sometimes it doesn’t remember the pid, so ‘page not found’ BUT in doesn’t work at all in Mozilla Firefox, which is the browser I had been using for development.
I cannot find an ID or name for the form to try document.getElementById(‘myForm’)
to more directly target the form. I don’t want to make any changes to the plugin, does the form have an ID or name? If I target $(‘.pdb_record form’), that doesn’t work at all.Is it possible that you cannot change the action on a multi-form or an action that has been set in a shortcode? I have tried searching but can’t find any answer.
Can you think of any reason why I can’t get anything to work please. Thank you.