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  • I am also having this problem. I switched to Simple Mode to test the saving after getting the Forbidden error and now I cannot switch back as I am getting the Forbidden error when trying to save. I have V2.0.8.1 of WPCode Lite installed.

    Thread Starter Kari Sharp


    Hi —

    I disabled “Use AJAX for JavaScript check” option. The “Use WordPress HTTP API” option was already enabled. That has fixed the issue. I am using WP Rocket for caching, though. Will it be OK to have the “Use AJAX for JavaScript check” turned off with caching?

    The $lessfile_in_theme variable is not working properly in /wp-content/plugins/wp-less/lib/Stylesheet.class.php on line 88 (I am using version 1.9.3-3 of the plugin)

    I temporarily fixed this by adding the path directly to the plugin file (at least to get it working until the plugin is fixed).

    1. Comment out line 89: $this->source_path = WP_CONTENT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lessfile_in_theme;
    2. Add a new line with the correct path to this filename: $this->source_path = ‘/www/wp-content/themes/yourthemename/style/css/theme.less’;

    This will work until the plugin is updated and the file is overwritten, but hopefully at that point the variable will be fixed and working properly.

    Hi —

    I also have this same request. We need Shop Managers to be able to manage gift cards. I also added this code and I can confirm that the Shop Manager cannot see the YITH -> Gift Cards menu. Is there a solution for this?


    Hi Dimitar —

    Have you had a chance to take a look at this issue yet? I would like to use your plugin, but am unable to do so with this error.


    Hi —

    I am having the same issue with your plugin. I am using version 1.18.1. My site is hosted on Flywheel. Their response to this issue is the following:

    Unfortunately creating a file in /wordpress/ is not something we are able to do, it is where the core WordPress files are kept and is not writable even to us.

    All user files reside in /www/.

    It looks like the plugin is incorrectly calling where it believes the root folder should be rather than where it is. (This is due to our de-coupled folder structure for optimal security, more and more hosts are starting to take this approach so will be in the plugins interest longer term to take a look at this).

    To fix this:

    The plugin author can update their plugin to correctly reference the root directory rather than where the core files are.

    Would you be willing to update the plugin to fix the error?


    Kari Sharp


    I would also like to display the “custom stock status” message with colors/formatting in the product loop on the “Cart” and “Checkout” pages. Is there any way to add this?


    Kari Sharp


    Hi —

    I have this same question. Adding the   is not working. It is getting stripped out of the field on save. Is there another way to do this? It would be great if these were classed separately so we could not display them, or if you provided the ability to turn them on or off within the plugin.

    Thank you!

    I am getting the same error on the most recent version, just installed for the first time on 2 sites today:

    2020-07-29 10:06:37: Error occurred while updating SpamFireWall local base. Error: NO_FILE_URL_PROVIDED

    Following. Same issue on my site. I would also appreciate the input of @halgatewood, the plugin developer.

    Thread Starter Kari Sharp


    Thanks so much! Do you know when your next release will be?


    Thread Starter Kari Sharp


    Got it. That makes sense. Thank you so much for your help on this and for spending time updating the plugin to work with PDF thumbnails. Your plugin is working great and doing exactly what I need!

    Thread Starter Kari Sharp



    THANK YOU so much for working on this for me. It is working for all thumbnail sizes except for the primary thumbnail. By default, that file is named filename-pdf.jpg (with no size indication after it). So, for instance:

    PDF file uploaded:

    Test-20-pdf.jpg (primary)
    Test-20-pdf-800×450.jpg and so on.

    Is there a way to also include that primary file? I’m not sure how that’s different than the other thumbnails and why it wasn’t included in your move?


    Thread Starter Kari Sharp


    Got it. I’m actually talking about the thumbnails that are created for the PDFs, not the PDF itself. Those are the thumbnails that I need to use and set as a featured image while keeping the PDF in a protected folder. By default, WordPress now creates thumbnails for PDF uploads and I’d love to be able to use them. Right now I have changed the upload path for my ACF field to go to the /s2member-files/ folder and the automatically generated thumbnails are also going there. The idea was to move those thumbnails (but not the PDF) to another folder using your plugin. It is working when I upload a .jpg file to the protected area using my ACF field. The thumbnails are successfully moved to the new location /uploads/thumbnails/s2-member-files. But when I upload a PDF to the protected area, the thumbnails are not moved to the new location. I’m assuming it’s because you’re checking if the file is an image (and .pdf doesn’t pass that test) so the thumbnails are disregarded. Is there a way that we can include .pdf as part of that test so we can get the thumbnails?

    Thanks so much for your help,

    Thread Starter Kari Sharp


    Hi! Thank you SO much for your help! That is working perfectly with one exception. It is not working for PDF documents. I see you are checking if it is an image with this code:

    // Skip if not an image.
    if (!wp_attachment_is_image($id)) {
    return $downsize;

    I’m assuming that’s why it’s not working for PDF documents. Is there any way I can have this work for PDF documents, maybe specify an array of valid file extensions? Thank you so much for your help!


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