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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Directory plugin
    Thread Starter KS


    As a reference for someone else looking for this, a friend posted me these links/plugins, which might partly do the job:

    Thread Starter KS


    Otto42, thanks again!

    The code didn’t quite work at first, but it was just a matter of removing the space and comma after Frontpage. I’m not sure if there’s a way to remove the last comma in the category list (now it’s outputting one after the last one too, since I presume it’s expecting Frontpage to appear), but that’s a small issue and I’ve added a dot after each category instead, which is a working compromise.

    Again, many thanks for the help and good luck with your work (and your new home – saw on your site that you’ve just moved).

    Thread Starter KS


    Many thanks again, very kind that you took the time to reply! Have done a trawling of Google for related posts with get_the_category_list, but must admit I’m stuck. Unfortunately I don’t know string functions well enough to exclude part of the output from the array. They mention it here but can’t seem to wield it into useable form on my site. If you’ve got an example how I would exclude a category by number or name (9 or Frontpage, for example) by using string functions, I would be eager ears!


    Thread Starter KS


    Thanks for the link Otto42! I’d come across it before, but somehow it didn’t seem to click that I could use it. It would probably have worked, but I ended up using manual exclusion based on Cat-ID number instead. Hence, in my sidebar and on my archive page, I added the exclude call.

    <?php wp_list_categories(‘title_li=&exclude=9‘); ?>

    Then on the front page, I edited the querypost to only show that specific category.

    <?php if (is_home()) { query_posts(‘showposts=3&cat=9‘); } ?>

    This works quite well and solved the problem I had above! The only one remaining issue is that now that I have a new category (Frontpage) that I add a post to, this also gets listed in the “Posted in..” section under the post. I’ve tried to exclude it, but don’t quite know how. Not sure a category can be excluded from the the_category output?

    <?php the_category(‘, ‘) ?>

    If I could limit the output to not show this specific category in the list, that would solve the last problem!

    Hi there,
    I’m pretty new to WP so I’m still finding my way around. But I’m using this code in my sidebar and it seems to do the trick, might be worth trying if you’ve not solved your problem yet.

    Good luck, karl

    		if(wp_list_pages("child_of=".$post->ID."&echo=0")) {
    		else {
    		wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=".$post->post_parent."&sort_column=menu_order&show_date=modified&date_format=$date_format"); }
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