Dr. Karl Ruegg
Forum Replies Created
Ryan, the connection seems to be working again. Weird stuff.
Hi Ryan, unfortunately the connection between Publicize and Facebook is acting up again. I used both methods to no avail. I have a screen capture, but can’t seem to find a way to attach it to this post.
Ryan, just a quick update to let you know that publicize seems to be posting to Facebook again. Thank you so much for your help and all the very best wishes for 2016!
Hi Ryan and thanks for getting back with me. I followed your instructions and it seemed to have worked. I’ll keep an eye on it and let you know once I know for sure in a few hours when my next blog post is scheduled to post. By the way, I didn’t see you response until now so I posted this issue again, but I can’t seem to find the new post so I can delete it. Weird.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Shell Lite] Video instead of Featured ImageThanks for the kudos mpaxton! If you enjoyed my site, you might also like https://www.Small-Business-Owner.com and https://www.Start-A-New-Business.org
KarlForum: Reviews
In reply to: [Shell Lite] Love the Landing Page!Thanks! Works great! Take a look: https://www.CoachKarl.com
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Shell Lite] Video instead of Featured ImageLove it! Works great! Like I said… genious!
Take a look: https://www.CoachKarl.comForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Shell Lite] Video instead of Featured ImageMuch better! Thanks Stanko, you are a genious!
The only thing that looks weird is that the top of the text and the video are not on the same height and it doesn’t look professional because of that.
How can I push the Video down or raise the text block up?
KarlForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Shell Lite] Video instead of Featured ImageThanks Stanko!
The Video is up, but it’s above the call to action.
What did I do wrong?
Here is the site: https://www.CoachKarl.com
And this is the front-page.php:<?php
* Front Page
* Note: You can overwrite home.php as well as any other Template in Child Theme.
* Create the same file (name) and you’re all set to go!
* @file front-page.php
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Shell
* @author Emil Uzelac, nofearinc
* @copyright 2003 – 2012 ThemeID, 2013 DevWP
* @license license.txt
* @version Release: 1.0
* @filesource wp-content/themes/shell-lite/front-page.php
* @link N/A
* @since available since Release 1.0
<?php get_header(); ?><div id=”content-full” class=”grid col-940″>
<?php $options = get_option(‘shell_theme_options’);
// First let’s check if headline was set
if ($options[‘home_headline’]) {
echo ‘<h1 class=”featured-title”>’;
echo $options[‘home_headline’];
echo ‘</h1>’;
// If not display dummy headline for preview purposes
} else {
echo ‘<h1 class=”featured-title”>’;
echo ‘Your H1 Headline Goes Right Here. Great for SEO!’;
echo ‘</h1>’;
?><div class=”grid col-460?>
<iframe width=”440″ height=”300″ src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/xwTZGRyT1cA” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””></iframe></div>
<!– end of .col-460 –>
<div class=”grid col-460 fit”>
<?php $options = get_option(‘shell_theme_options’);
// First let’s check if headline was set
if ($options[‘home_subheadline’]) {
echo ‘<h2 class=”featured-subtitle”>’;
echo $options[‘home_subheadline’];
echo ‘</h2>’;
// If not display dummy headline for preview purposes
} else {
echo ‘<h2 class=”featured-subtitle”>’;
echo ‘Your H2 Subheadline Here’;
echo ‘</h2>’;
?><?php $options = get_option(‘shell_theme_options’);
// First let’s check if content is in place
if ($options[‘home_content_area’]) {
echo ‘<p>’;
echo $options[‘home_content_area’];
echo ‘</p>’;
// If not let’s show dummy content for demo purposes
} else {
echo ‘<p>’;
echo ‘Properly structured landing page is big part of the Search Engine Optimization. Shell is a hassle-free WordPress CMS Theme. All of the content on this landing page
is fully manageable directly from Theme Options, including call-to-action button and its destination.’;
echo ‘</p>’;
<div class=”featured-button”><?php $options = get_option(‘shell_theme_options’);
// First let’s check if headline was set
if ($options[‘featured_button_link’] && $options[‘featured_button_text’]) {
echo ‘<p>’;
echo ‘‘;
echo $options[‘featured_button_text’];
echo ‘‘;
echo ‘</p>’;
// If not display dummy headline for preview purposes
} else {
echo ‘<p>’;
echo ‘‘;
echo ‘Call to Action’;
echo ‘‘;
echo ‘</p>’;
?></div><!– end of .featured-button –>
</div><!– end of .col-460 fit –>
</div><!– end of #content-full –>
<?php get_sidebar(‘home’); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Shell Lite] Style SheetHi Stanko and thank you for your quick response!
Yes this is the link I found on the HostGator server using Filezilla:
https://[email protected]/public_html/coachkarl.com/wp-content/themes/shell-lite/style.css
Is this the wrong one?
How can I find out where your Shell Lite style sheet is?
Thank you!
KarlForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Subscribe2 - Form, Email Subscribers & Newsletters] Changing Sender EmailLove the Plugin.
Just started using and all is well except I noticed that the emails being sent don’t show the “From:” email specified in the settings. It’s just blank. Looks kind of weird and might make my subscribers think it’s spam or similar. Any ideas what I might have done wrong?Same here!
Was running like a charm until a few days ago.
Now getting this error message: “possible XSS attack – ignoring email”
I am glad to know that I am not the only person struggling with this and hope that the issue will be resolved soon.
KarlYes! Success. Things are starting to normalize. Still having issues installing Themes. WP will delete most of the files and folders, but then gives an error message that it can’t install new theme because old theme couldn’t be completely removed. Using FTP the old theme folder is still there. After deleting that folder it is possible to install the new theme.
Update. I finally got Aplus.net to take a closer look and they repaired the changes I had made for the file permissions. Next I will try to install the plugins and themes again to see if the repairs helped. Stay tuned.
Ok, here is the status. Out of the 1 plugin (WP Security Scan 3.0.7) that I have been trying to install on 12 different blogs for some reason 7 are up and running, but 5 are still causing the “Incompatible Archive. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature” error. I don’t know why the other 7 are working and these 5 aren’t. When I unpack the zip to desktop and upload with FileZilla to the plugins folder the plugin doesn’t show up in the plugin list as deactivated to be activated. The zip issue wouldn’t be such a pain if I could get the FTP install to work…