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  • Thread Starter kaswistry


    Right now, I am using Password Protected.

    Thread Starter kaswistry


    Hello Everyone, sorry for the late reply.

    Issue One: Rounded Corners
    Ive managed to make the website fully compatible with browsers in terms of the rounded corners. Any ideas how to do this on IE?

    Issue Two: Halved Menus
    For some disturbing reason, IE cuts the boxes at the right making it look like they are halfs. Why does this appear like this? Any ideas how to fix it?

    Thread Starter kaswistry


    Thanks for the reply.

    Design or tweak css of your stylesheet as a copy do a copy of ur css n test it on ie until u get clean results… thats sorry to do bcoz ie does the mess…

    Any ideas what edits can I do to make it compatible?

    second ur home id must be in menu like place the nav in order to use it n show it in order….

    How do you do this exactly? Custom links on WordPress dont provide id feature

    Thread Starter kaswistry


    Thanks for the help but it wasn’t fixed ??

    The first code was the closest I got but apparently, only the top 0 works. if you add a value, the image goes down.

    Also, the left or right values, even if changed, do not make any changes to the image’s position.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks sir.

    Thread Starter kaswistry


    Hello everybody! I have the WP email capture widget successfully added to my webiste In fact, here’s the code for the widget:

    function wp_email_capture_widget_init() {
    	// Check to see required Widget API functions are defined...
    	if ( !function_exists('register_sidebar_widget') || !function_exists('register_widget_control') )
    		return; // ...and if not, exit gracefully from the script.
    	// This function prints the sidebar widget--the cool stuff!
    	function wp_email_capture_widget($args) {
    		// $args is an array of strings which help your widget
    		// conform to the active theme: before_widget, before_title,
    		// after_widget, and after_title are the array keys.
    		// Collect our widget's options, or define their defaults.
    		$options = get_option('wp_email_capture_widget');
    		$title = empty($options['title']) ? 'Subscribe!' : $options['title'];
     		// It's important to use the $before_widget, $before_title,
     		// $after_title and $after_widget variables in your output.
    		echo $before_widget;
    		echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
    		echo $text;
    		echo $after_widget;
    	// This is the function that outputs the form to let users edit
    	// the widget's title and so on. It's an optional feature, but
    	// we'll use it because we can!
    	function wp_email_capture_widget_control() {
    		// Collect our widget's options.
    		$options = get_option('wp_email_capture_widget');
    		$newoptions = get_option('wp_email_capture_widget');
    		// This is for handing the control form submission.
    		if ( $_POST['wp-email-capture-submit'] ) {
    			// Clean up control form submission options
    			$newoptions['title'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['wp-email-capture-title']));
    			$newoptions['text'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['wp-email-capture-text']));
    		// If original widget options do not match control form
    		// submission options, update them.
    		if ( $options != $newoptions ) {
    			$options = $newoptions;
    			update_option('wp_email_capture_widget', $options);
    		// Format options as valid HTML. Hey, why not.
    		$title = htmlspecialchars($options['title'], ENT_QUOTES);
    		$text = htmlspecialchars($options['text'], ENT_QUOTES);
    // The HTML below is the control form for editing options.
    		<label for="wp-email-capture-title" style="line-height:35px;display:block;">Widget title: <input type="text" id="wp-email-capture-title" name="wp-email-capture-title" value="<?php echo $title; ?>" /></label>
    <br />
    		<label for="wp-email-capture-text" style="line-height:35px;display:block;">Widget text: <input type="text" id="wp-email-capture-text" name="wp-email-capture-text" value="<?php echo $text; ?>" /></label>
    		<input type="hidden" name="wp-email-capture-submit" id="wp-email-capture-submit" value="1" />
    	// end of widget_mywidget_control()
    	// This registers the widget. About time.
    	register_sidebar_widget('WP Email Capture', 'wp_email_capture_widget');
    	// This registers the (optional!) widget control form.
    	register_widget_control('WP Email Capture', 'wp_email_capture_widget_control');
    // Delays plugin execution until Dynamic Sidebar has loaded first.
    add_action('plugins_loaded', 'wp_email_capture_widget_init');

    And this is the widget I am talking about:

    I just want to know how I can fix the widget to look more neatly. Like this perhaps?

    If you could notice the changes:

    1) space between name and the horizontal bar
    2) space between name and email
    3) space between email and submit


    Thread Starter kaswistry


    Im having another problem. The setup is still the same. However, I can’t add a youtube icon.

    Any suggestions?

    Thread Starter kaswistry


    LOL! Finally, I figured it out!

    a #logo was blocking the three icons from loading their css script! LOl

    Than you very much sir!

    Thread Starter kaswistry



    I did the corresponding edits but I still get no hover image and no link ??

    Thread Starter kaswistry



    I really apologize. I am a newbie with CSS and I just can’t seem to figure it out.

    Thread Starter kaswistry


    I was close but not that close yet. hehe.

    I followed your instructions but It didn’t work out the way we expected. Please check my site to see what happened: It seems that the icons do not roll over and neither one of them have links either.

    Also, could we please have them horizontally? thanks

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Sidebar Help
    Thread Starter kaswistry


    Sadly, the site remains the same.

    if you wont mind, please check out to see what happened.


    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Sidebar Help
    Thread Starter kaswistry


    I see.

    This is actually what I want to do: If you go to the website, you’ll see that the way the video, about me are placed. I would like my “widgets” to do be placed the same way. Because right now, I noticed that my widgets are forced to only use one column.

    Any idea how I could do that, Sir?

    Also, If you could help me how to recreate the video box without breaking the theme, that would be of great help in the future.


    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Sidebar Help
    Thread Starter kaswistry



    Thanks for the tip but I don’t think it worked. The sasasa text widget and the twitter widget were only pushed down and yet neither did their content NOR their heading (even the background color) make use of two columns. and I did it right.

    Any more suggestions sir?


    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Sidebar Help
    Thread Starter kaswistry



    Thanks for the tip but I don’t think it worked. The sasasa text widget and the twitter widget were only pushed down and yet neither did their content NOR their heading (even the background color) make use of two columns. and I did it right.

    Any more suggestions sir?


    Thread Starter kaswistry


    My header is one whole background that occupies the same space. I was planning to create an image map or whatever that could make the job easier.

    All I want is that when a user rolls-over an icon on the header (facebook, rss,twitter), another banner with the same icon (but with opacity 100% to make em look livelier) would be loaded instead.

    Do you think that would work? Any suggestions as to how to easily achieve such effect?


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