Forum Replies Created

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  • Thread Starter Kate


    Thanks Ajay, and thanks MichaelH!

    I will look up those threads and read them again. Just of interest, I understand, now, that if I want a particular layout for a specific category, I would need to create a new category.php. Michael, how would I call it into play? Do I need to put another piece of code somewhere to call this layout or will WP just automatically assign this new category.php template whenever I post under associated “category”?

    Thanks again, you’ve helped me considerably.


    Thread Starter Kate


    Ok. Thanks for your input. – I’ve read that link referral before, but I’ll read it again. Obviously I’ve missed something.

    Just for clarity; I did’t think you could assign Posts to a Page Template. Is this right? In my admin section under “write”/”Post” there isn’t an option to change templates.

    Based on your input, how will I assign a Post to the new “articles.php” template?

    Thanks again. I reallyl do appreciate your help.

    Thread Starter Kate


    Thanks Podz, I’ll give it ago.

    Prior to becoming a very new WP fanatic, I looked at drupal. Incidentally, good software, but very difficult to master. I like WP for a lot of reasons but it lacks one particular functionality that I desperately need in my website – a damn good comment/preview.

    My website, when I finally get it up and running, is for writers primarily and as such, I offer a registered area for users to upload (type in) a whole chapter of their unpublished work (5000 words give or take a word) so that high profile publishers and agents in our specific genre can review and even facilitate contracts.

    However, I really do need a very good preview function integrated into my website. Drupal has an excellent comment/preview node/plugin. I’d image that you’ve seen it, even submitted a comment or two, yourself?

    I’ve searched WP plugins for that exact same comment/preview, where a user clicks “add a comment” type link on the bottom of an article, and the page reloads with the article in question at the top with the author’s particulars, then mid-way down the page is the usera€?s name and then a fairly large form box/section for commenting. At the bottom of the comment box are TWO buttons.

    First button a€?Previewa€?
    Second button a€?Posta€?

    A user can type whatever they like, click Preview and the entire comment is loaded into a new page for the user to review and correct any spelling/typos at their leisure. If the user wants to add additional comments, they can because the comment input area is underneath the draft comment.

    And, again, if more comments are added, the user can click a€?previewa€? and review his/her comments for typos. Once he/she is satisfied with the comment, then clicking a€?Posta€? will submit the comment into the public arena.

    I need that type of commenting / preview for my website. Is this possible?

    The existing plugins do not offer such a large scale commenting or preview like Drupal. I know that sounds dreadful but thata€?s where I stand.

    Your help or thoughts would be truly appreciated

    excuse me for offering some help.
    I won’t do it again.

    Have you checked the Options/Discussions:

    check box: email me whenever…
    1) anyone posts a comment
    2)a comment is held for moderation

    in your admin dashboard?

    PS: When deleting Meta you have to be careful not to delete your login & register code. If you delete it along with the meta stuff you won’t be able to login back into your admin section while browsing your site via browser.

    I trialled the Coffeecup theme, so here’s my 2 cents worth.

    1) change nav links
    A) Open header.php (if you have it re-writable) and insert your links there. You’ll find them under
    <div id=”hnav”>
    <div id=”hmenu”>
    <ul id=”top”>
    —————–[here they are]———————–

    I inserted this peice of code for my home link:
    ="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>" title="home">

    between the href = ‘ ‘ tags and that brought up my home page when I click “home”.

    As for the other links, I’m waiting on a reply from support as to how to bring up individual categtories because I use the horizontal aspect as my main primary navigation. So at present I can’t help you there.

    2) changing order of sidebar.
    A) Again, if you have your theme re-writable, open sidebar.php. This is what you’ll find:

    <div id="sidebar">

    • <h2>About</h2>
      You can put a small amount of info about you here.
      Name, contact details etc.
    • -->

    • <h2><?php _e('Categories'); ?></h2>
      <?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=name&optioncount=0&exclude=3,4,5,6,7'); ?>
    • <h2><?php _e('Monthly Archives:'); ?></h2>
      <?php wp_get_archives('type=monthly'); ?>

    <?php /* If this is the frontpage */ if (is_home()) { ?>

    • <h2><?php _e('Links'); ?></h2>
      <?php get_links('-1', '

    • ', '
    • ', '
      '); ?>

    <?php if (function_exists('wp_theme_switcher')) { ?>

    • <h2><?php _e('Change Themes'); ?></h2>
      <?php wp_theme_switcher(); ?>
    • <?php } ?>

    • <h2><?php _e('Meta'); ?></h2>

    <?php } ?>



    • <h2><?php _e('Monthly Archives:'); ?></h2>
      <?php wp_get_archives('type=monthly'); ?>

    that’s your archives section. Just select and copy (so you don’t ruin anything) and paste the code down the sidebar where you want it to go, taking care not to inject it into other code. Save your changes. Then preview your website to see if you like archives where you place it.

    If so, go back into the theme sidebar.php and find the original

    • <h2><?php _e('Monthly Archives:'); ?></h2>
      <?php wp_get_archives('type=monthly'); ?>

    and delete it.

    Now you’ll only have your re-positioned archives where you copy/pasted it and not duplicates.

    3)erase the meta
    A) Well, that’s self-explanatory. Just highlight the area and delete. But I would strongly recommend that you just copy the meta into a notepad file, save as txt onto your desktop just in case you require it for later use. Then you can delete the original if you don’t want it. I’d image that once you delete it from your sidebar, it’s gone – full stop. No Meta data in the theme at all. Hence my suggestion to save a snippet onto your computer just in case you change your mind.

    3) do another “category” and stuff
    A) Unable to determine exactly what you mean.

    Hope this helps

    Scout down the page until you find

    Thread Starter Kate



    (Yep – she’s reaaaallll cluely, this one.)

    God! I’m so sorry. What a mess! Look, this is what I typed between the a tags. wordpress / category / articles

    Hopefully this will show instead of converting into a damn hyperlink.

    Thread Starter Kate


    Oh, dear. What a dreadful mess I’ve made! How on earth is anyone able to make sense of all that?

    Sorry folks. Here’s the relevant inclusions surrounded by the code tags.

    <div id="header" title="navigation">
    <div id="mainnav">
    Home |
    Articles |
    Topics |
    Store |


    I had to omit the href completely because it was converting the into a proper hyperlink. So apologies anyone – and please don’t click it.


    Hi tomedue48

    I read your intro – excellent stuff. I would be very interested in this plugin. My writing website will have multiple authors submitting multiple content, and what you’re offering would be ideal. Please let me know when you have it up and running for public use.

    Great work.

    Thread Starter Kate


    Thank the Gods! Your words of wisdom has just relieved my mind considerably.

    Thanks podz & cheers.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP Simple Forum

    How excellent is that! Can’t wait to see the finished version.

    [mental note to self:] learn forum etiquette ASAP!

    Thread Starter Kate


    Goodness, thanks Moshu for your really quick reply.

    I confess, I’ve been reading LOTS on your site, trying to understand so many variations that I often wonder if I’m up to it all. I don’t consider myself stupid by any means, but sometimes…

    OK. I’ll check out your link – thanks again. After I’ve read up on the Moving WordPress I’ll make a decision. As to the rest, I’m keeping a list for a time when I can post without fear of finding myself slanted into the notorious “Search The Forum First” category.

    Thanks! ??

    Hey – you forgot to tell me if your forum was a WP plugin or not. If not, can you tell me where you got it from?
    Thanks a bunch.

    PS: Just so I’m not confused, JL is a model or something else that uses “model” as a cover title?

    you know what I mean.


    Hi iroc42

    Just checked out your site. I liked it, although I don’t have ANY idea as to who Jjerrylee is in the real world. I searched your site for a paragraph, anything, that would tell me who she is and what she does. I can only assume, given the banners that loaded in the “EVENTS section that she’s a dancer? Or an exotic dancer? I haven’t the faintest. That’s just my guess, I could well be wrong.

    It would be nice to see a page somewhere “ABOUT” maybe, or BIO is better, explaining all the particulars, who, what, where, when and why. By having a bio link on your front page or in your navigation with some blurb saying a€?Facts & Figures: The Real JerryLeea€? or some such stuff, then people will naturally check it out. Then dumb people like me will KNOW who she is, and whether or not we wish to actually venture further. Ratings play a major part in my browsing experience. I’m not fond of viewing or entering porn style websites – not that I’m saying yours is – but if it was, I wouldn’t know straight away cos there’s nothing to warn me as such.

    I liked your stars as navigation and your forum looked incredibly hot. Incidentally, is that a WP plugin? I’m looking for a forum to add to my site I’m building and yours looks like it will fit the bit nicely.

    My one complaint – couldn’t go this long without another one, right? – there wasna€?t a “Home” button navigation in your forum so I had to exit via my browser. I like using the websites navigation – it is the main reason we have them. Perhaps you might look into this? Otherwise, well done. Your manipulation skills paid off!

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