Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Make Event Times Appear in OrderWell, it doesn’t seem to be working for me as you can tell by this calendar:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't get rid of Old PermalinkOk, I apologize to WordPress for dissing it regarding this problem. It turns out the problem was with Yoast’s WordPress SEO Premium plugin. I got smart and did a database search for “pacific-loft-399-park-model”. Low and behold, there was one entry in the “Options” table referencing a “wp-seo redirect”. I deleted that entry in the options table and the problem was gone.
I then went to my developers test database and re-created the error. I first attempted to do it with Yoast’s free SEO plugin, but I had could changing the name and permalink for a post back and forth with no problems. BUT, once I installed Yoast’s premium plugin and activated it, the same problem occurred. It went away when I deactivated the plugin (the URL was correct). But was back again as soon as I reactivated the plugin. I assume it’s because the plugin made an entry in the database that is there forever unless you delete it in the database. So, if you have Yoast’s WordPress SEO Premium plugin installed, make sure you deactivate it when you make a change to a permalink in a post or page.
I am going to write to Yoast and let them know about this problem.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Alex Is User Logged In] Beware of this PluginWell, they don’t seem to be particularly concerned about this problem since they haven’t addressed it here. Oh well.
After this happened, I did a Zone Alarm scan for viruses and found nothing. So hopefully they weren’t trying to do anything dodgy, they just screwed up their code.
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Localhost keeps losing WP passwordI desperately need some help here. Here’s a further explanation:
When this happens it doesn’t tell me I have a wrong username or password, it just sort of blinks and comes back to the password input box with the cursor waiting for me to enter a new password. With one localhost install, sometimes the password works and sometimes it just comes back without telling me I have the wrong password. At one point today WordPress dumped me out of the control panel (the password had worked today) and back to logging in again, with the password once again not working.
This is all too weird and it’s driving me CRAZY…. Can’t someone help me here?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Administrator Role Not WorkingI was able to install Members plugin, but I can’t do anything with it. When I go to users/roles, I am told I don’t have permissions to access it.
I’m so frustrated with this. I need to be able to administer this website. I’ve even tried to create a new user through mySQL, but don’t seem to be able to add user_meta. I can add a new user, but when I try to add new usermeta data, I get an error:
#1062 – Duplicate entry ‘0’ for key 1
I am leaving the umeta_id blank as instructed in several tutorials. Even if I enter a value in umeta_id, I still get a Duplicate entry error.
Help please!!!!!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to list Category Names in ArchiveThanks, that worked perfectly. Now a related question. I have a category called “Recipes”. Under that category I have child categories like “Breakfast”, “Appetizers”, etc. When I use your fix and click on the parent “Recipes”, it says “Recipes” at the top of the page. What I would like to do then is to have the “child” titles listed before the related recipes. So, the page would be like:
appetizer recipes
breakfast recipes
etc.How can I do this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Having problems with QtranslateActually, I found that if I was in HTML mode when I saved any changes, they took and didn’t revert back or switch with the other language. It’s a bit of a pain, but it works. As long as I NEVER save while in Visual mode, all changes stick.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Discussion checked posts don't show comment boxYes to everything you have suggested in your post. I just can’t get the comments box to be there. If you click on About Us (a page not a post) you will see the discussion box at the bottom. But the Blog page doesn’t show comments. This is VERY frustrating.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blog entry only showing excerptOk, here’s the solution I found (in case someone else has the same problem).
I did a search on the .php files with TextPad for “excerpt”. I found that in content.php. I changed “theme_get_excerpt()” to “theme_get_content()” in the following text.
global $post;
‘id’ => theme_get_post_id(),
‘class’ => theme_get_post_class(),
‘thumbnail’ => theme_get_post_thumbnail(),
‘title’ => ‘ID ) . ‘” rel=”bookmark” title=”‘ . get_the_title() . ‘”>’ . get_the_title() . ‘‘,
‘before’ => theme_get_metadata_icons( ‘date,author,edit’, ‘header’ ),
‘content’ => theme_get_excerpt(),
‘after’ => theme_get_metadata_icons( ”, ‘footer’ )
?>Worked like a charm.