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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Go Maps (formerly WP Google Maps)] Blank Page after .29 UpdateI have updated to version 7.10.30 but I am still seeing this problem. There is no error or warning message in the web console. I cannot get to Settings for the plugin because the admin page is also blank.
I have had to comment-out the map shortcode from my page because it makes the entire page blank.
Thanks– but the plugin version installed is already 5.2– I’ve uninstalled and re-installed it, but still having the same issue. Perhaps the problem is related to the version of Masonry?
Here is the URL: https://www.pari.edu/about-pari/photo-gallery-about/
Thanks for the help.
This may be a separate problem– The plugin used to work and I’m not quite sure when it stopped working. Images are displayed VERY briefly and then they disappear.
I’m getting the following error (using firebug to see this):
ReferenceError: imagesLoaded is not defined
imagesLoaded( this.el, function() {
link to code:
Kat KhalifaI would like to add my vote for this plugin– it has saved me a number of times and it IS loved by many of us!
Unfortunately I tried updating to the latest version of the plugin and found that my server’s PHP version also needs updating. So I hope that the current WordPress 4.3.x compatibility issues can be fixed by the time we can work out that PHP issue.
Thanks for a great plugin– WordPress development apparently still devoutly believes there is “no use case” for switching between visual and text modes. Not a realistic (or helpful) attitude.
Declaring that there is “no use case” to support switching between visual and text mode does not fit the real world.
Many small companies want SOME customization but do not have staff that understand HTML and CSS. For those cases, web developers such as myself tweak or add some custom code to posts and pages to achieve a certain look for that post or page.
Everything is not black or white, guys, sometimes things are a shade of grey…
This may be related to nesting forms– IE apparently doesn’t support nested forms.
More clues– I disabled the jomRes plugin and then I was able to save Wordfence settings.
There was no information in the Apache logs, and also nothing in the php error log.
Any idea how I can debug this?