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  • Plugin Author Kaya Studio



    Thank you for your comments and suggestions. I take note of this and I will see what can be done for a next update.

    Best regards.

    Plugin Author Kaya Studio


    Thank you for your comment and for using ‘Kaya QR Code Generator’.

    Regarding the position of the plugin’s metabox on the edit page, sorry it is actually not possible to modify it currently.

    For the integration of the image of the QR code in an ACF field, I am not sure that this is possible as it is because the generation of the image requires some fields specific to the plugin as well as the execution of the related JavaScript to this one.

    However, if you wish, you can use for example the base shortcode [kaya_qrcode ] directly with your ACF field, which generates the QR Code with the current URL, which will therefore be integrated into the content of your page.

    I note however the possibility of modifying the position of the metabox for a future update.

    Best regards.

    Plugin Author Kaya Studio


    Thank you for your comment and for using ‘Kaya QR Code Generator’.

    Indeed, your first snippet was wrong because it did not contain the concatenation between “get_permalink()” and the string, and also had an extra semicolon.

    I’m glad that you resolved your issue.

    I set the topic as resolved.

    Best regards.

    Plugin Author Kaya Studio


    Great !

    Thank you, best regards.

    Plugin Author Kaya Studio



    Thank you for the test page it helps !

    Indeed, there seems to be a problem with your hosting or files, I just checked the KQCG plugin assets and packages:

    To be functional my plugin uses 3 JavaScript files, “/assets/qrcode-v2.min.js”, “/js/wpkqcg-pkg.min.js” and “/js/wpkqcg-display.min.js”.

    But on your site, the last one “wpkqcg-display.min.js” is not accessible and returns a 403 Forbidden Server Error:

    That is why there is a problem on front-end, please check your folders and files permissions on your server.

    Let me know if that resolve your issue.

    Thank you, best regards.

    Plugin Author Kaya Studio


    I just checked the “WP Referral Code” plugin with my plugin and everything works well.

    I think you must have an error in the shortcode tags, remember to check the quotes " because sometimes in copy/paste there happens to be a bad character (as is the case in the one you present as an example )

    To be sure, try to display the result of the”WP Referral Code” shortcode first and then try with the QRCode dynamic shortcode.

    In my test, this works :

    [kaya_qrcode_dynamic][wp-referral-code var="ref_link"][/kaya_qrcode_dynamic]

    Let me know if that resolve your issue.

    Thank you, best regards.

    Plugin Author Kaya Studio


    Thank you for your comment and for using ‘Kaya QR Code Generator’.

    Sorry you are having some trouble with the dynamic shortcode, I will check out the uses of the WPReferral plugin to integrate with my plugin.

    I try to get back to you with a solution as soon as possible.

    Thank you.

    Plugin Author Kaya Studio


    Great !

    I set the topic as resolved.

    Best regards.

    Plugin Author Kaya Studio


    Thank you for your comment and for using ‘Kaya QR Code Generator’.

    To set the QR Code image size, there is no different width and height attributes, the image is a sqare and the right attribute here is “size”.

    It will generate an image closer to the desired dimensions

    You should use this :

    [kaya_qrcode_dynamic title_align="alignnone" ecclevel="L" align="alignnone" size="400" ][myOwnShortcode][/kaya_qrcode_dynamic]

    If in doubt, you can use the shortcode generator assistant to help and assist you on the shortcode structure construction.

    Let me know if that answers your question.

    Thank you, best regards.

    Plugin Author Kaya Studio


    Thank you for your feedback !

    It seems that the QR Code generative function is not launched on the popup display. This issue can have a various origins.

    Can you try to display the QR Code on a regular page and check that it works ( to be sure that nothing is in conflict like theme or other plugins).

    If it works, the popup system used may break the plugin function, and for further support I will need informations on the theme or plugin used to replicate and check it.

    Thank you, best regards.

    Plugin Author Kaya Studio


    Bonjour, il me semble que vous êtes Francophone, je vais donc vous répondre en Fran?ais.

    Tout d’abord, merci d’utiliser mon plugin “Kaya QR Code Generator”.

    Concernant la génération de QR Codes pour chacun de vos produits, mon plugin ne fourni aucune donnée liée au contenu de votre WordPress et n’affiche donc que les contenus statiques ou dynamiques fournis pour l’encodage ( comme vous l’utilisez actuellement sur vos fiches produits ).

    Si l’affichage de ces QR Codes est voulu sur une autre page que votre ludothèque actuelle et afin d’avoir une liste de vos produits WooCommerce sur votre site, il faudrait utiliser un plugin tierce listant ces derniers et fournissant leur adresse (URL) via un shortcode afin de pouvoir l’utiliser en donnée dynamique.

    Je n’en suis pas s?r mais il existe peut-être sur le dép?t de WordPress un plugin fournissant donc ces informations sous cette forme que vous pourriez utiliser couplé à mon plugin.

    Si ce n’est pas le cas, et que votre besoin est plus spécifique, je reste à votre disposition afin d’effectuer un développement d’une solution sur mesure.

    Merci, je vous souhaite une excellente journée.

    Plugin Author Kaya Studio


    Great !

    Thank you for your help and for contributing to the debug of the problem !

    I will update the plugin with that fix right now.

    Thank you again, best regards.

    Plugin Author Kaya Studio


    Can you download and try to test the development version and let me know if that solve the error to you?

    You can find that version in “Kaya QR Code Generator” WordPress page > Advanced View > to the Advanced Options title, you can select a specific version to download and choose development.

    Or try that link :

    Thank you !

    Plugin Author Kaya Studio


    Thank you for the report, I will check this and fix it as soon as possible !

    Best regards.

    Plugin Author Kaya Studio


    Hello, Thank you for your comment and for using ‘Kaya QR Code Generator’.

    I am sorry that you having some troubles with the plugin on php 8.

    I did some tests on PHP 8.1.2 but I have no errors or malfunctions on my side, do you have the possibility to open a support topic and report the returned error?

    Thank you, best regards.

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