Forum Replies Created
Just another user here. I do not believe it is because support expired. You maybe tried to update the plugin like any other in WordPress. That doesn’t normally work (unless maybe you have an upgraded Envato account). You need to go to Envato/Code Canyon, where you bought the “Pro” version. Log on,, download the Pro version (I assume you purchased it.), then in WordPress go to Plugins – Add New – Install from where you saved the file. It should update, and ask about the version being updated. After you install it, you need to go back and delete the Lite version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [iPanorama 360 - Advanced Virtual Tour Builder] Shapes – ColorI may very well be incorrect, but you don’t “use a color” you select an existing image, so it can be anything you would like. Just make the image you want, then add it using the “Shape” – “+” – “Image”.
The sample he sent earlier works fine. I created a panorama with it and then put it into a WP post.
A lot of things, but it may depend on how you are putting the picture into WP. When I dropped it directly into the Scene line in iPanorama the file name was same as original. When I created s 2nd scene using the same image, but from the library I got the “-1”.
I actually now have two copies of the same image one with normal file name, and one with the -1 so it sees them as different images. Note that BOTH of them work. So it may not be the -1 in the name.
Which “image” type are you selecting from the iPanorama drop down? I used the “Cube 1 Texture” option. The “6” does not, even though there are six in the image.
Maybe try saving the image in the thread earlier, then dropping it directly into the scene line, not selecting it from the library. I do not know if you have to remove any of the prior images from the library first. Click on it to open it, then right click on it to save the image.
Not the issue here, but you might want to know that WP converts images so they works in responsive themes, different sizes for different platforms. I found early on that while my pictures looked very sharp when viewed outside of WP when I put them into iPanorama they were blurry. (NOT iPanoramas fault.) In some cases removing the -1 reverted to the original pixel count and a good image if they were in the WP Library, but directly loading them works every time. This does come at the expense of larger file sizes = longer load times though.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [iPanorama 360 - Advanced Virtual Tour Builder] low resolution on mobileJust a user here, but I might know your answer. Perhaps you know this, but if you do not. When you upload a file into WordPress Library it automatically creates files of various sizes for “responsive” web pages.
If you select the image from the library it automatically adds a modifier like “-scaled” for WordPress use.
You normally do not see these in the library viewer, but if you FTP into your wordpress site you can see all the files. Look in wp-content-uploads- then if yours is like mine, it has year and month directories.
You can see my example included.
To use the full size image, look at your Scene URL in iPanorama. Change it from whatever it is to the one that is largest size. Here it is a 4 mb file. If you remove the “-scaled” leaving the original file name I think it will work.
Do you have to do this “automatically” with code? It seems you could just make the first scene in the tour “Before” and then the second scene “After”. It will create a button in the navigation menu to go back and forth?
Or I believe you can even do it with a “Hotspot” linking to the other scene.
Why must you create a new button?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [iPanorama 360 - Advanced Virtual Tour Builder] Update ErrorI think unless you have premium support you cannot use WordPress to directly update Envato plugins. You must always download and install the zip package as if you are adding a new plugin.
As a offshoot to your earlier request for a static link icon, something I’ve always wanted is a static “Popup”. Not a link, just to open a Popup in a fixed location that would always be in a corner, or elsewhere. I would add a “Map Legend” for what the various icons mean on the panorama. Or in my case perhaps some information on the item in the panorama that would always be available. i.e. Name of item, location, acreage, date acquired, and so on.
I have use the “Banner” to add this information but it isn’t really what I want, and always takes up space on the image.
However, that may be what you would like. Somewhere I have an example adapted from the example on the plugin web page showing information about the property for sale.
Some of what I’ve done with iPanorama.
You can try this. The author gave it to me a long time ago… it goes in the Custom CSS box.
Obviously you will have to change the path to the icon to where yours is kept.
I made some of my own icons, but it’s not letting me upload a sample.
My “playground” https://www.kasdorf.name/wordpress/series/ipanorama/
Hopefully it works for you. . .
div { font-size:small; font-family: "Arial", sans-serif; } .ipnrm .ipnrm-widget .ipnrm-compass:before { display:none; } .ipnrm .ipnrm-widget .ipnrm-compass:after { display:none; } .ipnrm .ipnrm-widget .ipnrm-compass.ipnrm-active { width:64px; height:64px; background-image:url(https://kasdorf.name/SMLC/pics/Compass-North-Red-N2.png); background-size:contain; position: centered; top: 15px; left: 50%; margin-top: -0px; margin-left: -33px; }
Never mind, changing the “right: 5px” to “right: 25px” fixed that.
I’ve been following along with this. This works, my question would be, “I get a black box for the link, (I can change the color though.) how do I add an icon there?” I may have it, would this be correct? Changing the background-image to any icon file?
.mybutton {
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 5px;
right: 5px;
width: 32px;
height: 32px;
text-decoration: none;
}There is a small issue depending on which widget is used. i.e. In the “List” Widget, the Scene button is already there, so it sits on top of it. It needs to go beside it if possible?
- This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by kaz2.
For some reason your response wasn’t visible when we wrote the comments. Otherwise I wouldn’t have made a poor guess!
The link address you put above does not seem correct.
Here is one of mine, and it doesn’t show the “1?mode=preview”
Sorta seems like it might be something in your site. All of mine work fine.
I looked at the link you sent and also do get the white page.
What is the page that has the link to that page on it? I looked around and could not find the “virtual tour” link anywhere. I would see what that link actually shows, it may be sending you somewhere else.
Are you using short code, or a hyperlink?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [iPanorama 360 - Advanced Virtual Tour Builder] add a new roleSorry, doesn’t look like groups work that way… what I found:
Control Permissions for Authors and Editors The plugin gives you a way to edit the access for wp roles to create virtual tours. Only selected roles can modify virtual tours. Each selected role can have one state from this list: ‘private’, ‘group’, ‘all’ private – you can create & edit only your items.
Group – you can create & edit the group items
All – you can create & edit all items (from any group, including admin items)