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I just did another test using Beaver Builder and it has the same issue – the stars show up, but they’re not filled.
Do you think there might be some issue with how the YASR shortcode works when rendering ‘indirectly’ (through a plugin)? The site also has a YASR shortcode in a text widget in the sidebar and that works fine.
Actually, I just tested it another way – by going to Settings>Reading and setting the Blog to a Blog page. If I view the Blog page, it’s even worse – if the YASR shortcode is in the excerpt, it just shows the shortcode code. If it’s at the top of a post, it doesn’t show at all.
Yes, I’m definitely using that shortcode ([yasr_overall_rating size=”medium”]) and putting it in the text editor.
The stars show up on the page, but they aren’t filled. Again, I’m using the SRP plugin to create the section of posts I want to show. Another section, in the sidebar with a text widget uses the [yasr_top_ten_highest_rated] – and that works just fine.
I’m not sure where the problem lies – with YASR or SRP.
Thoughts? More than happy to give login info or do whatever it takes to get this fixed.
I don’t know what I did, but it appears to be working now.
And, YES, it would be great to have a feature that allows you to show the pop up only on posts within a specific category! As it is now, I had to add each post I wanted to show it on using the ‘load on specific posts’. With ~30 posts to add it to, that feature is sorely needed.
I tested this on my dev site using ‘all posts’, but it still wouldn’t show up.
I really want to use this plugin, but I’m in a time crunch and I found another plugin that mostly works, it just doesn’t have easy controls for positioning like yours does.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Find replace] Seemed to work but got scary error messageI’m getting this same error, though it does seem to work.
Warning: Illegal offset type in isset or empty in /home/removed/wp-includes/post.php on line 1151
WordPress 4.0
I’m having the same problem and am using the latest version – 4.1.10.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Error during installGlad to be of help!
WPUnder – You may want to mark this as resolved, so that others will know that’s it’s a likely solution.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Make Headlines Link's Without Changing FontThis would remove the underline:
.article-layout h2 a {
text-decoration: none;
}I say ‘your style rules here’ because the link will typically also change the color of the link and maybe you don’t want that. If all you need to do is remove the underline, the above rule used with either class selection should work.
I’m afraid, in this case, that screenshots won’t help – I need to see the actual site to look at the code and determine if it’s rendering properly, meaning is the code inserting the areas where the text/watermark would go and there’s no actual text/watermark placed there or if it’s not rendering them at all.
Ideally, having admin access to your site would be best – it’s really the only way to be absolutely sure of what’s going wrong.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Cazuela] Different layouts for homepage & single post/pageIf what Dragan is saying is correct, I may have been making this way more complicated than it needed to be.
Go to Pages>All pages from the left hand navigation tab, click on Edit under your Home page and, in the right column there should be a template selector – it should have an option for one with a right sidebar.
I’m guessing where these are based on how most themes work…and had assumed you had gone through all the built in customization options before asking how to modify the theme.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Child Theme style.css not loadingNo need to do anything to the style.css in your child theme – My Custom CSS does everything you need without having to work with the actual child theme style.css file.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Cazuela] Different layouts for homepage & single post/pageI’m going to give you a super-quick run-down of what you’d need to change, as that’s all I have time for at the moment.
If you want to remove the sidebar from the single post page, edit ‘single.php’ and remove this line:
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
Then you’ll need to adjust the width of the content area by editing the class and id’s for the content area and applying rules to make it 100% width:
<div id=”content” class=”site-content” role=”main”>
Same goes for the page.php file.
I know this is bare-bones info, but it should get you headed in the right direction..
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin : eshop] remove add to cart from product pageWhat are you using to find the template for that function?
The Show Current Template plugin is really useful for this sort of thing. It will list all the template PHP files used on a particular page.
As a follow up to what WPyogi said – there is usually a way to use Child themes to customize specific files so that they don’t get lost when updating a theme.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ALO EasyMail Newsletter] Fatal error with Contact Form 7 enabledWho is your web host?
You could login via FTP (preferably SFTP) and see if there’s a php.ini file at the root – if so, open it and look for something defining the memory limit, like this:
memory_limit = 64M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (64MB)
Edit that line and change the 64M and 64MB to 128M and 128MB respectively.
If there’s no php.ini file you could try adding one by using a plain text editor and putting in this line:
memory_limit = 128M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB)
then save it to the root of your site via FTP (SFTP)
Some hosts don’t allow this or won’t obey the php.ini file in which case your only real option is to get a better host.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Menu Social Icons] Align icons to the rightThere’s a CSS rule that’s overriding your custom CSS – try using this code instead of what you have now:
li.social-icon {
float:right !important;