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  • @danielriera1

    I failed to give you answer on the font size and height. Use this CSS:

    #main-wrapper .offers-for-woocommerce-add-to-cart-wrap.ofwc-button-right-of-add-to-cart .offers-for-woocommerce-make-offer-button-single-product {
    	background: #323436;
    	height: 40px;
    	line-height: 40px;
    	padding: 0 25px;
    	font-size: 12px;
    	letter-spacing: 1.5px;

    Good luck!


    1. The CSS you have here has !important on it, so it is preventing the onHover color style; So take that out. And you used #main-wrapper on the .single_add_to_cart_button you used #main-wrapper, but you did not on the second part of it, so that is not quite correct.

    This is not correct:

    #main-wrapper .single_add_to_cart_button,
    .offers-for-woocommerce-make-offer-button-single-product.button {
        background: #323436 none repeat scroll 0% 0% !important;

    2. The proper CSS to have to override the background color would be to either set the .button.alt css for woocommerce css, OR here is a line to add to your theme’s CSS:

    Please try this:

    #main-wrapper .offers-for-woocommerce-add-to-cart-wrap.ofwc-button-right-of-add-to-cart .offers-for-woocommerce-make-offer-button-single-product { background: #323436; }

    If you plan to display the Make Offer button on archive views like the shop page loop or related products, then you’ll need to override in the same way — Make sure you include the #main-wrapper on the style override and do not include !important.

    Let us know if that worked for you, good luck!

    karljam !!! I visited your URL in your first post. Seems like you found a solution and have yours working! Do you know what the conflict was in that other plugin?

    Same issue here, blank products-page, but if you add on to URL a CAT name or anything at all for that matter, it will display your products. Seems to be a rewrite issue with permalink structure; Only seeing the issue with WPEC

    I am using the theme ‘Thesis’, and it seems that maybe it has conflicting code somewhere. Anyone familiar with the issue?
    ‘Wp-e-commerce and thesis’

    On a positive note, I notice that older version 3.8.6 of WPEC works fine and doesn’t have the issue; it even works with the newest WP 3.3.1. and with ‘Thesis’ theme.

    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

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