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  • Thread Starter keanymd


    Thanks you. I think that was the problem. I am reading the instructions from the wrong site. The site you gave mentioned using only the code editor and not the visual editor. I was expecting an added button to appear in the visual editor.

    Works fine using the code you provided in my posts. Thanks!

    Thread Starter keanymd


    That’s my problem, I don’t think I understand how to use the plugin. It is installed, but when I create a new post I don’t seem to have any options in the editor to specifically add a shadowbox element.

    Here is a post:
    where I manually added the rel=”shadowbox” statement after using the normal tool in the wordpress editor to insert a photo.

    I don’t fully understand the instruction on inserting the code on the Usage>setup page. What does it mean to “include the JavaScript and CSS files in the <head> of your document ” Is that code to be inserted in the header.php or the style.css ? If so, where? My stylesheet has two areas with the label ***Header Styles****

    Sorry if I’m asking dumb questions here. Other plugins have simply required download and activation. If there is more to it than that, I am willing to do some work because this seems like a very cool feature once it is working.


    Are you using Podpress?

    This happened to me with the Podpress plugin, but only with internet explorer. Using another browser like firefox fixed the problem.

    Another idea might be to switch from Podress to Powerpress by Blubry.

    I am having the same problem, but apostrophes don’t seem to be the problem. My old posts are fine, but suddenly, my new posts wont’ save. I can hit the save button and only part of the post remains, either the title or the actual post. But the tags, categories are erased once I hit save. I have disabled one plug in at a time and retried, but no change. Any ideas?

    Here’s the link to the theme. If it is not too much trouble, I would really appreciate a widgitized version.


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