Yes, this could work. Since, as you note, I will be manually selecting the posts anyway.
What I would prefer, however, is to have a box on a new post, which box, when checked, would place the post in Recent Popular Posts. Not the entire post, however, just these elements: 1) title of original post; 2) first line or so of original post; 3) thumbnail of photo from original post. I suspect I could do all that manually with HTML, but what I’d like is to have the manual function simplified to a simple box to check, which would grab these 3 elements and place them in my Recent Popular Posts column,
Perhaps among the various Recent Post widgets, there’s one or more that make it possible to manually designate posts for my Recent Popular Posts column.
I am not a tech dude and have no coding experience, so I may end up needing to take my task to a designer.
Thanks for your suggestion!