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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Loop Question
    Thread Starter kellyalan


    What I did is change the name of the archive.php file to tag.php – removed that code you said was interfering with the output, uploaded the tag.php file to my child theme

    seems to be working

    I appreciate the help

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Loop Question
    Thread Starter kellyalan


    thanks for the information =)

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Loop Question
    Thread Starter kellyalan


    thanks for taking a look — here’s the code

    <?php get_header() ?>
        <!-- end Header -->
        <!-- begin Content -->
        <section id="news" >
            <!-- begin Sub Header -->
           <?php if(of_get_option('show_banner_blog')){?>
            <div class="sub-header" style="<?php echo 'background:url('.of_get_option('blog_banner_image').') no-repeat;'?>">
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="row" >
                        <ul class="sub-header-container" >
                                <h3 <?php echo colors('h3');?> class="title"><?php echo of_get_option('blog_banner_text') ?></h3>
                                <ul class="custom-breadcrumb" >
                                     <li><h6 <?php echo colors('h6');?>><a <?php echo colors('a');?> href="<?php echo home_url();?>"><?php _e('Home','gym') ;?></a></h6></li>
                                    <li><i class="separator entypo-play" ></i></li>
                                    <li><h6 <?php echo colors('h6');?>><?php echo of_get_option('blog_title')?></h6></li>
    <?php } ?> <!-- begin Sub Header -->
            <!-- begin News -->
            <article class="article-container">
                <div class="container" >
                    <div class="row" >
                        <!-- begin Main Colum -->
                        <?php if(of_get_option('layer_img') == 'left'){?>
                        <aside class="col-sm-3 sidebar">
                            <?php get_sidebar() ?>
                        <?php }?>
                        <div class="<?php if(of_get_option('layer_img') == 'none'){echo 'col-sm-12';}else{echo 'col-sm-9';}?>">
                            <h2 <?php echo colors('h2');?> class="article-title" ><?php echo of_get_option('blog_title')?></h2>
                            <span <?php echo colors('h1s');?> class="line" >
                                <span <?php echo colors('h1s');?> class="sub-line" ></span>
                            <section class="posts">
                            $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
                            $args = array(
                                'paged' => $page,
                                'post_status' => 'publish',
                                'order_by' => 'date',
                            while (have_posts()) {
                              $day = get_the_time('F j, Y');
                              $cate = get_the_category(get_the_id());
                  foreach($cate as $k){
                                <article class="post">
                                    <?php the_post_thumbnail();?>
                                        <h3 <?php echo colors('h3');?>><?php echo the_title();?></h3>
                                    <h4 <?php echo colors('h4');?>><?php echo the_title();?></h4>
                                    <p <?php echo colors('p');?>><?php echo wp_trim_words(get_the_content(),40,'...');?></p>
                                    <a <?php echo colors('a');?> href="<?php the_permalink();?>" class="readmore"><?php _e('Read more','gym') ;?><i class="entypo-right-open" ></i></a>
                                        <span <?php echo colors('h1s');?>><i class="entypo-pencil" ></i><?php the_author();?></span>
                                        <span <?php echo colors('h1s');?>><i class="entypo-calendar" ></i><?php echo $day;?></span>
                                        <span <?php echo colors('h1s');?>><i class="entypo-comment" ></i><?php comments_number();?></span>
                               <?php  } ?>
                                    <ul class="pagination">
    if ($paginar == '1') {
     next_posts_link('&larr; '.'Older posts', 'gym' );
    previous_posts_link('Newer posts'.' &rarr;', 'gym' );
                        <!-- end Main Colum -->
                        <!-- begin Sidebar -->
                        <?php if(of_get_option('layer_img') == 'right'){ ?>
                        <aside class="col-sm-3 sidebar">
                            <?php get_sidebar() ?>
                        <?php }?>
                        <!-- end Sidebar -->
            <!-- end News -->
        <!-- end Content -->
    <?php get_footer() ?>
    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Loop Question
    Thread Starter kellyalan


    it does have an archive.php file, no tag.php file

    no pre_get_posts in the function files

    still happening after deactivating all plugins

    works in Twenty Fifteen – not in my theme

    I have contacted the developer but it’s been 5 days without a response so I thought I’d try to find an WP support option

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Loop Question
    Thread Starter kellyalan


    Thread Starter kellyalan


    Thanks for the quick response. =)

    Thread Starter kellyalan


    thanks for the reply – I’ll test out your solution

    Thread Starter kellyalan


    works great! Thanks for the help

    Thread Starter kellyalan


    Thanks for the help – I’ll try to hunt down the code in my comments.php

    Thread Starter kellyalan


    I put in some custom CSS code to overwrite the theme CSS and my avatars are now clear but much smaller.

    I’m going through the Jetpack CSS files to see if I can find the CSS that sets the avatars at 32×32 but I’m having trouble finding that code

    I’d like to make the Jetpack code read 78×78 so that my avatars can be large and sharp – any ideas on where that code is in the Jetpack CSS

    Tried using inspect element in Chrome but I’m not sure how to read it so that I’ll see exactly which Jetpack/Gravatar CSS file the 32×32 command is coming from.

    Thread Starter kellyalan


    Must be in the theme – I checked out Twenty Fifteen and the avatars are clear — guess I’ll have to do a code fix in the spreadsheet. I put in a ticket to the theme creators also.

    Thread Starter kellyalan


    I tried switching to no avatar which just makes all the avatars go away – could work but we prefer the avatar.

    Once business closes I’ll use a default theme and see how it looks

    Thanks for the reply – Try as I might, I can’t find the widget that’s giving me the issue. I thought it’d be in WooCommerce Products — something like when I set up a product, I unclick “show additional products” or something like that but there’s no option like that.

    I’ll keep looking =)

    Following up on this — for my site using the woocommerce plugin:

    on the bottom of the page is a list of additional products

    I have a child theme functions.php file

    in that file I put:
    remove_action( ‘woocommerce_after_single_product_summary’, ‘woocommerce_output_related_products’, 20 );

    and uploaded it via FTP but the additional products section didn’t disappear

    am I using the wrong function code to remove that section?

    Thread Starter kellyalan


    nvm – got it!

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