Thank you Roger! I checked the instructions. I have the page rule turned off (the one that I had was probably redundant with Really Simple SSL anyway), the SSL has been flexible the whole time, and I just cleared the cache. Still no luck. Worth noting that when I get the 520 errors, sometimes the search bar shows that the page is secure and sometimes it shows that the page is not secure. These are the errors that Really Simple SSL is showing me:
-No SSL detected. Use the retry button to check again. [I already have a certificate, so not sure why it’s asking me to do this… I did hit “Retry” and eventually that lead to a dead end, too. I don’t think GoDaddy supports the Let’s Encrypt certificate]
-Warning: Your Key and Certificate directories are not properly protected. For more information on this subject, please read this article.
-WordPress 301 redirect enabled. We recommend to enable a 301 .htaccess redirect.
Thanks again!