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I purchased composite products and still had to hire a developer to configure it to do what I need it to do. It works but with 1 major issue. Apparently there is no way to import/export composite products. Well, I can, but there is no way to “create” them by csv. I have over 4000 products that I have to create them in woocommerce first, one at a time, then it will generate this ridiculous code that can get exported/imported. But if I want to change anything I have to do it in WooCommerce first before I export. But basically importing/exporting of composite products doesn’t work as I can’t just mass import all my products by csv.
I need to be able to have a parent sku and then list a bunch of products as child sku’s but there is no way to do this because composite products generates some ridiculous code for it’s field data. I will be contacting a dev to clean this up and make it work for my needs.
I’m regretting going the word press/woocommerce route thinking it would be cheaper than pinnaclecart. Truth is, pinnaclecart although a larger price tag, has everything I needed in 1 package. I’ve already spent just as much if not more in woocommerce plugins to get things to work and they don’t even work completely.
Perhaps I should rephrase that. Does your plugin CREATE composite products ?
I’m using composite products for 20 different products. Each product has 3 options. Each option has 22 different color choices. Therefore, for 1 product, I have 23 SKU’s (The main product and the 22 different color options). I did a test on the 1st product by manually entering in all the info inside wordpress and did an export, the ‘_bto_data’ field is very complicated to read. For my other 19 products I want to CSV import them.
I see nothing in your plugin or test csv that shows me how to import simple products into a composite product without having to know the difficult formula in the ‘_bto_data’ field.
I was hoping something simple like having import fields: ‘Component 1 Name’, ‘Component 2 Name’, ‘Component 3 Name’ and then I place a Parent SKU in that field to tell the import process that the product I’m importing is a simple product of that composite product.
I purchased Composite Products and installed it.
I’m having a difficult time setting it up to fit my needs. Hopefully someone can help me out. If someone knows this plugin and can help me out free or paid, please let me know.
My issues:
To start off I created 4 simple products, all with their own thumbnail image, their own SKU, gave them all a price of $4.00 and marked them hidden from catalog.
I then created a base composite product and added 3 options (Color 1, Color 2 is optional, Color 3 is optional) and added all 4 simple products to the composite product.
I keep getting asked why am I going this route with adding colors instead of just doing variations. Answer… Because “Variations” do not give me the ability to do both increase price and assign a SKU with each color choice.
I now have a product that gives me 3 drop downs filled with color choices. When customer selects the 1st color it adds $4.00 to the base price of $14.95. I want the 1st color choice included in the price of the item, therefore I went to the composite product and added a 100% discount to the 1st option which allows the customer to select the 1st color without increasing the price.
HOWEVER… it now displays the item on the “Shop” page as being on Sale and that the product now says From: ($18.95) $14.95 ($18.95) is strikethrough. I do not want that. I just want on the Shop page to show the price it is supposed to be $14.95. It also displays on the product page at the top: From: ($18.95) $14.95 $18.95 is strikethrough, I don’t want this there since the price is at the bottom.
There is an option on the composite product to remove price, but if I do that then the price doesn’t show up at all on the “Shop” page,and I at least want the $14.95 to be there.
My next issue is that when a customer chooses “White” for Color 1. Then “White” shows up in Color 2 dropdown and if the customer selects “White” again then it adds $4.00 to the price (which it should) however it displays “Free” to the customer.
My next issue is I want to disable ALL data loading when an option is selected. There are options to disable the thumbnail, the title, and description, but even with those options checked, it still loads the price and the “Clear Selection” link. I don’t want anything to load underneath the dropdown menu. I just want the color to show up in the dropdown menu and that’s it.
Then I have an issue with spacing, everything is spread so far apart & I want the drop down menus the be closer together as well as the drop down menu titles to be MUCH smaller. I realize this is a CSS issue and can be fixed, but I’m not having the best of luck being able to find the right lines to change them because they are sharing common names with the main theme and if I change them it effects other things or nothing at all.
Thanks ancawonka, I will look into composite products.
Using variations out of the box does not work in regards to price. If I set a variation price it sets the price of the product itself.
It does not allow me to set the base price of the product at $14.95 and includes the 1st color choice. With each additional color, it costs $4.00 more. So if a customer wants a product in 3 colors then the total price for the item is $22.95.
Same error for me as well. WordPress 4.5.2 running Divi theme.