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  • kenaroni


    Thank you for the ‘compatibility view’ tip. It made my day. My authors who are using IE8 in Windows have been going nuts with their text jumping back up to the top, every time they highlight some text and try to click on “Bold” or some other button in the toolbar.

    Oh I just noticed you were asking about the excerpt field in the “dashboard area”. I was talking about the excerpt field in an edit window, or new entry window.

    I had the same complaint! I just found a solution below, but note that you will probably have to repeat the fix after every WordPress version update:

    Here is the text from that page in case it disappears:

    “If you regularly use your WordPress excerpt box, you may find its size a bit restrictive. You can alter it by altering your admin CSS file. It’s a quick fix and I’m here to walk you through it.

    *Anywhere you see [WP-INSTALL], it means your WordPress installation directory.

    Open the [WP-INSTALL]/wp-admin/wp-admin.css file in a text or HTML editor (make sure to back up first) and use your Find function to find #excerpt (Line ~361).

    Change the height: 1.8em; to whatever height you are comfortable with. Knowing my own personal writing style, I changed it to height: 5em;

    Save the file and upload it to your [WP-INSTALL]/wp-admin/ folder and you’re done. Login to your WordPress admin panel and click on Write to see the changes.”

    Well this is way after the fact, and I’m no expert, but can you just use the WordPress “export” feature, export all your entries to your desktop? Then wipe out your WordPress installation and start all over with a new install and database. Then use the WordPress “import” function to import your entries from that saved file? You should be able to find “Export” in your admin area.

    It’s just an XML file which you can actually open in a plain text editor and look at, if you’re curious. I’ve imported entries from a saved file that WordPress made and it was fine. I’ve even imported entries from a backup file made by MovableType and it was fine too.

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