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  • Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but @summoner, did you ever get anywhere with adding WebP creation here??

    We’ve been trying this plugin to gain the tweaked IM settings. But would love to also gain WebP images (we can use the .htaccess redirect tweak to serve them).


    Thread Starter KennyLL


    Yeah, we are also running PHP 5.3.26 on Apache So wondering if it does have to do with PHP version.

    We’d like to upgrade PHP on our server, but have a few older WP sites that we are concerned might break with new PHP (and clients have no budget for us to go in and fix if they DO ??

    Thread Starter KennyLL


    Just an update. It appears that this only happens when I enabled gzip compression in the Browser Cache settings.

    So I checked my .htaccess file and DID initially see that it had separate code to enable gzip above the W3TC code. But when I removed that code I got the same behavior.

    When I disable gzip in W3TC but add the functionality manually in my .htaccess, I don’t get the garbled code. But a couple cached JS files don’t get gzipped.

    I saw the FAQ about this issue, but it references using ‘flush()’ in your theme code. We use a customized child theme of Genesis, and I checked through our theme files (there’s only a few) and saw no mention of ‘flush’.

    Hope this helps narrow down the issue. For now, I’m leaving gzip off.

    Thread Starter KennyLL


    Perfect! I guess since we had always used the features in TinyMCE Advanced to load editor-style.css, we never thought to add it to our themes to load directly.

    This appears to restore our ability to separate loading editor-style.css from what replaces everything in the Formats menu using the newer versions of TinyMCE Advanced.

    Thanks a lot!

    Thread Starter KennyLL


    Thanks for the response, Andrew.

    Just to clarify:
    In older TinyMCE Advanced (e.g., v.4.1.9), there are 2 checkboxes titled:
    — Import editor-style.css
    — Load the CSS classes used in editor-style.css and replace the Formats button and sub-menu.

    In newer TinyMCE Advanced (e.g., v., there is only one checkbox:
    — Create CSS classes menu

    The newer ‘Create CSS classes menu’ option combines what had been two separate functions, so now the ONLY way to load editor-style.css so text in back-end is styled will ALSO now replace all classes in the Formats menu with ANY classes found in the editor-style.css.

    We used to be able to ONLY check to load the editor-style.css, but NOT check to replace the Formats menu with all of the classes found in that file. This allowed much more control over what is displayed in the Formats menu, as we could just use TinyMCE Config to define exactly what we wanted, AND define HOW those styles were applied (e.g., as block elements not spans).

    Hope this makes more sense. Let us know if there might be any workaround to get the older behavior, as it’s really throwing off what we’re able to allow clients to format in the editor now.


    Thread Starter KennyLL


    Thanks for the response! I did find a bit more insight about using the ‘widget_text’ filter.

    So I can add a function like:

    add_filter( 'widget_text', 'wp_make_content_images_responsive' );

    This will allow the images In text widgets to pick up the default responsive code. But you have to include a class with the image’s attachment page ID (e.g., class=”wp-image-442″). Then it will spit out the same code as if used on a post/page.

    – So I guess now I’m wondering if there’s a more complete function that could help gather (and possibly add) these image attachment page IDs from any current images in text widgets???

    – Would also be nice to know how to add an image using the WP thumbnail sizing titles (e.g. Medium, Large, Custom Name, etc)?!?

    – Lastly, the default ‘sizes’ attribute that WP spits out assumes your image spans the entire width of the viewport. Ours rarely do (usually align in various columns based on browser size), so would be nice to know efficient way to customize the ‘sizes’ attribute for these.

    Thanks for any additional insight here!!!

    Thread Starter KennyLL


    Hi Joe,
    Thank you so much for the response! I hadn’t been getting any response when asking elsewhere, so I really appreciate it!

    Just have a couple questions to clarify if you don’t mind:

    – What would be an efficient or simple way to add images, generate the attachment page, and find it’s ID?

    I first tried adding an image in Media Library, then attaching it to a dummy post I had. But I don’t think that generates an attachment page, and if it did, I didn’t know where to find the ID. So I just manually added the image to a post, set the Link URL to Attachment Page, then went to the attachment page in the front-end to find the ID. I’m guessing there’s a more efficient process to do this (and does it HAVE to be attached to a post/page?).

    Once I added the proper class to the image, it did generate the proper srcset, but the sizes is set to the full size image and width (as is standard for WP output). Now have to figure out how to customize the ‘sizes‘ attribute for these to be something a bit more useful for images that aren’t always just full-screen…

    Thanks for the help here! Maybe someone will create a complete function and reference for this, or even a plugin (though I prefer to avoid plugins when possible).

    Thread Starter KennyLL


    Thanks for the response! I know I could come up with the srcset & size attributes and manually paste it in. But due to the quantity I’ll be creating and trying to keep them a bit ‘simpler’ to modify in the future, was hoping for something a bit more ‘automated’.

    I wasn’t assuming that any PHP would be entered directly in the widget, but more that a function could be created that would ‘intercept’ the standard img src tag in all or specific widgets, and convert it to the full srcset/sizes output in the same way that happens by default for images entered in posts/pages (without any manual PHP happening there).

    And I did post a similar question over at stack exchange, but it hasn’t had any answers either. Maybe I’m not asking the question well?!? ; )

    Thread Starter KennyLL


    Wondering if there are other resources that would be better for posting technical questions like this?? Please let me know!

    We need to move forward with optimizing images and finalizing widgets on this site, so need to determine a game-plan fairly soon.


    Is the manual translation editing feature an “all-or-nothing” solution? So if you turn on manual translating, you have to manually translate EVERYTHING you want translated, as the machine translations won’t be applied anymore?

    Or is there some sort of a ‘hybrid’ solution, where you can just fix the worst offenders?

    I thought I had read somewhere about correcting or ‘making suggestions’ to Google’s translations, but can’t find it now. Can this work with this plugin?

    Thanks! We’re thinking of switching from WPML because it is SO challenging to translate every piece of content on anything but the smallest site.

    Thread Starter KennyLL


    Wondering if ‘wp_calculate_image_srcset’ could be utilized in some fashion to help here?!? PHP gurus???

    Thread Starter KennyLL


    OK, thanks for the feedback. So this won’t cause an improper (cached) version of a file to be displayed or downloaded if it’s changed?!?

    I guess the phrase I don’t understand is ‘after settings change’. Does this just refer to what can happen if/when you change the W3 Total Cache settings?? I notice when I do make a change and save, that I see a button to update query strings at the top. Does just manually clicking that do what this is trying to do automatically??

    Thanks. Trying to understand more about what the plugin does so I can troubleshoot easier in the future. But it’s fairly complex.

    Thread Starter KennyLL


    Wow, thanks for the fast reply!

    Do you mean the option in ‘Media & Other Files’ labeled:
    Prevent caching of objects after settings change
    Whenever settings are changed, a new query string will be generated and appended to objects allowing the new policy to be applied.

    I also see it in the ‘General’ section, but it looks like the two mirror each other (disable in one, disabled in the other).

    And it’s in CSS/JS section. Shouldn’t be necessary there, right?!?

    Can you explain what exactly this does and what the drawbacks of unchecking it might be??

    Thanks again!

    Thread Starter KennyLL


    Still haven’t found a good solution for this. Does anyone have this issue with caching???

    Any ideas where else to look or creative solutions??


    Thread Starter KennyLL


    Wondering if anyone has any ideas here? Or is there anywhere else to seek support for W3 Total Cache?

    We use it on multiple sites and this will probably be an issue on all.


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