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  • Has this been resolved?

    I see the same thing, and it’s important because that’s where my language selection menu is and the world is stuck with English without it.

    It is set in in milliseconds in the javascript at



    // Control ThinkUpSlider features
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    jQuery(“.rslides-inner .slides”).responsiveSlides({
    auto: true, // Boolean: Animate automatically, true or false
    speed: 500, // Integer: Speed of the transition, in milliseconds
    timeout: 8000, // Integer: Time between slide transitions, in milliseconds
    pager: true, // Boolean: Show pager, true or false
    nav: true, // Boolean: Show navigation, true or false
    random: false, // Boolean: Randomize the order of the slides, true or false
    pause: true, // Boolean: Pause on hover, true or false
    pauseControls: true, // Boolean: Pause when hovering controls, true or false
    prevText: “Previous”, // String: Text for the “previous” button
    nextText: “Next”, // String: Text for the “next” button
    maxwidth: “”, // Integer: Max-width of the slideshow, in pixels
    navContainer: “”, // Selector: Where controls should be appended to, default is after the ‘ul’
    manualControls: “”, // Selector: Declare custom pager navigation
    namespace: “rslides”, // String: Change the default namespace used
    before: function(){}, // Function: Before callback
    after: function(){} // Function: After callback

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