Hello Again!
just want to say as i read some of yoast website article, i’m now ok with this kind of page title format!
but i have another question now.
we have an ecommerce website that right now we have only ONE kind of product ( lots of different SHOES )
But we have a plan to grow our bussines in the future and add more kind of product ( bag, watch and … )
i set my shop permalink to something like this: https://www.site.com/shop/shoe/brand-name/product-name
i know this permalink format is not correct with a ecommerce with only ONE kind of product, but i choose this format only to support my future plan ( adding more products )
now, i WANT my HOMEPAGE to RANK for shoe searches and NOT SHOE CATEGORY PAGE ( this page: https://www.site.com/shop/shoe/ )
1. is it ok to noindex shoe category page? until we add more products and then re-index it …
2. is there any need to no-index shop page too? ( https://www.site.com/shop/ )
3. i want my sub-categories (brand-pages) to index and rank in google. is noindex parent category affect sub categories?!
i really need your help. i’m so much worry about this problem ?? thanks
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by kentivuc.