i have just set up the first half of the season with 9 competitions with 4 to 6 teams each and 10 playing days. Found the import format by exporting one competition and using that export to import again.
Now i use Excel to prepare the competitions and matches, save it as tab-delimited and import that into leagyemanager. Works fine.
Here’s one import (partly) with no matches played:
Seizoen Team Website Coach Thuisteam G W G V Punten2 Saldo Ptn
1002 China 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 0 0-0
1002 Hong Kong 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 0 0-0
Datum Seizoen Wedstrijddag Thuis Gasten Lokatie Aanvang Uitslag
2010-09-12 1002 1 China Hong Kong Naarden 11:00
2010-09-12 1002 1 Japan IJburg JF1 Naarden 11:00
2010-09-12 1002 1 IJburg JF2 Vietnam Naarden 11:00