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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: OS Commerce Plugin Error

    I got the same error. Anyone has a solution?

    Thread Starter ketshi


    Never mind…

    Thread Starter ketshi


    ??? Help?

    Thread Starter ketshi


    Anyone who knows?

    Thread Starter ketshi


    And I can’t find out where to close those divs.

    Thread Starter ketshi


    Well thanks, that makes sense. It’s working with one post, but when I make a new post the footer begins right at the bottom of the two latest posts.

    I guess there’s something wrong with my post structure.

    Thread Starter ketshi


    No one?

    Thread Starter ketshi



    I need to know this too!

    Thread Starter ketshi


    I already tried that one, but thanks for trying to help.

    I think it looks fine in IE, but in firefox and safari it doesn’t.

    Thread Starter ketshi


    I don’t know what that blow is your talking about. What do you mean?

    The ads problem is resolved, but thanks!

    Have you tried to fill in the caption part when you add an image?

    Thread Starter ketshi


    Help me?

    Thread Starter ketshi


    I’m spamming my own topic.

    Just to make clear. When I make the padding just 25px it’s all fine. But I want more space between the adds. Margin doesn’t work.

    /* myadmanager_ads */
    .groupads {
    .myadmanager_ads {
    padding:0 25px 0 0;
    .myadmanager_ads img {

    Plugin Name: MyAdManager
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Manages 200×175 ads automatically. Also allows the ability to add new ads and make them live on the confirmation of payment from paypal.
    Author: Michael
    Version: 0.9.3
    Author URI:

    Copyright 2008 Michael Benedict Arul. Vision Master Designs

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program. If not, see <;.

    require_once(dirname(__FILE__).’/myadmanager-class.php’ );
    define(‘WP_MYADMANAGER_URL’, get_option(‘siteurl’) . ‘/wp-content/plugins/myadmanager’);
    define(‘WP_ABS_MYADMANAGER_URL’, ABSPATH. ‘/wp-content/plugins/myadmanager’);

    add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘myadmanager_add_pages’);
    add_action( ‘init’, ‘myadmanager_startWidget’ );

    myadmanager_startWidget() @ v0.9.1
    Adds a simple widget.

    @package MyAdManger
    function myadmanager_startWidget()
    if ( function_exists( ‘register_sidebar_widget’ ) )
    function widget_myadmanager( $args )
    $before_widget = ”;
    $before_title = ”;
    $after_title = ”;
    $after_widget = ”;

    if ( is_array( $args ) )
    if ( array_key_exists( ‘before_widget’, $args ) )
    $before_widget = $args[‘before_widget’];
    if ( array_key_exists( ‘before_title’, $args ) )
    $before_title = $args[‘before_title’];
    if ( array_key_exists( ‘after_title’, $args ) )
    $after_title = $args[‘after_title’];
    if ( array_key_exists( ‘after_widget’, $args ) )
    $after_widget = $args[‘after_widget’];
    $title = get_option(“myadmanager_widget_title”);
    echo $before_widget;
    echo $before_title. “$title” . $after_title;
    if ( function_exists(‘myadmanager_show’ ) )
    echo $after_widget;

    register_sidebar_widget( ‘MyADManager’, ‘widget_myadmanager’ );

    function widget_myadmanager_control( )
    if ( $_POST[‘myadmanager-widget-submit’] ) {
    echo ‘<p style=”text-align:left;”><label for=”get_recent_comments-title”>Title:</label> <input style=”width: 200px;” id=”myadmanager-widget-title” name=”myadmanager-widget-title” type=”text” value=”‘.get_option(“myadmanager_widget_title”).'” />

    Please Enter the title of this Widget.</p>’;
    echo ‘<input type=”hidden” id=”myadmanager-widget-submit” name=”myadmanager-widget-submit” value=”1″ />’;
    register_widget_control( ‘MyADManager’, ‘widget_myadmanager_control’, 210, 100 );

    Add Pages, to wordpress admin

    @package MyAdManger
    function myadmanager_add_pages() {
    add_menu_page(‘MyAdManager’, ‘MyAdManager’, 8, __FILE__, ‘myadmanager_manage_page’);
    add_submenu_page(__FILE__, ‘MyAdManager Options’, ‘MyAdManager Options’, 8, ‘options’, ‘myadmanager_options_page’);
    add_submenu_page(__FILE__, ‘Transaction Log’, ‘Transaction Log’, 8, ‘transacs’, ‘myadmanager_transac_page’);

    function myadmanager_transac_page() {
    global $wpdb;
    $ads = new myAds();
    if($_POST[‘hidden_form_transactions’]==’Y’) {

    if($_POST[‘delete’]) {
    foreach($_POST[‘transactions’] as $i) {
    echo ‘<div class=”updated” style=”color:red;”><p>Deleted</p></div>’;

    $transacs = $ads->getTransactions(“ORDER BY id DESC”);
    echo “<div class=\”wrap\”><h2>” . __( ‘Transaction Log’, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ) . “</h2>”;
    <form name=”form_transactions” method=”post” action=”<?php echo str_replace( ‘%7E’, ‘~’, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]); ?>”>
    <input type=”hidden” name=”hidden_form_transactions” value=”Y”>
    echo ‘<table width=”100%” class=”widefat”><thead><th scope=”col”>id</th><th scope=”col”>First Name</th><th scope=”col” >Last Name</th><th scope=”col” width=”200″ >Email</th><th scope=”col” >Item Name</th><th scope=”col” >Amount</th><th scope=”col”>Payment Date</th><th scope=”col”>Ad Name</th><th scope=”col”>Website</th><th scope=”col”>Action</th></thead>’;
    echo “<tr><td colspan=\”10\” align=\”center\”>No Logs Collected Yet</td></tr>”;
    foreach($transacs as $t) {
    echo “<tr>
    <td>$ $t->gross</td>
    <td><input type=\”checkbox\” name=\”transactions[]\” id=\”transactions[]\” value=\”$t->id\” /></td>
    echo “</table>”;
    <p class=”submit”>
    <input type=”submit” name=”delete” value=”Delete Transactions” />
    <?php show_donate(); ?>
    <?php echo show_footer(); ?>

    Basic Options are defined here

    @package MyAdManger
    function myadmanager_options_page() {
    global $wpdb;
    $ads = new myAds();
    // variables for the field and option names
    $hidden_field_name_form1 = ‘mt_submit_hidden1’;

    // Read in existing option value from database
    $ads_v = $ads->getRegionOption(“ad_v”);
    $ads_h = $ads->getRegionOption(“ad_h”);
    $e_margin = $ads->getRegionOption(“margin”);
    $e_margin_array = explode(‘,’,$e_margin);
    $paypal_add = get_option(“myadmanager_paypal_add”);
    $paypal_return_page = get_option(“myadmanager_paypal_return_page”);
    $cost_week = get_option(“myadmanager_cost_week”);
    $cost_month = get_option(“myadmanager_cost_month”);
    $name_week = get_option(“myadmanager_name_week”);
    $name_month = get_option(“myadmanager_name_month”);
    $paypal_enable = get_option(“myadmanager_paypal_enable”);
    $week_option = get_option(“myadmanager_week_enable”);
    $paypal_email_msg = get_option(“myadmanager_paypal_email_msg”);

    // See if the user has posted us some information
    // If they did, this hidden field will be set to ‘Y’
    if( $_POST[ $hidden_field_name_form1 ] == ‘Y’ ) {
    // Read their posted value

    $paypal_enable = $_POST[‘paypal_enable’];
    $week_option = $_POST[‘week_option’];
    $ads_h = $_POST[“ads_h”];
    $ads_v = $_POST[“ads_v”];
    $e_margin = $_POST[“e_margin”];
    $e_margin_array = explode(‘,’,$e_margin);

    $cost_month = $_POST[‘cost_month’];
    $name_month = $_POST[‘name_month’];

    // Save the posted value in the database

    if ($paypal_enable != “checked” || get_option(“myadmanager_paypal_enable”) == “checked”) {
    if ($paypal_enable == “checked”) {
    $paypal_add = $_POST[‘paypal_add’];
    $paypal_return_page = $_POST[‘paypal_return_page’];
    $paypal_email_msg= $_POST[‘paypal_email_msg’];

    if ($week_option != “checked” || get_option(“myadmanager_week_enable”) == “checked”) {
    if ($week_option == “checked”) {
    $name_week = $_POST[‘name_week’];
    $cost_week = $_POST[‘cost_week’];


    <div class=”updated”><p><?php _e(‘Settings Updated.’, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?></p></div>
    echo ‘<div class=”wrap”>’;

    <form name=”form1″ method=”post” action=”<?php echo str_replace( ‘%7E’, ‘~’, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]); ?>”>
    <input type=”hidden” name=”<?php echo $hidden_field_name_form1; ?>” value=”Y”>
    <?php echo “<h2>” . __( ‘Primary Settings’, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ) . “</h2>”; ?>
    <table class=”form-table”>
    <tr><th scope=”row” width=”15%”><?php _e(“No of Horizontal Ads :”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    <input type=”text” name=”ads_h” value=”<?php echo $ads_h; ?>” size=”5″>
    How many ads to display horizontally</td>
    <tr><th scope=”row”>
    <?php _e(“No of Vertical Ads :”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    <input type=”text” name=”ads_v” value=”<?php echo $ads_v; ?>” size=”5″>
    How many ads to display vertically</td>
    <tr><th scope=”row”>
    <?php _e(“Margin around Each AD :”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    <input type=”e_margin” name=”e_margin” value=”<?php echo $e_margin; ?>” size=”5″>
    Margin around Each AD. Eg: <?php echo $e_margin; ?> = <?php echo $e_margin_array[0]; ?>px top, <?php echo $e_margin_array[1]; ?>px right, <?php echo $e_margin_array[2]; ?>px bottom, <?php echo $e_margin_array[3]; ?>px left.</td>
    <tr><th scope=”row”>
    <?php _e(“Item Name for 1month :”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    <input type=”text” name=”name_month” value=”<?php echo $name_month; ?>” size=”20″>
    Enter the text, which will be displayed in your Buy AD form
    <tr><th scope=”row”>
    <?php _e(“Cost per AD for 1month :”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    $ <input type=”text” name=”cost_month” value=”<?php echo $cost_month; ?>” size=”5″>
    Enter the amount per ad for a period of 1 month.
    <tr><th scope=”row”><?php _e(“Enable 7day Payment Option :”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?></th><td>
    <input type=”checkbox” name=”week_option” value=”checked” <?php echo $week_option; ?>>
    If you enable this, you can sell your ads for a period of 7 days as well.
    <?php if($week_option == “checked”) { ?>
    <span style=”color:#259819″>7 Day Options are ENABLED
    <?php } else { echo ‘<span style=”color:#FF0000″>7 Day Options are DISABLED</span>’; } ?>
    <?php if($week_option == “checked”) { ?>
    <tr><th scope=”row”>
    <?php _e(“Item Name for 1week :”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    <input type=”text” name=”name_week” value=”<?php echo $name_week; ?>” size=”20″>
    Enter the text, which will be displayed in your Buy AD form.
    <tr><th scope=”row”>
    <?php _e(“Cost per AD for 1week :”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    $ <input type=”text” name=”cost_week” value=”<?php echo $cost_week; ?>” size=”5″>
    Enter the amount per ad for a period of 1 week.
    <?php } ?>

    <?php echo “<h2>” . __( ‘Buy AD form Settings’, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ) . “</h2>”; ?>
    <table class=”form-table”>
    <tr><th scope=”row”><?php _e(“Enable Paypal payment form :”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?></th><td>
    <input type=”checkbox” name=”paypal_enable” value=”checked” <?php echo $paypal_enable; ?>>
    If you enable this, MyAdManager will automatically manage your ads.
    New ads will be added automatically on realization of payment from PayPal.
    <?php if($paypal_enable == “checked”) { ?>
    <span style=”color:#259819″>Buy AD Form is ENABLED
    To include the Buy AD Form, just add [myadmanager_show_form] in any of your wordpress post or page.</span>
    <tr><th scope=”row” width=”15%”><?php _e(“Your Paypal email address:”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    <input type=”text” name=”paypal_add” value=”<?php echo $paypal_add; ?>” size=”20″>
    Enter your paypal email address where you wish to recieve payments.</td>
    <tr><th scope=”row” width=”15%”><?php _e(“Return Page after Successful Payment:”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    <input type=”text” name=”paypal_return_page” value=”<?php echo $paypal_return_page; ?>” size=”20″>
    This is where the customer will land on, after successful payment. If no page is specified here, a defaut Thank you message will be displayed.
    <?php if($paypal_return_page == “”) { ?>
    <span style=”color:#FF0000″>Currently, there is no return address specified, so the default Thank You message will be displayed on realization of successful payment from paypal.</span>
    <?php } else { ?>
    <span style=”color:#259819″>Customer will be redirected to <?php echo $paypal_return_page ?> after successful payment. </span>
    <?php } ?>
    <tr><th scope=”row” width=”15%”><?php _e(“Email Message to your Customer after Successful Payment:”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </th><td>
    <textarea name=”paypal_email_msg” cols=”60″ rows=”5″><?php echo $paypal_email_msg; ?></textarea>

    Enter the message you wish your customer to recieve when he has bought the ad.
    <?php } else { echo ‘<span style=”color:#FF0000″>Buy AD Form is DISABLED</span>’; } ?>
    <p class=”submit”>
    <input type=”submit” name=”Submit” value=”<?php _e(‘Update Options’, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ) ?>” />
    <?php show_donate(); ?>
    <?php echo show_footer(); ?>


    Ads are managed from this function.
    +Managing ads i.e Delete, Activate and De-Activate
    +Adding New Ads

    @package MyAdManger
    function myadmanager_manage_page() {

    //define globals
    $ads = new myAds();
    global $wpdb;

    $hidden_manage_form = ‘form_manage_ads’;

    if( $_POST[$hidden_manage_form] == ‘Y’ ) {

    if($_POST[‘Active’]) {
    foreach($_POST[‘ads’] as $i) {
    echo ‘<div class=”updated”><p>Activated</p></div>’;
    if($_POST[‘Inactive’]) {
    foreach($_POST[‘ads’] as $i) {
    echo ‘<div class=”updated”><p>De-Activated</p></div>’;

    if($_POST[‘Delete’]) {
    foreach($_POST[‘ads’] as $i) {
    echo ‘<div class=”updated” style=”color:red;”><p>Deleted</p></div>’;


    $hidden_manage_form_ad_add = ‘form_add_ads’;

    if( $_POST[$hidden_manage_form_ad_add] == ‘Y’ ) {

    $today = date(“Y-m-d”);
    $end = dateShift($today,$duration);

    if($type==1 && ((count($ads->getAds(1,”WHERE NOW()<end_date AND type=1 AND active=1″)))>=$ads->getRegionOption(“ad_total”)))
    echo ‘<div class=”updated” style=”color:red;”><p>You can`t Add more Ads outside, since your slots are full</p></div>’;
    else {
    $sql = “INSERT INTO “.$ads->myAds_table.” VALUES (NULL,’1′,’1′,’$ad_name’,’$ad_alt_text’,’$imagelink’,’$hyperlink’,’$today’,’$end’,’1′,’$type’);”;
    if($wpdb->query ( $sql ))
    echo ‘<div class=”updated”><p>Ad Added</p></div>’;
    echo ‘<div class=”updated” style=”color:red;”><p>Ad Not Added</p></div>’;

    echo “<div class=\”wrap\”><h2>” . __( ‘Manage Ads’, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ) . “</h2>”;

    <form name=”form_manage_form” method=”post” action=”<?php echo str_replace( ‘%7E’, ‘~’, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]); ?>”>
    <input type=”hidden” name=”<?php echo $hidden_manage_form; ?>” value=”Y”>

    <table width=”815″ class=”widefat”><thead><th scope=”col”>id</th><th scope=”col” >Ad Name</th><th scope=”col” width=”300″ >Link</th><th scope=”col” >Start date</th><th scope=”col” >End Date</th><th scope=”col”>Days Left</th><th scope=”col”>Active</th><th scope=”col”>Type of Ad</th><th scope=”col”>Actions</th></thead>
    $showadsarray = $ads->getAds(1,”ORDER BY type,id DESC”);
    if(count($showadsarray) == 0)
    echo “<tr><td colspan=\”8\” align=\”center\”>No Ads to Display</td></tr>”;
    else {
    foreach($showadsarray as $showads) {

    if($showads->type==0) {
    $type = “Home”;

    if($showads->type ==1) {
    $type = “Outside”;

    if($showads->active==0) {
    $style = ‘style=”background-color:#efefef;”‘;
    $active = “No”;

    if($showads->active ==1) {
    $style = ‘””‘;
    $active = “Yes”;

    $d = dateDiff(date(“Y-m-d”),$showads->end_date);
    echo “<tr id=$showads->id $style>
    <td>hyperlink\” rel=\”nofollow\”><img src=\”$showads->imagelink\” alt=\”$showads->ad_alt_text\” width=\”200\” height=\”175\”></td>
    <td><input type=\”checkbox\” name=\”ads[]\” id=\”ads[]\” value=\”$showads->id\” /></td>

    <p class=”submit”>
    <input type=”submit” name=”Delete” value=”Delete Ads” />
    <input type=”submit” name=”Active” value=”Activate Ads”/>
    <input type=”submit” name=”Inactive” value=”De-Activate Ads” />

    <h2><?php _e( ‘Add Ad’, ‘mt_trans_domain’ );?></h2>
    <form name=”form_manage_form” method=”post” action=”<?php echo str_replace( ‘%7E’, ‘~’, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]); ?>”>
    <input type=”hidden” name=”<?php echo $hidden_manage_form_ad_add; ?>” value=”Y”>
    <table class=”form-table”>
    <td width=”15%”><?php _e(“AD-Name:”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </td><td><input type=”text” name=”ad_name” value=”” size=”20″>
    Enter the advertisement name.</td>
    <td width=”15%”><?php _e(“ALT for AD-Image:”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </td><td><input type=”text” name=”ad_alt_text” value=”” size=”20″>
    Enter the image alt text.</td>
    <td><?php _e(“URL of AD-Image:”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </td><td><input type=”text” name=”imagelink” value=”https://&#8221; size=”20″>
    Enter the url to the image. The image has to be 200×175 px, if not it will be resized</td>
    <td><?php _e(“Target URL:”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </td><td><input type=”text” name=”hyperlink” value=”https://&#8221; size=”20″>
    Enter the link you want the image to point to.</td>
    <td><?php _e(“Duration:”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </td><td><select name=”duration”><option value=”7″>A week</option><option value=”30″>A Month</option></select>
    Select the duration for the ad to be active.
    Home Ads don`t have any duration, they will always be available whenever required.</td>
    <td><?php _e(“Type of Ad:”, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ); ?> </td><td><select name=”type”><option value=”0″>Home</option><option value=”1″>Outside</option></select>
    Enter the type of ad it is.
    Home : Your website’s own ads. Internal Ads.
    Outside : External Ads.</td>
    <p class=”submit”>
    <input type=”submit” name=”Submit” value=”<?php _e(‘Add Ad’, ‘mt_trans_domain’ ) ?>” />

    <?php show_donate(); ?>
    <?php echo show_footer(); ?>

    Displays ads in the template

    @package MyAdManger
    function myadmanager_show() {
    $ads = new myAds();

    $max = $ads->getRegionOption(“ad_total”);

    $adsarray = $ads->getAds(1,”WHERE NOW()<end_date AND type=1 AND active=1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT $max”);

    $limit = $max – count($adsarray);
    <!– MyAdManager Plugin Starts !–>
    <div class=”groupads” style=”width:800px;”>
    foreach( $adsarray as $ad ) {
    if($ad->ad_alt_text = “”)
    $ad->ad_alt_text = $ad->ad_name;

    echo “<div class=’myadmanager_ads’>hyperlink\” title=\”$ad->ad_alt_text\” rel=\”nofollow\”><img src=\”$ad->imagelink\” alt=\”$ad->ad_alt_text\” width=\”200\” height=\”175\”></div>”;

    $adsarray = $ads->getAds(1,”WHERE type=0 AND active=1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $limit”);
    foreach( $adsarray as $ad ) {
    echo “<div class=’myadmanager_ads’>hyperlink\” title=\”$ad->ad_alt_text\” rel=\”nofollow\”><img src=\”$ad->imagelink\” alt=\”$ad->ad_alt_text\” width=\”200\” height=\”175\”></div>”;
    } ?>
    <div align=”center”></div>
    <!– MyAdManager Plugin Ends !–>


    Adds the CSS file to the head section of the blog

    @package MyAdManger
    function myadmanager_add_css_styles() {
    $ads = new myAds();

    $margin = $ads->getRegionOption(“margin”);
    $margin_array = explode(‘,’,$margin);

    echo'<!– MyAdManager Header Starts !–>’;
    echo ‘<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”‘.WP_MYADMANAGER_URL.’/myadmanager.css” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />’;
    echo “<style type=\”text/css\”>
    .myadmanager_ads {float: left; height:200px; width:175px; margin:$margin_array[0]px $margin_array[1]px $margin_array[2]px $margin_array[3]px;}
    echo'<!– MyAdManager Header Ends !–>’;

    For creating tables in the database. Basic Installer

    @package MyAdManger
    function _install() {

    [myadmanager_show_form] will display the form in any page

    @package MyAdManger
    function myadmanager_show_form() {
    $ads = new myAds();
    return $ads->show_form();

    add_shortcode(‘myadmanager_show_form’, ‘myadmanager_show_form’);


    Thread Starter ketshi


    Oops, forgot to add my website.

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)