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  • Check each and every index.php in all of your themes, in addition to the index.php in your wordpress root directory.

    Make sure you tighten up permissions.

    wordpress 3.0
    gde 1.9.5 and beta 1.9.6

    Plugin not working without the short code –
    [gview file=”” force=1]

    The PPT PDF viewer plugin does not work either, so perhaps it a problem with the implementation of google docs viewer.

    ALSO – and this is a complaint I have with many plugins – why are the ‘shortcode’ rules difficult to locate? Why can’t the instructions on shortcode usage be included on the settings page? With multiple plugins installed, I can’t remember all the shortcodes I need, and it is time consuming and annoying to search for basic instructions. Part of this is a wordpress issue – it is silly to have every plugin list the (identical) installation instructions, but not have a consistent place to find usage instructions.

    A quick line or two on the settings page would be helpful!

    Cloudfront disabled on my install. Curl is current.

    root@domU-12-31-39-0C-10-95:~# apt-get install curl
    Reading package lists… Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information… Done
    curl is already the newest version.

    Very frustrating – I am using ec2 with Ubuntu 10-04 lts.
    Probably something inherently wrong with the plugin –
    28/64 pass/fail on user responses with wp3.0 – not a good sign.

    First issue (solved) is there is no meta box added to the page editor (posts only).
    That clears up some of the short code confusion. No where could I find the tag for nextgen galleries except by using the meta box in the post page.
    Simply: [gallery id="nextgen-8"] – shows gallery #8.

    Next issue – the defaults for many options is “true” or on – but the advanced box only gives the option to keep items on. Easy to generate the short code, then edit “true” to “false”.

    Defaults should be “false” or off unless box is checked or show what was selected in the superslider admin menu. Very helpful if parameters such as ken burns effect should be visible in the meta box

    Plugin works – not as smooth as nextgen with flash effects.
    I do want to say ‘thanks’ – this is a much needed plugin. With just a little clean up it could be “awesome” but for a new user operation and documentation is scattered and confusing.

    try wp-cycle
    simple, but with a nice set of options

    Great Idea
    But I am unable to get this to work.
    In general, there is no real documentation on short code usage, including nextGEN capabilities. The example is the only help I can find on short codes:

    [slideshow id=”12, 23, 34″ show_type=”flash” image_size=”medium” pop_size=”large” first=”3″ color=”#1b1b1b, #ffffff, #666666, #999999″ height=”330″ width=”480″ delay=”2400″ duration=”1200″ linked=”image” captions=”true” overlap=”true” thumbnails=”true” thumbsize=”minithumb” random=”true” loop=”true” loader=”true” controller=”true” center=”true” resize=”true” clear=”both” ]

    I can figure most of this out – but can’t get it to work with nextGen.

    Same issue – the ‘iPad effect’ requiring flash removal . . .

    The wp-cycle plugin works as a simple replacement, but each image needs to be uploaded by the plugin.
    Although superslider-show claims to be nextGEN compatible, I have not been able to get it to work, and the documentation is confusing and lacking.

    Another vote for a no-flash option in nextGen~

    You don’t have to ‘upload’ the files – but you will have to add them into galleries at their current location.

    Use “Import Image Folder” – just note that the folder must be under the root directory.

    I did an upgrade, and I don’t remember if the galleries were there (and empty) or I just recreated them using the exact names from a previous install. By keeping the gallery names the same, my slideshows popped up fine from the existing short code.

    I should add, continue with additional listings:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAlias *
    DocumentRoot /storage/www/wpinstall2
    etc . . .

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAlias *
    DocumentRoot /storage/www/anotherwpinstall
    etc . . .

    Yes, you can run multiple multi-site installs from a single IP. Actually, the IP addresses don’t matter and <VirtualHost *:80> works fine. (Works for me using apache2 on fedora, now using amazon ec2 with ubuntu LTS)

    You can also catch subdomains before they hit wordpress if you have a specific directory that isn’t a wordpress site. Use a separate VirtualHost listing before the wildcard listing.

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /storage/www/
    etc . . .

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAlias *
    etc . . .

    have you tried setting the Shadowbox image automation to off?
    Settings>Shadowbox>Automation>images – OFF

    Seems to work fine. Shadowbox will still work with images with the rel=shadowbox tag.

    This seems like a pretty basic issue – Nextgen does some cool stuff, but is restrictive.

    And don’t expect much help from these forums!

    I have a similar issue – lots of content outside my wordpress installation. Curious if you were able to solve the problem.

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